新世纪高等院校英语专业本科生教材(十二五)口译教程 教师用书PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:雷天放,陈菁主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海外语教育出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:7544631907
- 页数:192 页
Lesson 1 Getting the message through listening 1
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 1
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 2
Ⅲ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 3
1.3 美国副总统复旦演讲 3
1.4 Speech by Ambassador Wang Guangya at Princeton University 3
1.5 新工厂落成典礼的讲话 4
Lesson 2 Logicalanalysis 6
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 6
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 7
Ⅲ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 7
2.3 大提琴家马友友 7
2.4 CNN interview with Jet Li 8
2.5 实时信息传递狂潮 9
Lesson 3 Memory in interpreting 11
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 11
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 12
Ⅲ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 12
3.3 史蒂夫·福布斯谈《福布斯》 12
3.4 Introduction to an arts and crafts company 13
3.5 财富500强 14
Lesson 4 Improving memory efficiency 15
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 15
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 16
Ⅲ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 16
4.3 西敏斯特大学介绍 16
4.4 Preserve core values of the Lunar New Year 17
4.5 中英教育交流 18
Lesson 5 Feature and layout of the interpreter's notes 20
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 20
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 21
Ⅲ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 22
5.3 Premier Wen's Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the 15th General Assembly Session of the World Tourism Organization 22
5.4 世界旅游组织简介 24
5.5 现代化与文化遗产的保护 25
Lesson 6 Professional interpreter's notes system 28
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 28
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 29
Ⅲ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 29
6.3 健康饮食习惯应该从小抓起 29
6.4 国际烟草控制公约 30
6.5 HIV/AIDS disease prevention 31
Lesson 7 Coping tactics in comprehension 33
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 33
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 34
Ⅲ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 34
7.3 极限运动 34
7.4 罗格在雅典奥运会上的致辞 35
7.5 The Olympic flame illuminates Beijing 36
Lesson 8 Public speaking Ⅰ—vocal rendering 39
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 39
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 40
Ⅲ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 41
8.3 Premier Wen on China's political reform 41
8.4 《华盛顿邮报》总编谈中国 44
8.5 与中国的理智关系——霍华德欢迎胡锦涛访问澳大利亚联邦议会 45
Lesson 9 Public speaking Ⅱ—body language 46
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 46
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 47
Ⅲ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 48
9.3 Multivariate family planning policy in China 48
9.4 发达国家的人口老龄化 49
9.5 联合国驻华协调代表谈中国的家庭与人口 50
Lesson 10 Problem areas in interpreting figures 52
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 52
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 53
Ⅲ.Reference translations for texts in skills practice 53
10.1 Interpret the following English figures 53
10.2 Interpret the following Chinese figures 54
Ⅳ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 54
10.3 中国与欧盟的关系 54
10.4 中国与东盟的关系 55
10.5 Diplomatic work for the people 57
Lesson 11 More on interpreting figures 59
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 59
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 60
Ⅲ.Reference translations for texts in skills practice 60
11.1 Sentence interpreting 60
11.2 Graph interpreting 61
Ⅳ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 61
11.3 倾销与反倾销 61
11.4 ABC of the WTO 62
11.5 Speech by President Hu Jintao at the opening ceremony of the 2005 FORTUNE Global Forum in Beijing 64
Lesson 12 Fidelity in interpreting 67
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 67
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 68
Ⅲ.Reference translations for texts in skills practice 68
12.1 Losing weight 68
12.2 仁者见仁 69
Ⅳ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 70
12.3 新款手机推介 70
12.4 Nanotechnology 71
12.5 “.biz”的光明未来 72
Lesson 13 Reconstruction skills 75
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 75
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 76
Ⅲ.Reference translations for texts in skills practice 76
13.1 Forgreater development 76
13.2 廉价咖啡使环境遭殃 77
Ⅳ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 77
13.3 The Indian Ocean Tsunami 77
13.4 绿化我们的生活 79
13.5 Dialogue on environmental protection 80
Lesson 14 Coping tactics in reformulation 83
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 83
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 84
Ⅲ.Reference translations for texts in skills practice 84
14.1 英国在沪投资 84
14.2 Opening address at the 4th China Hi-Tech Fair 85
Ⅳ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 86
14.3 Speech at the Forum on Revitalizing the Old Industrial Bases in Northeast China 86
14.4 西部经贸洽谈会开幕式致辞 88
14.5 “中国西部人力资源开发国际研讨会”开幕词 89
Lesson 15 Discourse analysis and comprehension in interpreting 91
