变化的世界与发展的中国 “当代世界多边对话会”文集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中国当代世界研究中心,中国和平发展基金会主编
- 出 版 社:北京:中央编译出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787511716538
- 页数:327 页
Message of Felicitations on the Convention of"The Contemporary World Multilateral Dialogue"&Dai Bingguo 1
A Developing China Walks Together with the World&Wang Jiarui 3
Sincere Dialogue for Conducive Cooperation&Yu Hongjun 8
Session 1:International Structure,Global Governance and the Role of the Emerging Countries 15
Global Good Governance and the Role of China&Yu Keping 15
Managing an Increasingly Interdependent but Non-Convergent Global Political Economy:The Role of Emerging Countries&Donald C.Hellmann 19
A Multipolarized World and Challenges in an Era of Transition&Cui Liru 28
Africa and China Relations in the Context of a Changing International System&Chris Alden 33
The Re-Globalization Tide Is Coming&Zhang Yuyan 45
Resuming World Growth through Domestic Reforms and Cooperation between US,EU and China&Pierre Defraigne 52
Adapting the Doctrine of Non-interference in Internal Affairs to the New Requirements of the Times&Wang Yizhou 65
Global Operating Class Entered on the History Scene&Mikhail Delyagin 78
Global Governance,Global Crisis—The Role of China and Emerging Countries&Dragana Mitrovi? 88
East Asia's Transformation of Economic Development Mode and Its Significance&Zhang Yunling,Yang Hong'en 100
Egypt and the Arab Spring&Abdel Raouf Elreedy 112
The Challenges Facing Israel in an Unstable Middle East&David Horovitz 119
The Crisis of Ideology as a Factor of the"Arab Spring"2011&Aliaksandr Filipau 125
Addressing the Financial Crisis amid Regional and Global Changes—the Hungarian Way&Krist?f Szalay-Bobrovniczky 128
Geopolitics of the Anglo-Saxon Neocolonialist Water,Energy and Food Wars Against Peace and Harmony of the Humanity&Zoran Petrovi? Piro?anac 132
U.S.-Chinese Relations in the 21st Century:Energy Security as a Source of Confrontation&Ergin Ismayil 144
Session 2:Security and Development in the Asian-Pacific Region 157
Security and Development in the Asian-Pacific Region(APR):An Indian Perspective&Rajiv Bhatia 157
When the Balance of History Swings to the Asia-Pacific Region&Ji Ping 170
Navigating Sino-Japan Relations in a Time of Uncertainty&Stephanie Kleine-Ahlbrandt 177
The Main Security Challenges Faced by the Asia-Pacific Region and the Countermeasures&Jin Xin 182
Belarus-China Relations in the Changing World&Alexander Bazanov 189
Cooperation among China,Russia and North Korea in Tumen River Area&Zhu Xianping 193
China's Political Transition and America's Political Status Quo:A Recipe for Strategic Miscalculation&Kerry Gershaneck 202
Energy Security for Transportation Fuel&Carice Witte 215
Session 3:The Eighteenth CPC National Congress and China's Development Road:Opportunities and Challenges 223
Peaceful Development Is the Only Right Road for China's Rise&Xia Liping 223
China,Threat or Opportunity for Latin America and the Caribbean:Strategic Perspectives about the Relationship&Milton Reyes Herrera 234
Social Structure Changes in the Era of Network&Liu Shaojie 242
China—Flag of Socialism&Eusebio Gironda 252
Taking Peaceful Development Road Must Properly Handle the Universal Values&Liu Jianfei 262
Xi Jinping:the Challenge of Innovation and Continuity&Alberto G.Forchielli 272
New Environment and New Approaches of China's Foreign Strategies&Jiang Lingfei 275
Socialism and China's Development Road&Zahari Zahariev 286
New Aspirations:Towards a Political Collective-based Social Management&Kostas Gouliamos & Yiannos Katsourides 293
Modernization of China and Russia:Comparative Experience for a Problem of Controllability and Safety of Growth&Nikovskaia Larissa Igorevna 304
Appendix 311
Taishan Declaration and Speeches 311
Taishan Declaration 311
Address at the Signing Ceremony of Taishan Declaration&Zhou Jing 313
Address at the Signing Ceremony of Taishan Declaration&Jin Xin 316
List of Foreign and Chinese Participants of the Dialogue 319
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