成都调查 Innovation in China:The Chengdu Triangle 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)奈斯比特(Naisbitt J.),(奥)奈斯比特(Naisbitt,D.)著
- 出 版 社:北京:中华工商联合出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:7515801735
- 页数:209 页
Chapter 1 The Chengdu Triangle 1
China's position on urban-rural integration 2
Innovation in urban-rural integration 5
A look back in history 6
Chengdu,the leader in rural urban integration in China 9
Economic development:A modern inland city in China with urban and rural Coordination 11
Chapter 2 Creating a Nourishing Business Environment 13
Money,like talent,goes to where it is well treated 14
At your innovative service:The mayor's quarterly meetings 16
Why the world's biggest shipping company locates in Chengdu 18
The choice of more than 200 of the Fortune 500 companies 22
Filling the talent gap——fight for global leaders 26
Multiple options for talented people 28
Half of the world's computer chips now come from Chengdu 29
The missing ingredient:senior management and global leaders. 34
A $100 billion investment finds a home 38
Singapore believes Chengdu is the best partner for combining modern manufacturing and leisure lifestyle 40
Innovation clustering 42
Chengdu's 13 innovation clusters 44
Citibank and Wal-mart 48
Citibank 48
Wal-mart 50
Riding the new industry waves 53
Competing from the same starting point 55
Strategic corporate and academic alliances——an innovative organization model 56
Chengdu is an alternative energy workshop,a world leader 59
EU projects innovation center 61
Creative culture industry 63
Chengdu's software industry breaks RMB 100 billion revenue mark 65
Chengdu's innovation model——three pillars 69
Foreign nationals in Chengdu 72
The power of Chengdu's development process 74
Chapter 3 Urban-Rural Integration 77
From underp rivileged to equal opportunities 80
Chengdu's social economic challenge 83
History and character of Hukou 83
Going to the next level 85
The Chengdu model of household registration reform 86
Free migration of rural population 87
No reform without reforming property rights 89
Property ownership reform in Shengping Town 90
Overcomplicated and inefficient ownership system 93
The Tangying model 95
Guaranteeing farmers the rights of land use and disposal 96
Inner and outer beauty 98
Migrant workers 101
A city of immigrants 102
The symbiosis of migrant workers and urban areas 103
Leveraging an underutilized talent pool 106
Nourishing the entrepreneurial gene 107
The housing challenge 108
The transformation of shabby villages 110
Turning a tragedy into an opportunity 112
Health care 114
Medical services 115
All farmers covered 117
Atthe bottom ofthe pyramid 119
The 4-2-1 problem 120
Volunteering 122
Urban-rural integration is ultimately about spirit 125
Chapter 4 Grassroots Democracy 127
Democratization the Chinese way 128
The backbone of China's democratization process 132
The Village Council:An innovative institution of representative democracy 136
Solving problems through grassroots democracy 139
Reform and opening up raise to the next level 140
Rural planners 143
Innovation in grassroots democracy 146
Combining the efficiency of autocracy with the participation of democracy 149
Communication in all levels 150
From a ruling mindset to a servicing mindset 152
The people behind the transformation of villages 154
The Chengdu Triangle is maturing China's democratization process 156
Chapter 5 Garden City 159
"Garden City" 161
Cuisine culture 164
Contributions to world culture 165
Shopping in Chengdu 168
High speed in high quality 170
Natural gas in green car city 171
Chengdu's public transportation has already made a huge step into a"green future." 172
Education:a number one economic priority 173
Chengdu Shishi High School leads and runs Pengzhou Baima High School 177
Famous schools in Chengdu lead and run schools in the earthquake-hit areas 180
Learning from cradle to grave 181
Chengdu Education Groups 182
The Evergreens Project 184
Distant Learning 185
Higher Education 186
Artists and poets 187
China's most famous brands 190
Winshare Museum 191
Religion and spiritualism 193
Sports 195
2020 innovation City 197
Afterword 205
China 2020 205
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