第四届亚太地区水文水资源国际会议论文集 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:田富强,倪广恒主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中国水利水电出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:9787508471181
- 页数:427 页
Ⅰ Hydrological cycle & processes and their regional characteristics 1
Estimation of Evapotranspiration in Beijing using Modified SEBAL& Shuzhen JING, Guangheng NI, Zhentao CONG 3
Spatio-temporal distribution for infiltration rate over horizontal heterogeneous field&Xiang FU, Guangming TAN, Changming JI 9
Delineation and quantification of water interactions in the hyporheic zone& Yulong ZHU & Zongxue XU 14
Geostatistical analysis of hydraulic head spatial variability and its application to piezometer network design in Harat Aquifer, Yazd, Iran& M. R. Hashemi, M. J. Abedini 20
A Numerical Model of Soil Moisture Movement under Surface Drip Irrigation Condition&Long GA0 Fuqiang TIAN 26
Effects of agricultural activities on regional hydrology and model diagnosing:A case study at Upper Sangamon River basin&Dengfeng LIU, Fuqiang TIAN 31
Analyzing the prediction uncertainty of a distributed hydrological model based on DEM with different spatial resolutions&Mingliang LI, Dawen YANG 37
Historical development, applications and future study directions of WEP Yangwen JIA 42
Development of generalized interface software for hydrological models&Shigeru NAKAMURA & Srikantha. HERATH 51
Development of a groundwater flow simulation system base on RCP mode& Yuanyuan SHEN, Xiaohui LEI, Yu TIAN, Yunzhong JIANG 56
Relating the performances of three conceptual models with basin hydro-climatic conditions&Qiaoling LI, Hiroshi Ishidaira, Satish Bastola and Jun Magome 61
Prospects for discharge estimation through calibrating hydrological model against river width measured from satellites& Wenchao SUN, Hiroshi Ishidaira, Satish Bastola 68
Research of grid size issue on applying TOPMODEL in Chaohe catchment&Qinge LIU, Xiaohui LEI, Yu TIAN, Yunzhong JIANG, Jun XIA 74
The Method of Generating Virtual Drainage Basins and Geomorphic Quantities of the Basins& Eiichi NAKAKITA, Yuji SUGITANI & Shugo MATSUDA 80
Theories, methods and application to West China of DAMOS model&Xiaohui LEI, Jianshi ZHAO, Wei BAI, Yu TIAN, Yunzhong JIANG 86
Application of a distributed hydrological model to the AWCI demonstration river basins& Oliver Cristiansaavedra VALERIANO & Toshio KOIKE 92
Hydrologic Characterization of the Vembanad Wetlands of Kerala State& R. Gopakumar and Kaoru Takara 96
Dynamics of the aquifer system in the Southwest region of Bangladesh& MUKTARUN ISLAM 106
Ⅱ Flood, drought, pollution and water resources 115
Identification and evaluation of utilization benefit of regional flood resources&Shi guo XU, Feng FENG, Li jie DU, Bo WU 117
Development of integrated flood analysis model for urban area& Daikichi OGAWADA 125
Improvement of rainfall estimation algorithm using the latest C-band polarimetric radar& Eiichi NAKAKITA, Hidenobu TAKEHATA, Katsuhiro NAKAGAWA 129
Consideration of estimation method of precipitation data for numerical real-time flood forecasting&Kenichiro NAKANISHI, Kenji TANAKA, Daisuke KOMORI, Taikan OKI, Toshiharu KOJIRI 136
Characteristics of rainfall-radar reflectivity relationship over Lower Northern Thailand& Sarintip TANTANEE, Saman PRAKARNRAT 143
Preliminary study on optimizing operation of Three Gorges Reservoir during flood season&Steel ZHAO, Dawen YANG 149
Kinematic wave solution of circular channel flow for urban drainage&Maichun ZHOU, Tommy sai wai WONG, Yongtong GAO, Qihuan CAO 155
Aridification trend in the Zhangweinan River Basin, North China&Xitian CAI, Zongxue XU, Weidong YU 162
Assessing and mitigating meteorological drought in the subtropical Kandi(drought prone) region of Jammu& U.C. SHARMA And vikas SHARMA 167
Drought assessing scenario in bangladesh& Md. Mafizur RAHMAN, Kazi Shamima AKTER 173
Ⅲ Eco-hydrology, eco-hydraulics, and environmental issues 179
Analysis of the changes in the Lake Poyang's Wetland from 2000 to 2007& Wei GONG, Yonghong YI, Dawen YANG 181
Characteristics of the exposed period length of Dongting Lake beach and the impact of Three-Gorge project&Daqing LIU, Dawen YANG, Wei GONG 185
Numerical simulation of thermal discharge in coastal area&Dan CUI, Zhibing JIANG, Feng JIN 191
Hydrology for sustaining planet earth and biodiversity: Indian experience& R. B. SINGH 196
Soil loss and conservation in Northeast China: investigation, practice and perspective& Yi XU, Xiangzhou XU, Shiguo XU 202
