民主的力量 中国共产党如何走向未来 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:林良旗主编;沈传亮等著;潘忠明,朱建延译
- 出 版 社:北京:五洲传播出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787508523712
- 页数:351 页
Democracy,as an ideological weapon against autocracy,paved the way for the birth of the Communist Party of China 2
Democratic expression of the Party's program and constitution lays theoretical foundation for the democratic construction of the Communist Party of China 12
"Left"line damages democracy and harms revolution,learning lessons and embracing democracy to save revolution 16
Shaping a new-type army with the democratic spirit 27
The"three-thirds system"gave rise to a new model of governance 33
The democratic style rmsed the profile of the Communist Party of China and attracted devotion to the revolution from a democratic youth 41
Consultation among various parties for China's revitalization 48
The ruling program of the CPC attracted many democratic groups that flocked secretly northward to gather around the CPC 60
Full democratic consultations were carried out towards establishing the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference(CPPCC) 70
Non-communist ministers with both position and power 82
Building a platform for people's democracy 95
Legislation and supervision show the power of democracy 104
The unique characteristics of the People's Congress System 114
The CPPCC ushered in a new era for multi-party cooperation 127
Institutionalized consultation among the parties 137
How democratic parties participate in and deliberate state and government affairs 149
Let ethnic groups be masters of their own affairs 164
Accelerated development in ethnic minority areas 174
Give sufficient room to religious freedom 179
Deng Xiaoping's three downfalls and uprises"reflect intraparty democracy 188
Realizing historical transition by means of democracy 198
Gradually improving the capability of decision-makers 207
Attaching importance to the development of decision-making systems 212
Attention is paid to involement of citizens in major decisions 216
Stressing the use of experts and decision-making procedures 221
Public opinion is the most important 227
Investigation is the heirloom of the CPC 234
Structuring channels to reflect public opinion 240
New media become new platforms for expressing public opinion 247
Village self-governance:democratic practice of farmers 253
Town and township governance reform 261
Resident self-governance and democratic management of enterprises and institutional organizations 268
Rising mass social organizations:grassroots democracy 277
Be rationally inclusive and allow contention 285
Allow advanced elements from other social classes to join the Party 291
Economic democracy and the end of the planned economy 299
Learn from the world and communicate with international parties 306
Intra-Party democracy is related to the survival of the Party. 312
The system for promotion and retirement of cadres 317
Guarantee rights and interests of the Party members 322
Open management of Party affairs 330
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