- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:赵祥凤,张荣升,刘艳辉主编
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:黑龙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787811296792
- 页数:342 页
Chapter 1 Colonial and Revolutionary Period 1
Lecture 1 Benjamin Franklin and The Autobiography 3
Chapter 2 Age of Romanticism 13
Lecture 2 Washington Irving and The Sketch Book 17
Lecture 3 Nathanial Hawthorne and The Scarlet Letter 28
Lecture 4 Walt Whitman and Leaves of Grass 38
Lecture 5 Edgar Allen Poe and The Raven 44
Chapter 3 Age of Transcendentalism 52
Lecture 6 Ralph Waldo Emerson and Nature 56
Chapter 4 Age of Realism 64
Lecture 7 Local Colorism and Mark Twain 66
Chapter 5 Age of Naturalism 75
Lecture 8 Theodore Dreiser and Sister Carrie 77
Chapter 6 Modern Poetry 88
Lecture 9 Imagism and Ezra Pound 90
Lecture 10 T.S.Eliot and The Waste Land 94
Chapter 7 Modern Novels 106
Lecture 11 Jazz Age and F.Scott Fitzgerald 108
Lecture 12 Lost Generation and Ernest Hemingway 122
Lecture 13 Southern Renaissance and William Faulkner 131
Lecture 14 Depression Writers and John Steinbeck 144
Chapter 8 Modern Dramas 152
Lecture 15 Eugene Gladstone O'Neill and Long Day's Journey into the Night 153
Lecture 16 Arthur Miller and The Death of a Salesman 164
Lecture 17 Tennessee Williams and A Streetcar Named Desire 173
Chapter 9 Contemporary Novels 189
Lecture 18 Beat Generation and Jack Kerouac 190
Lecture 19 J.D.Salinger and The Catcher in the Rye 199
Lecture 20 Black Humor and Joseph Heller 209
Lecture 21 Kurt Vonnegut and Slaughterhouse-Five 221
Lecture 22 Ken Kesey and One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 232
Lecture 23 Donald Barthelme and Meta-fiction 241
Chapter 10 Contemporary Dramas 253
Lecture 24 Theatre of Absurd and Edward Albee 254
Chapter 11 Contemporary Poetry 272
Lecture 25 Confessional School and Sylvia Plath 273
Chapter 12 Jewish American Writers 280
Lecture 26 Saul Bellow and Herzog 280
Chapter 13 African American Literature 291
Lecture 27 Ralph Ellison and Invisible Man 293
Lecture 28 Toni Morrison and Beloved 304
Chapter 14 Chinese American Literature 316
Lecture 29 Maxine Hong Kingston and The Woman Warrior 317
Lecture 30 Amy Tan and The Joy Luck Club 327
Appendix Glossary of Literary Terms 340
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