水信息采集与处理 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:谢悦波主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国水利水电出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787508483351
- 页数:236 页
Chapter Ⅰ Hydrometric Stations 1
1.1 Hydrometric network design 1
1.1.1 Purpose of network design and classification of network 1
1.1.2 Principles for designing a base network 2
1.1.3 Hydrometric networks in some countries 4
1.2 Selection and reconnaissance of river reaches for hydrometric stations 5
1.2.1 Control of hydrometric stations 6
1.2.2 Selection of stream gauging reaches 7
1.2.3 Survey for the stream—gauging reaches 7
1.3 Establishment of hydrometric stations 8
1.3.1 Procedures of establishing gauging stations and stream gauging stations 8
1.3.2 Establishment of the cross section and the base line 8
Chapter Ⅱ Water Level 10
2.1 Outline 10
2.1.1 The base level 10
2.1.2 Water level or stage 11
2.2 Instruments for observing stages 15
2.2.1 Different types of gauges 15
2.2.2 Automatic recording systems 21
2.2.3 Stilling well 24
2.2.4 Accuracy of water level measurements 29
2.2.5 Presentation of results of water level measurements 30
2.2.6 International Standards 33
2.3 Processing of stage records 33
2.3.1 Checking the datum level and zero point of the gauge 33
2.3.2 Computation of mean daily stage 33
2.3.3 Interpolation of stage records 34
2.3.4 Plotting stage hydrographs 34
2.3.5 Making average daily hydrograph tables 34
2.3.6 Selection of stages for various durations 34
2.3.7 Inspecting the rationality of stage data 35
Chapter Ⅲ Discharge Measurement 36
3.1 Introduction 36
3.1.1 Purpose 36
3.1.2 Different methods of discharge measurements 36
3.2 Measurement of cross section 37
3.2.1 Introduction 37
3.2.2 Measurement of depth 38
3.2.3 Position of verticals 41
3.2.4 Data processing and computation 49
3.2.5 International standards 53
3.3 Velocity of flow 53
3.3.1 Pulsation of the velocity 53
3.3.2 Velocity distribution 53
3.3.3 Current meter 56
3.4 Current meter measurement and discharge computation 59
3.4.1 Theory 59
3.4.2 Arrangement of verticals and points for velocity measurement 59
3.4.3 Duration of measurement 63
3.4.4 Computation of discharge 64
3.5 Measurement of discharge by float method 69
3.5.1 Principle and method of measuring stream flow by a float 69
3.5.2 Float coefficient 70
3.5.3 Computation of discharge for surface float method 70
3.5.4 Computation of discharge from mean velocity by float method 71
3.5.5 Example of a subsurface float 71
3.6 Other methods of flow measurement 72
3.6.1 Dilution(tracer)method of flow measurement 72
3.6.2 Flow measuring structures 75
3.6.3 Measurement of discharge by ultrasonic wave method 94
3.6.4 Electromagnetic method 95
3.6.5 Flow measurement in hydroelectric station 95
3.6.6 Limited number of verticals(the h3/2 method) 96
3.6.7 Moving boat method 97
3.6.8 Slope area method 100
3.6.9 The Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler,ADCP 102
3.6.10 Remarks 107
3.7 Errors in measurement and computation of discharge 107
3.7.1 Errors in measuring discharge 107
3.7.2 Computational error of discharge 108
3.7.3 Analysis and estimation of the composite error 109
3.7.4 Error due to reduction 113
3.7.5 Accuracy of discharge measurements by velocity—area methods 114
3.7.6 Selection of methods 119
3.7.7 International Standards 121
Chapter Ⅳ Compilation of Stream Flow Data 122
4.1 Introduction 122
4.2 Stage discharge relation 122
4.2.1 Stage discharge relation in artificial channels 123
4.2.2 Stage discharge relation for natural streams 124
4.3 Stable stage discharge relation 128
4.3.1 Curve fitting for stable stage discharge relation 129
4.3.2 Other curves derived from the rating curve 133
4.3.3 Remarks 135
4.4 Stage discharge relation influenced by variable backwater 136
