实验语用学理论与研究 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘思等著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国社会科学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787516105078
- 页数:287 页
Preface 1
Chapter 1 What Is Experimental Pragmatics 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Present Focused Issues in Pragmatics 3
1.3 Methodology of Experimental Pragmatics 10
1.4 Chief Research in Experimental Pragmatics 12
1.5 Conclusion 16
Chapter 2 Conversational Implicature, Explicature and Impliciture 23
2.1 Introduction 23
2.2 General Conversational Implicature (GCI) 24
2.3 Explicature Theory 26
2.4 Main Divergences between the Explicature and GCI 28
2.5 Impliciture Theory 29
2.6 Discussion 31
Chapter 3 Research Ⅰ:Processing of Classification and Rec-ognition of Chinese Speech Acts 38
3.1 Introduction 39
3.2 The Experimental Problems 45
3.3 Pilot Experiments 46
3.4 Experiments 53
3.5 Conclusion 72
Chapter 4 Research Ⅱ: Testing Metaphor Processing Model for Chinese Proverbs 81
4.1 Background 81
4.2 Rlated Research 88
4.3 Present Study 95
4.4 Results and Analyses 101
4.5 Discussions and Conclusion 105
Chapter 5 Three Approaches to Speech Acts 126
5.1 The Convention-Rule and Norm Based Tradition 126
5.2 The Intention-Inference Tradition 139
Chapter 6 Speaking Nonliterally and Indirectly 152
6.1 Nonliteral Speech Acts: Background and Current Issues 152
6.2 Indirect Speech Acts: Background and Current Issues 164
Chapter 7 Experimental Pragmatics: Indirect and Nonliteral Speech Acts 177
7.1 The Experimental Pragmatics of Indirect Speech Acts 178
7.2 The Experimental Pragmatics of Nonliteral Speech Acts 190
Chapter 8 Conversational Implicature and Conversational Impliciture 204
8.1 Origins of Conversational Implicature 204
8.2 Challenges to Grice and Conversational Impliciture 213
8.3 Understood Elements of Content 218
Chapter 9 Cognitive Science Research 223
9.1 Mind Design: the Computer Analogy 224
9.2 A Major Theoretical Principle: Modularity of Mind 225
9.3 A Second Major Issue: the Role of Consciousness in Mental Processing 229
Chapter 10 Processing Resources and Limitations 237
10.1 Language as a Complex of Mental Processes 238
10.2 Segmentation Problems 240
10.3 Word Retrieval and Syntax 244
10.4 Ambiguity Studies 245
Chapter 11 Core Problems in Comprehension Studies 249
11.1 Sentence Level Processes 249
11.2 Using the Neuroscience Side to Explore the Multi-systems Idea 257
11.3 Some Experimental Pragmatics 261
Chapter 12 Research Ⅲ: The Experimental Pragmatics of Implicature and impliciture 268
12.1 Experimental Pragmatics of Impliciture: Categorizing What is Said vs. What is Implicated 268
12.2 Experimental Pragmatics of Impliciture: Processing Models for What is Said vs. What is Implicated 272
12.3 Experimental Pragmatics of Impliciture: A Test Case with impliciture 275
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