- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈迎春主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787313097170
- 页数:384 页
第一篇 理论与方法 3
基于感知控制论的系统分析与设计方法 3
飞行员失误机理及失误修复研究 11
白光LED颜色质量评价方法研究 18
基于视觉监控的操作手势轨迹分布模式研究 26
基于信息处理模型的机组行为与事故关系的研究 34
大型客机飞行员操作程序综合评价 40
机组工作负荷评价新方法及其应用 50
飞行员视觉信息流强度模拟及适人性分析 60
复杂人机智能系统功能分配方法综述 70
基于非任务相关ERP技术的飞行员脑力负荷评价方法 78
CREAM失误概率预测法在驾驶舱机组判断与决策过程中的应用 86
Polymorphic Cumulative Learning in Integrated Cognitive Architectures for Analysis of Pilot-Aircraft Dynamic Environment 94
Using NASA-TLX to Evaluate the Flight Deck Design in Design Phase of Aircraft 103
A Brief Review on Physiological and Biochemical Evaluations of Human Mental Workload 111
Civil Cockpit Human-machine Interface Evaluation 129
Man-machine Function Allocation Based on Uncertain Linguistic Multiple Attribute Decision Making 138
Pilot Attention Allocation Model Based on Fuzzy Theory 151
Study on the Information Coding Design Humanity of Man-machine Display Interface 166
Applying Situation Awareness to Human-machine Interface Design of Aviation 173
Enhance Team Situation Awareness by Sharing Information to Avoid Human Errors in Aviation 180
第二篇 建模仿真 189
飞行员信息处理时间计算模型 189
驾驶舱飞行员认知行为一体化仿真建模 197
LED在民用飞机仪表板泛光照明中的应用 206
大型客机驾驶舱气流热仿真及舒适性评价 212
基于信息处理和事故链原理的结构化飞行员差错模型 221
Research on Modeling Cognitive Behaviors of Pilot Processing Alarm in Cockpit 231
An Intelligent Lighting Control System Based on Ergonomic Research 241
Flight-Safety-Oriented Virtual Pilot Modeling with the Embodiment of Distributed Human Factors 249
The Research of Crew Workload Evaluation Based on Digital Human Model 265
A Method of Analysis Integrating HCR and ETA Modeling for Determining Risks Associated with Inadequate Flight Separation Events 270
第三篇 实验研究 289
材料熟悉程度对长时记忆提取过程影响研究 289
基于飞机驾驶舱警告信息的Fan效应研究 294
Target-pointing Movement Performance for HCI Design 300
Usability of Using Polarized Filter for Reading Lamp to Reduce Disturbing Reflected Glare 307
The Effect of LED Lighting on Color Discrimination and Preference of the Elderly 315
Effects of Correlated Color Temperature on Spatial Brightness Perception 326
An Integrated Experimental Platform for the Crew Workload Measurement 336
The Precision Analysis of the Eye Movement Measurement System 346
Effects of Mental Workload on Long-latency Auditory-evoked -potential,Salivary Cortisol,and Immunoglobulin A 354
The Effects of Perceptual Load Related to Flight Task on Auditory ERPs 364
Study of Fatigue Measurement Based on Eye Tracking Technique 375
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