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 91
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 92
Ⅲ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 93
15.3 China's foreign trade registers a good beginning for the new year 93
15.4 世贸组织不会消除就业机会、也不会扩大贫富差距 94
15.5 贸易与环境:找到平衡点 96
Lesson 16 Discourse analysis and reproduction in interpreting 99
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 99
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 100
Ⅲ.Reference translations for texts in skills practice 101
16.1 人的因素第一 101
16.2 On the issue of talented personnel 101
Ⅳ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 102
16.3 建立合资企业的谈判 102
16.4 危害分析和节点控制体系 104
16.5 China's policy direction for absorbing foreign investment 106
Lesson 17 Interpreter's awareness of and competence for cross-cultural communication 108
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 108
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 109
Ⅲ.Reference translations for texts in skills practice 110
17.1 新一代的中国问题专家 110
17.2 世界的文化类型 110
Ⅳ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 111
17.3 Tourism investment projects in Xiamen 111
17.4 SSS反腐蚀技术公司在中国寻求合作 112
17.5 阿古斯特韦斯特兰公司简介 114
Lesson 18 Enhancement of interpreter's language abilities 115
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 115
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 116
Ⅲ.Reference translations for texts in skills practice 117
18.1 印象派画家 117
18.2 嘻哈乐的起源 117
Ⅳ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 118
18.3 三星电子与移动电话 118
18.4 戴尔公司在亚太地区的业务经营 119
18.5 A short profile of the Erdos Group 120
Lesson 19 Acquisition of extralinguistic knowledge 122
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 122
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 123
Ⅲ.Reference translations for texts in skills practice 124
19.1 珊瑚礁的真实情况 124
19.2 太阳能 124
Ⅳ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 125
19.3 什么是法律? 125
19.4 In-court questioning 126
19.5 法律之路 127
Lesson 20 Application of sight translation and skills 130
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 130
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 131
Ⅲ.Reference translations for texts in skills practice 132
20.1 别太乐观 132
20.2 Regional economic integrity of East Asia 132
Ⅳ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 132
20.3 中国现阶段不应使其货币升值 132
20.4 Strengthen China-EU cooperation in the fields of economic cooperation and trade and financial cooperation 133
20.5 美国的跨国公司将其大部分就业机会留在了美国国内 135
Lesson 21 Interpreter's professional code of ethics 137
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 137
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 138
Ⅲ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 138
21.1 黑客攻击Mac OS X操作系统 138
21.2 Significance of implementation of the moon exploration program for the development of China's science,technology and economy 139
21.3 胚胎干细胞研究 141
Lesson 22 Multi-tasking 143
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 143
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 144
Ⅲ.Comments on skills practice 145
Lesson 23 Linearity 147
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 147
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 148
Ⅲ.Reference translations for texts in skills practice 148
Ⅳ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 150
23.1 伊利诺斯大学校长的开场讲话 150
23.2 Speech at the opening ceremony of the 2004 Sino-European Economic Forum 152
23.3 我在中国的生活 155
Lesson 24 Anticipation and information retention 157
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 157
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 158
Ⅲ.Reference translations for texts in skills practice 158
Ⅳ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 160
24.1 网吧 160
24.2 Speech at the 93rd anniversary of Tsinghua University 161
24.3 布什总统欢迎中国总理访问白宫 162
Lesson 25 Sight interpreting 165
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 165
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 166
Ⅲ.Reference translations for texts in skills practice 166
25.1 The role Chinese chambers of commerce play in promoting economic development 166
25.2 联合利华主席Niall FitzGerald在WTO研讨会上的发言 169
Ⅳ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 171
25.3 Speech by Qian Qichen at the High-level Visionary Panel on the Asia-Pacific 2020 171
25.4 比尔·盖茨在上诉法院宣布判决后发表的讲话 174
Lesson 26 Simultaneous interpreting with PowerPoint slides 176
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 176
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 177
Ⅲ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 177
26.3 Promote the competitiveness of SMEs 178
26.4 欧盟亚洲联系计划介绍 180
Lesson 27 Coping tactics in simultaneous interpreting 183
Ⅰ.Overview of the lesson 183
Ⅱ.Teaching suggestions 184
Ⅲ.Reference translations for texts in skills practice 184
27.1 约翰·邦德在“中国发展论坛”上发表的演说 184
27.2 Speech at the“Dalian-Northeast Asia Forum on Important International Shipping Centres” 185
Ⅳ.Comments on&reference translations for interpreting texts 187
27.3 Strengthen international cooperation and promote common prosperity 187
27.4 卡莉·菲奥莉娜在清华大学发表的演讲 190
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