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翻译人才培养的全球视野  国际大学翻译学院联合会2011年会论文集
翻译人才培养的全球视野  国际大学翻译学院联合会2011年会论文集

翻译人才培养的全球视野 国际大学翻译学院联合会2011年会论文集PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(瑞士)汉娜·李艳绮(Hannelore Lee-Jahnke),(德)马丁·傅斯恩(Martin Forstner),王立弟主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:9787513521505
  • 页数:222 页
《翻译人才培养的全球视野 国际大学翻译学院联合会2011年会论文集》目录

Global Strategic Partnership Policy and Its Effect on the Translation and Interpreting Industry and Professional Organizations—the United Nations Model&Shaaban M.Shaaban 1

Translators as Experts for International Communication in Specialized Fields&Wolfram Baur 7

Undoing and Redoing Language Planning and Translation Policy&Alex Krouglov 16

Training in and for Different Cultures: The Case of Macedonia&Silvana Simoska 27

Economy of Community Interpreting in the ROK&Joongchol Kwak 37

A More Inclusive Model of Translator and Interpreter Training&Lidi Wang 55

On Developing the Practical Ability of College Translation/Interpreting Majors&Wen Zhang 66

翻译能力发展的阶段性及其孝学法研究&刘和平 72

Training of Trainers for Translation and Interpreting in China&Changqi Huang 95

Translation and Interpretation Competency Examinations in Taiwan: Since 2007&Sharon Tzu-yun Lai 101

口译教师组织课堂评估情况研究&高渝 111

翻译专业法语高起点学生视听说教学模式研究&许明 120

应用型翻译人才培养模式创新初探&王炎强 132

An Analytic Study of GSTI-BFSU Students’ Master Thesis Topics and 139

Correlations with Curriculum Development&Ying Liang 139

翻译行业对职业译员素质与技能的要求——基于对翻译企业员工现状和未来需求的问卷调查&杨冬敏 邹兵 穆雷 149

翻译专业硕士专业发展现状——以北京外国语大学为例&周明 160

An Empirical Study of Learning Anxieties Amongst Chinese Learners of Interpreting&Bin Yao, Yaqin Zhu 167

同声传译专业硕士研究生学习动机调查&王永秋 178

Translators as Mind Readers Translation and ToM&Annegret Sturm 184

Controlling the Narrative: How Top-notch Translations Can Help Clients Master Their Market&Chris Durban 195

网络信息模块化与应用型翻译人才培养研究&叶湘 崔启亮 刘西锋 202

English Abstract 215