Effects of soil and water conservation on water resources and water environment in the Loess Plateau,China&Meijuan LI, Xiangzhou XU, Shiguo XU, Xiaohong OUYANG 208
A pattern recognition method for discriminating thermal structures in reservoirs& Xiaohong CHEN 216
Evaluation of trophic status of reservoirs in Hai River Basin& Bao ZHANG, Jingling LIU, Yongli LI 223
Nitrate and phosphate concentration in muara angke mangrove forest, North Jakarta, Indonesia& Melati Ferianita FACHRUL, Rositayanti HADISOEBROTO, Astri NUGROHO, Christiana SIALLAGAN, Mega Devita KUSUMA, Ira Vero YUNITA 229
Estimating recalcitrant organic carbon outflow from Ashikaga City, Japan& Yoshiyuki YOKOO, Mitsuo KAMIOKA, Masatomo NAGAO 235
Modeling soil erosion and sediment transport at regional scale using fractal approach&Habib-ur-REHMAN, Abdul Sattar SHAKIR, Ghulam NABI 240
Analysis of flow characteristics in a narrow path open-channel model& Maritess s. QUIMPO, Tadashi YAMADA 246
Ⅳ Effects of global environmental change on water cycle and feedback 253
Teleconnection between ENSO and climate in South China&Qinglan LI, Ji CHEN 255
Regional hydrologic response to climate change in China& Hanbo YANG, Dawen YANG, Zhidong LEI 260
Impacts of climate variation and land use change on river discharge in the upstream of the Miyun Reservoir& Xingzhong MA, Bing GAO 265
Application of distributed hydrological model in water resources assessment and runoff forecast in a changing environment& Fen YANG, Zhongjing WANG, Jianshi ZHAO 273
Evaluation of the changes of temporal correlation length of rainfall intensity due to the global climate changes using GCM and TRMM observations& Lisako KONOSHIMA, Eiichi NAKAKITA 284
Discharge projection of the Yodo River basin with dam reservoirs using MRI's 20km-GCM and its impact assessments due to climate change Toshio HAMAGUCHI, Yoshinobu SATO,Kenji TANAKA, Eisuke MORI, Toshiharu KOJIRI 289
Climate change in the philippines in the past 50 years& Flaviana Hilario,Rosalina De Guzman, Edna Juanillo, Thelma Cinco 296
Soil water environment for optimum afforestation management at Horqin Sandy Land in China& Aimin HAO, Tomokazu HAR AGUCHI, Takashi KUME, Xueyong ZHAO,Tsugihiro WATANABE, Yoshisuke NAKANO 301
Simulating hydrological impact of environmental change in the Abukuma watershed, Japan&Tsuyoshi KINOUCHI, Katumi MUSIAKE 307
Long-term precipitation prediction for reservoir operation based on global meteorological information& Daisuke NOHARA, Tomoya OKADA, Tomoharu HORI 314
Ⅴ Integrated water resources management 321
How much water does China need?&Jing MA, Hao WANG, Hongqi ZHANG, Yao ZHU 323
Temporal and spatial interpolations of water use for coupling simulation of natural and social watercycles&Yangwen JIA, Xiangyi DING, Xiangyu LUO, Cunwen NIU, Zuhao ZHOU 333
Groundwater vulnerability assessment of confined aquifer: case study Jining, China&Xiangmeng MENG, Heping HU, Fuqiang TIAN 340
Water budget analysis by combination modeling of groundwater and river water flow in Kyotobasin& Y. KIDO, Y. TANAKA, A. KAWAKUBO and E. NAKAKITA 348
Groundwater water resources analysis and management of Tarim River Basin in Xinjiang& Batuer ABUDOUREYIMU, Y. KIDO, Y. TANAKA and E. NAKAKITA 354
Priority analysis for appropriate basin-based wastewater management using SMI and NSMI index in Upper Citarum River Basin, West Java, Indonesia&Suharyanto, Jun MATSUSHITA 361
Sustainable urban water management in China through rainwater utilization—case study of Shenzhen municipality China& Bo PANG, Ke LIU, R. JAYAKUMAR, Zongxue XU 370
Water saving technology for recycling wastewater& M. HABIBUR RAHMAN 379
Inverse distance weighting revisited& M. J. ABEDINI, M. NASSERI 385
Management of rainwater in foothills of siwaliks for improving crop productivity&Sanjay ARORA & M.S. HADDA 395
Projection of domestic water use influenced by the water related appliances in Tokyo& Naoko NAKAGAWA, Masahoro OTAKI, Keitaro SANADA, Toshiya ARAMAKI 402
Trend in asian river restoration and development of international network for technical information exchange&Akira WADA, Junzo SAGO, Kazumasa ITO, Masafumi ITO, Michiya TANNAI 406
Bilateral integrated system for 21 st Century Water Resource Management& Hansa VATHANANUKIJ & Tanapatay DUSIT 412
Wheat Identification based on MODIS product: a case study in Weishan Irrigation Area& Hui LIU, Fuqiang TIAN, Heping HU 419
Construction of water resources network chart automatically based on DEM& Xiaohui LEI, Yu TIAN, Wei BAI, Haichao WANG, Jianshi ZHAO, Yunzhong JIANG 423
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