中国学习者语料库中的动品组合研究 认知语言学视角PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:管博著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787313095268
- 页数:291 页
Part Ⅰ Introduction 1
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Rationale for the study 1
1 2 Aims of the study 3
1.3 Organization of the book 4
Part Ⅱ Literature Review 6
Chapter 2 Word Combinations 6
2.1 Dimensions to word combinations 6
2.1.1 Form-meaning composites 7
2.1.2 Lexico-grammatical units 8
2.1.3 Form-function composites 11
2.1.4 Prefabs 13
2.2 SLA research on word combinations 18
2.2.1 Studies on learners'knowledge and use of idioms and collocations 18
2.2.2 Studies on learner-language prefabs 28
2.3 The need for the present study 33
2.3.1 Lack of research on L1-related dimensions to word combinations 33
2.3.2 Motivations for a cognitive linguistic perspective on analysis of L1-L2 differences in word combinations 36
2.3.3 Why VPCs 37
Chapter 3 Verb-Particle Combinations 39
3.1 VPCs—A theoretical review 39
3.2 Delineating verb-particle combinations 41
3.3 Previous SLA research on VPCs 44
3.4 The present study 50
Part Ⅲ Theoretical Exploration—Chinese-English Differences in Representation of Macro-events 52
Chapter 4 VPCs and Cross-linguistic Differences in Representation of Macro-event—A Cognitive Linguistic Perspective 52
4.1 The fundamentals of cognitive linguistics 54
4.1.1 Embodied mind 55
4.1.2 Conceptual metaphor 58
4.2 Influence of conceptualization on language and language use 64
4.2.1 Experience,conceptualization of the world and language 65
4.2.2 The influence of conceptualization on language use 69
4.2.3 Cross-linguistic differences as manifestation of conceptualization disparity 76
4.3 Conceptualization and word combinations 79
4.4 Conceptualization,cross-linguistic differences in representation of macro-events and VPCs 80
4.4.1 Macro-events 81
4.4.2 Salience difference in conceptualization,lexicalization patterns of framing events and VPCs 88
4.4.3 Linguistic representation of image schemas underlying macro-events and particle polysemy 96
4.4.4 A framework for cross-linguistic comparison in representation of macro-events 114
Chapter 5 Chinese-English Differences in Representation of Macro-events 116
5.1 Overall typological patterns of English and Chinese 116
5.2 Chinese-English differences in lexicalization patterns of specific types of events 119
5.2.1 Motion 119
5.2.2 Temporal contouring 121
5.2.3 Change of state 125
5.2.4 Realization 127
5.3 Contrasting corresponding satellites in English and Chinese:Differences in elaborations and mappings of image schemas 133
5.3.1 Rationale for selection of the 5 particles for the present study 134
5.3.2 Cognitive semantic analysis of 5 English particles in VPCs:Image schemas and senses 135
5.3.3 English particles and their Chinese counterparts 157
5.4 Summary 178
Part Ⅳ Empirical Exploration—The Influence of Chinese-English Differences in Representation of Macro-events on Chinese EFL Learners'Use of VPCs 182
Chapter 6 Research Design 182
6.1 Research questions 183
6.2 Research methodology 185
6.2.1 Methodologies taken by previous studies 185
6.2.2 Methodologies taken by the present study 187
6.3 Corpora employed in the present study 192
6.3.1 Learner Corpus 192
6.3.2 English corpora of native speakers 193
6.3.3 Comparability,limitation of the chosen corpora and the solution 193
6.4 Procedure 195
6.4.1 VPCs identification 195
6.4.2 Coding 197
6.4.3 Statistics 198
6.4.4 Error analysis 199
Chapter 7 Results and Analysis 200
7.1 Counts of VPCs 200
7.2 Chinese learners'use of VPCs and Chinese-English congruence in conceptualization 203
7.2.1 Results of between-group comparisons for the use of VPCs as a whole 204
7.2.2 Results of between-group comparisons for the use of VPCs with each particle 209
7.3 Analysis of the statistical results 215
7.3.1 Influence of Chinese-English differences on learners'use of VPCs 215
7.3.2 Chinese learners'developmental features in the use of VPCs 221
7.4 Error analysis 223
7.4.1 VPC errors 223
7.4.2 Mother tongue influence and VPC errors 228
7.4.3 Erroneous uses of the particles as verbs 236
Part Ⅴ Conclusion 239
Chapter 8 Conclusions and Implications 239
8.1 Summary of the findings 239
8.2 Implications 242
8.2.1 Pedagogical implications 242
8.2.2 Theoretical implications 245
8.2.3 Methodological implications 245
8.3 Limitations and directions for future research 245
Appendices 248
References 278
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