4.4.1 Equal fall method 137
4.4.2 Constant fall method 138
4.4.3 The choice of the auxiliary gauge to measure fall 138
4.5 Stage discharge relation influenced by rapidly changing stage 138
4.5.1 Loop curve method 143
4.5.2 Adjusting factor method 144
4.6 Influence of scour and silting of the river bed 145
4.6.1 Analysis of observed data 148
4.6.2 Temporary curve method 148
4.6.3 Adjusting stage method 150
4.7 Stage discharge relation under combined influences 150
4.7.1 Factor analysis 150
4.7.2 Method of connecting Z—Q points in chronological order 151
4.7.3 Method of connecting the observed hydrograph 152
4.8 Measurement by sluices and dams 152
4.8.1 Discharge formula for a free overfall weir 154
4.8.2 Submerged weir flow 155
4.9 Method for computing discharge through a hydroelectric hydropower station or a pumping station 156
4.9.1 Discharge computed by making use of a hydroelectric station 157
4.9.2 Discharge computed by making use of a pumping station 157
4.10 Extending the rating curve and interpolating the discharge 158
4.10.1 Extending Z—Q curve 158
4.10.2 Discharge interpolation 162
4.11 Calculation of average daily discharges and rational check of discharge data 162
4.11.1 Calculation of average daily discharges 162
4.11.2 Rational check(quality control)of discharge data 163
Chapter Ⅴ Sediment Observation and Sediment Data Compilation 166
5.1 Introduction 166
5.2 Basic concepts 168
5.2.1 Sediment yield 168
5.2.2 Classification of sediment transport 170
5.3 Observation of sediment 172
5.3.1 Instruments 173
5.3.2 Sampling and elaboration 179
5.4 Data compilation for suspended sedimentdischarge 189
5.4.1 Data collection 189
5.4.2 Study of observed suspended sediment discharge data 189
5.4.3 Method for deriving the average cross sectional silt content 189
5.4.4 Method for deriving means daily cross sectional sediment discharge and silt content 191
5.4.5 Rationality checks of the suspended sediment discharge and silt content 192
5.5 Sediment grain size analysis 193
5.5.1 Outline 193
5.5.2 Direct measurement method 195
5.5.3 The mean grain size 196
5.5.4 Grain size analysis in stilling water 198
5.6 International Standards 199
Chapter Ⅵ Groundwater Monitoring 200
6.1 Current situation and problem of groundwater resources development and utilization 200
6.1.1 Current situation of groundwater resources development and utilization 200
6.1.2 Groundwater overdraft cause serious ecological problems 202
6.2 The progress of groundwater monitoring 203
6.2.1 Groundwater monitoring status 203
6.2.2 Groundwater monitoring problems 206
6 3 Groundwater monitoring 207
6.3.1 Groundwater network planning and deployment 207
6.3.2 Groundwater information collect 210
6.3.3 Groundwater data processing (information integration) 212
Chapter Ⅶ Collection of Water Quality Information 215
7.1 Surface water sampling 215
7.1.1 Setting up the collecting sections,verticals and points 215
7.1.2 Sampling time and sampling frequency 217
7.1.3 Preparation for sampling 217
7.1.4 Sampling methods 218
7.2 Groundwater sampling 218
7.2.1 Setting up the sampling wells 218
7.2.2 Sampling time and frequency 219
7.2.3 Preparation for sampling 220
7.2.4 Sampling methods and requirements 220
7.3 The investigation for the sources of water body pollution 220
7.3.1 Definition 220
7.3.2 The main contents 221
7.3.3 The methods 222
7.3.4 Water pollution accident investigation 223
7.3.5 Transient water pollution monitoring 223
7.4 Processing and compiling the water quality data 225
7.4.1 Data recording and processing 225
7.4.2 The compilation of information 226
7.4.3 Preservation and requirements of information 228
Review and Question 229
参考文献 230
附录 232
附录A 232
附录B 234
附录C 235
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