女性主义特征的及物性研究 中篇小说《饥饿》个案分析PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:秦俊红著
- 出 版 社:济南:山东大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787560746685
- 页数:205 页
Chapter One Introduction 1
1.1 Lan Chang and Hunger 1
1.2 Objectives and research questions 7
1.3 Research methodology 8
1.4 Organization of the book 11
Chapter Two Literature Review 12
2.1 Introduction 12
2.2 Women in Chinese American literature 12
2.3 Feminist approaches to literature 17
2.3.1 Some feminist approaches to literature 20
2.3.2 Comment 27
2.4 Feminist stylistics 28
2.5 The application of SFG to discourse analysis 33
2.6 Summary 35
Chapter Three Theoretical Foundations 36
3.1 Introduction 36
3.1.1 Why SFL? 37
3.1.2 The nature of SFL 40
3.2 Some basic theoretical claims of SFL 43
3.2.1 Stratification 46
3.2.2 Metafunctional diversification 51
3.2.3 Transitivity structure 54
3.3 A functional stylistic analyzing model 66
3.4 Summary 70
Chapter Four Transitivity Analysis of the Novella 71
4.1 Introduction 71
4.2 Transitivity patterns of the novella 71
4.2.1 Transitivity patterns on the part of the couple 73
4.2.2 Transitivity patterns on the part of Anna and Tian 108
4.2.3 Transitivity patterns on the part of Ruth and Tian 111
4.2.4 Transitivity patterns on the part of Anna and Min 115
4.2.5 Transitivity patterns on the part of Ruth and Min 118
4.3 Discussion 123
4.4 Summary 124
Chapter Five Interpretation:Contextual Analysis 125
5.1 Introduction 125
5.2 Context of literary texts 125
5.3 Contextual analysis:Situation 127
5.4 Contextual analysis:Culture 133
5.5 Summary 135
Chapter Six Conclusion 137
6.1 Summary of the book 137
6.1.1 Major contributions of the research 137
6.1.2 Limitations of the research 139
6.2 Prospects and suggestions for further research 140
Appendix Ⅰ 141
Appendix Ⅱ 154
References 196
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