挑战传统 英语语法教学中的语言任务设计研究 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:喻红编著
- 出 版 社:成都:四川大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787561465325
- 页数:232 页
Unit 1 Why Focusing on Grammar 1
1.What is'grammar'? 1
1.1 Prescriptive grammar 1
1.2 Descriptive grammar 7
1.3 Differences between prescriptive and descriptive grammar 10
2. Why is it important for a second language learner to learn grammar? 17
2.1 Grammar is an integral part of a language 17
2.2 Grammar is a vital tool to achieve effective communication 19
2.3 Grammar remains a difficult object of learning for countless schoolchildren 22
Unit 2 How Do Second Language Learners Acquire Grammar 23
1.Idealized grammar vs. detailed grammar 23
2.The grammar on grammar books and in real-life language use 27
3.How do second language learners acquire grammar? 29
Unit 3 Introduction to Major Approaches to Grammar Teaching 47
1.Major approaches to grammar teaching 47
2.Teach grammar with a priority of Focus on FormS(FoFS) 58
3.Teach grammar with a priority of'Focus on Meaning'(FoM) 65
4.Teach grammar with a priority of'Focus on Form'(FoF) 71
Unit 4 Defining Tasks and Task Types 79
1.Defining a'task' 79
2.Task-based approach in second language teaching and learning 98
3.Task design features 110
4.Task implementation variables 112
Unit 5 Analyzing Activities in Second Language Grammar Teaching 120
1.Activities with a priority of Focus on FormS(FoFS) 120
1.1 'Noticing'activities 124
1.2 'Structuring'activities 130
2.Activities with a priority of Focus on Meaning(FoM) 145
3.Activities with a priority of Focus on Form(FoF) 155
3.1 Input-based activities 157
3.1.1 Listening activity 157
3.1.2 Reading activity 158
3.1.3 Dictogloss tasks 160
3.2 Output-based activities 163
3.2.1 Jigsaw tasks 163
3.2.2 Planning tasks 164
3.2.3 Reflection tasks 170 Editing tasks 170 Reformulation tasks 171
Unit 6 Writing ofTask Instructions 176
1.Teach adverbs 176
2.Teach conjunctives 179
3.Teach countable/uncountable nouns 181
4.Teach future tense 183
5.Teach'-ing'form ofverbs 186
6.Teach comparative and superlative of adjectives 188
7.Teach'Wh-'questions 190
8.Teach'there be'structure 192
9.Teach negative sentence 195
10.Teach imperatives 199
11.Teach past tense 201
12.Teach past progressive 204
13.Teach possessives 207
14.Teach modals 209
15.Teach passive voice 212
Bibliography 217
Appendix Ⅰ 225
Appendix Ⅱ 227
Appendix Ⅲ 230
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