英美文学简明教程 上 英国文学PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张伯香,张文主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:华中科技大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787560993164
- 页数:292 页
Chapter 1 The Old and Medieval Period 1
1.1 An Introduction 1
1.2 Geoffrey Chaucer 2
1.3 Folk Ballads 8
Chapter 2 The Renaissance Period 14
2.1 An Introduction 14
2.2 Edmund Spenser 17
2.3 Christopher Marlowe 21
2.4 Walter Raleigh 29
2.5 William Shakespeare 31
2.6 Francis Bacon 43
2.7 John Donne 45
2.8 George Herbert 49
2.9 Andrew Marvell 51
2.10 Ben Jonson 53
2.11 Robert Herrick 55
2.12 John Milton 57
Chapter 3 The Neoclassical Period 65
3.1An Introduction 65
3.2 John Dryden 67
3.3 John Bunyan 70
3.4 Jonathan Swift 75
3.5 Alexander Pope 82
3.6 Daniel Defoe 87
3.7 Henry Fielding 92
3.8 Samuel Johnson 98
3.9 Thomas Gray 101
3.10 Robert Burns 105
3.11 William Blake 107
3.12 Richard Brinsley Sheridan 111
Chapter 4 The Romantic Period 123
4.1 An Introduction 123
4.2 William Wordsworth 126
4.3 Samuel Taylor Coleridge 130
4.4 George Gordon Byron 133
4.5 Percy Bysshe Shelley 137
4.6 John Keats 144
4.7 Jane Austen 149
Chapter 5 The Victorian Period 156
5.1 An Introduction 156
5.2 Charles Dickens 158
5.3 Alfred Tennyson 166
5.4 Robert Browning 170
5.5 Elizabeth Barrett Browning 176
5.6 Charlotte Brontё 178
5.7 Emily Brontё 187
5.8 Matthew Arnold 196
5.9 Gerard Manley Hopkins 199
5.10 Thomas Hardy 201
Chapter 6 The Modern Period 211
6.1 An Introduction 211
6.2 George Bernard Shaw 216
6.3 Alfred Edward Housman 224
6.4 John Galsworthy 226
6.5 William Butler Yeats 234
6.6 T.S.Eliot 238
6.7 James Joyce 247
6.8 D.H.Lawrence 254
6.9 William Golding 261
6.10 Samuel Beckett 266
6.11 Dylan Thomas 276
6.12 Ted Hughes 278
6.13 Seamus Heaney 280
Appendix Ⅰ Sample Test Paper 283
Key(参考答案) 288
Appendix Ⅱ Acknowledgment 291
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