- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张效赤,(加拿大)韩松主编
- 出 版 社:成都:四川大学出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:756142664X
- 页数:258 页
Preface&By Todd Hansan 1
Opening remarks&By She Zhengsong 2
Opening remarks&By Cai Li 4
Opening remarks&By Myrrl Byler 7
Opening remarks&By Jian Guoru 9
Opening remarks&By Warren Harder 11
Keynote paper 13
Educating for Transformation through Cross-Cultural Exchanges:The Case of Goshen College's SST&By Keith Graber Miller,Ph.D. 15
Education in other countries 29
Teaching“individual traits”at Bluffton College&By Gao Xiaofu 31
A Study of Ebonics&By Kong Lingcui 35
Career Guidance in Middle Schools in the U.S.,Canada,Britain,France,Japan and Germany&By Li Huashu 40
Trends of Learning&Teaching in America In the 21st Century&By Lin Yurong,Tan Ruijuan 45
The Impulse to American Education&By Shuai Peitian 49
School Violence in the U.S&By Wu Ying 54
What We Should Learn from American Education&By Zeng Lingfu 58
On the Higher Education and International Exchange&By Zhang Xiaochi 62
Some Thoughts on Environmental Education&By Xu Yao,Chen Tao 66
Intercultural experiences 69
Intercultural Communication:Potential Problems and Solutions&By Bai Hua 71
Teaching English from an Intercultural Perspective&By Gu Tongqing 79
The Grand Book of the World:Education vs.Ethnocentrism&By Todd Hanson 82
Language,Thought and Culture&By Hu Yanping 88
“Bombs can't destroy the friendship bridge”&By Karen Larsen 90
New Cultural Trends in China&By Tang Ping 92
A Tentative Study on the Differences Between Chinese and American Cultures&By Tang Xiaoyun 98
A Few Thoughts on Cultural Exchange in an Age of Globalization&By K.Xiyi Yao 102
A Comparative Study of Two Aspects in American&Chinese Approaches to Teaching&By Yu Zuchen 106
Developing Tolerance in the TEFL Classroom&By Zou Weihua,Feng Yi 110
Teaching EFL in China 115
On Eclecticism in Foreign Language Teaching&By Chen Wencun 117
Teaching Macroprocess Reading Comprehension Skills&By Du Ping 123
Like a Star at Midnight&By Katie Graber 128
Using the Comprehensive Course to Foster Students'Comprehensive Abilities&By He Muying 130
An English Teaching Method—Segmentation&By Hu Hongyi 133
Learn from Class C&By Erica Jantzen 136
Translation as Interlingual and Intercultural Communication:An Appreciation of Classical Chinese Verses&By Jian Guoru 138
Pyramids and Pillars&By Lois Leuz 143
Reading:A Way to Develop Students'Ability of Thinking&By Li Xueshu 145
Stories,Worldviews,and Culture Teaching&By Brian Lim 149
Some Problems in the Commercial English Major Self-study Course and Their Solutions&By Liu Changying,Sun Hongbo 154
Organizing Learning Activities in an Intensive Reading Class&By Luo Xianfeng 159
How to Be a Good College English Teacher&By Sun Qing 162
A New Approach to Learning by Doing:Teaching Computer English Using English Operating Systems&Software&By Xia Kangming 166
Task-based Learning and Foreign Language Teaching&By Xie Xiajun 169
On Teaching Strategy Training in the Advanced English Listening Course&By Xu Xiaoqin 173
Crucial Points on Classroom Extensive Reading&By Yu Meigen 179
On the Use of Examples in Intensive Reading&By Zhang Cha 183
About English Writing:How to Describe the Statistical Figures&By Zheng Xiaochun 191
Reflections on Foreign Language Teaching and Testing in China in the 21st Century&By Zhou Sheng 195
Developing Communicative Competence 201
Learner-Centered Teaching in the Speaking Class&By Li Hua 203
Developing Students'Oral Communicative Competence&By Wang Fenglin 208
On the Communicative Method in English Teaching&By Wang Jinxian 212
The Communicative Approach to Foreign Language Learning&By Huang Guiping 217
Communicative Competence:Approach and Teaching&By Wang Yang 222
Chinese Learners of English 225
Gardner's Socio-educational Model and FLL of Chinese Non-English Majors&By He Xiaoqun 227
Using Student Feedback to Guide College English Teaching&By Li Shunying 231
An Analysis of the Methods of Efficient English Learners&the Building of Strategic Techniques in Teaching&By Yun Hong 235
A Tentative Study of Pragmatic Failure among EFL Students in China&By Bai Hua,Zhao Pingjing 239
Language in Learning&By Tian Liming 246
Some Thoughts on the Teaching of Intensive Reading&By Li Gang 249
Pragmatics&Communicative Competence of Foreign Language&By Zhang Yong 254
Closing remark&By She Zhengsong 258
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