经典美语 美国连任总统演说赏读 英汉对照 修订版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:肖福寿编著
- 出 版 社:上海:华东理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787562838197
- 页数:296 页
上篇 词与词汇量 2
1.词的概念 2
1.1词的定义 2
1.2词的特征 4
1.3词的种类 5
2.词的知识 7
2.1英文中的词 7
2.2掌握词的各种知识 7
3.词汇量及其测定 9
3.1一种词汇量计算的方法 9
3.2词汇的级别 9
3.3七套词汇量测试题 10
中篇 语篇层面的赏读 17
1.George Washington 17
1.1Second Inaugural Address of George Washington 17
1.2Quotes from the President 19
2.Thomas Jefferson 20
2.1Second Inaugural Address of Thomas Jefferson 20
2.2Quotes from the President 28
3.James Madison 30
3.1First Inaugural Address of James Madison 30
3.2Quotes from the President 35
4.James Monroe 37
4.1Second Inaugural Address of James Monroe 37
4.2Quotes from the President 49
5.Andrew Jackson 50
5.1First Inaugural Address of Andrew Jackson 50
5.2Quotes from the President 55
6.Abraham Lincoln 57
6.1Second Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln 57
6.2Quotes from the President 61
7.Ulysses S.Grant 62
7.1Second Inaugural Address of Ulysses S.Grant 62
7.2Quotes from the President 67
8.Stephen G.Cleveland 69
8.1The Special Session Message of Stephen Cleveland 69
8.2Quotes from the President 76
9.William McKinley 77
9.1First Inaugural Address of William McKinley 77
9.2Quotes from the President 89
10.Theodore Roosevelt 90
10.1Theodore Roosevelt’s Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech 90
10.2Quotes from the President 93
11.Woodrow Wilson 94
11.1Second Inaugural Address of Woodrow Wilson 94
11.2Quotes from the President 100
12.Calvin Coolidge 101
12.1Massachusetts Senate President Acceptance Speech by Calvin Coolidge 101
12.2Quotes from the President 105
13.Franklin D.Roosevelt 107
13.1Second Inaugural Address of Franklin D.Roosevelt 107
13.2Fourth Inaugural Address of Franklin D.Roosevelt 114
13.3The Four Freedoms 117
13.4Quotes from the President 126
14.Harry Truman 127
14.1Harry Truman’s Farewell Address 127
14.2Quotes from the President 129
15.Dwight D.Eisenhower 130
15.1First Inaugural Address of Dwight D.Eisenhower 130
15.2Quotes from the President 137
16.Lyndon Baines Johnson 139
16.1Lyndon Baines Johnson’s University of Michigan Commencement Address 139
16.2Quotes from the President 145
17.Richard M.Nixon 146
17.1Second Inaugural Address of Richard M.Nixon 146
17.2Quotes from the President 152
18.Ronald Reagan 154
18.1First Inaugural Address of Ronald Reagan 154
18.2Quotes from the President 162
19.William J.Clinton 163
19.1First Inaugural Address of William J.Clinton 163
19.2Quotes from the President 169
20.George W.Bush 170
20.1First Inaugural Address of George W.Bush 170
20.2Quotes from the President 176
21.Barack Obama 177
21.1Second Inaugural Address by Barack Obama 177
21.2Quotes from the President 184
下篇 词语经典用法 186
1.十三大名词的经典用法 186
1.1life的用法 186
1.2liberty的用法 189
1.3happiness的用法 191
1.4dignity的用法 193
1.5opportunity的用法 194
1.6equality的用法 196
1.7law的用法 198
1.8justice的用法 200
1.9education的用法 203
1.10democracy的用法 205
1.11honor的用法 207
1.12spirit的用法 210
1.13right的用法 212
2.十二大动词的经典用法 216
2.1thank的用法 216
2.2stand的用法 218
2.3show的用法 219
2.4speak的用法 220
2.5say的用法 222
2.6call的用法 224
2.7want的用法 226
2.8need的用法 227
2.9demand的用法 228
2.10require的用法 229
2.11ask的用法 231
2.12take的用法 233
3.八大形容词的经典用法 236
3.1grateful的用法 237
3.2humble的用法 237
3.3strong的用法 238
3.4great的用法 240
3.5high的用法 243
3.6powerful的用法 245
3.7faithful的用法 247
3.8true的用法 248
4.七大副词的经典用法 252
4.1now的用法 252
4.2today的用法 254
4.3then的用法 256
4.4never的用法 258
4.5always的用法 259
4.6again的用法 261
4.7yet的用法 262
5.四大代词的经典用法 264
5.1who的用法 264
5.2what的用法 267
5.3which的用法 269
5.4all的用法 270
6.三大连词的经典用法 273
6.1and的用法 273
6.2but的用法 276
6.3or的用法 278
7.三大介词的经典用法 281
7.1in的用法 281
7.2at的用法 286
7.3on的用法 288
Appendix:Key to“Quotes from the President” 292
References 296
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