- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:熊月之,徐涛,张生著;黄丽芳译
- 出 版 社:上海:上海锦绣文章出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787545206173
- 页数:151 页
Introduction 1
A Bridge to the Outside World He Chengwei 1
General Preface 3
The Dynamic Blending of Chinese and Western Culture in Modern Shanghai Xiong Yuezhi 3
Ⅰ The Trans-Pacific Legend of Shanghai and America 4
1.The First Coming of Americans to Shanghai 4
2.The Issue of Temporary or Permanent Residence 6
3.Shanghai International Settlement:The Powerful British-American Coalition 9
4."Semi-British" 15
5."Out-and-out Americans":The Formation of an American Community in Shanghai 17
6.World WarⅡ:Years of Misery and Suffering 21
7.A V-Shaped Rebound:From the Great Aberration to Shanghai World Expo Participation 24
Ⅱ People and Events of America and Shanghai 34
1.William Jones Boone:Founder of Shanghai's American Settlement 34
2.Frederick Townsend Ward:The Crazy Life of an Adventurer 36
3.Young John Allen:Advocating Enlightenment Through Knowledge 40
4.Laura Haygood and the"Wesleyan College of China" 45
5.Francis Lister Hawks Pott and"Harvard University of the Orient" 46
6.U.S.Political Dignitaries'Visits to Shanghai 51
7.American Culture Celebrities'Visits to Shanghai 55
8.John Benjamin Powell,Edgar Snow and Millard's Review of the Far East 59
9.The Incident of Rickshaw Puller Zang Dayaozi 64
Ⅲ American Way of Life in Metropolitan Shanghai 70
1.A New Era of Commerce:Russell & Co 70
2.Social Paradise of American Gentlemen:Shanghai American Club 72
3.Public Space of American Madams:American Women's Club 75
4.Total American Education in All Probability:Shanghai American School 78
5.An American University's Centenary Development:University of Shanghai 81
6.A Community Church for Americans:Shanghai Community Church 85
7.American Volunteers Armed to the Teeth:Shanghai Volunteer Corps'American Company 87
8.Hollywood Films and Shanghai:A Century of Bond 90
Ⅳ Old Ties in New Land:Shanghai's American Landmarks 96
1.Shanghai Community Church Architecture 96
2.Foreign Y.M.C.A.Building 98
3.American Navy Y.M.C.A.Building 100
4.The International Institute of China and Shangxian Lane 102
5.Columbia Country Club 106
6.Yaojia Garden and Fallingwater 108
7.Architectures of University of Shanghai 109
8.Architectures of St.John's University 116
Ⅴ Bonds Beyond Distance:A Continuation of Cultural Exchanges and Influences 126
1.Richard Nixon's Visit to Shanghai and the Shanghai Communiqué 126
2.American Television Series and Shanghai 128
3.American Fast Food and Shanghai 130
4.NBA,Yao Ming and Shanghai 131
5.Disneyland Park and Shanghai 132
6.America and Shanghai World Expo 133
Ⅵ Appendix 136
Chronicle of Events 136
Tourist Landmark Directory 150
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