实用英语 化机方向PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李英俊主编;任志鑫副主编
- 出 版 社:北京:化学工业出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787122141378
- 页数:119 页
Career-oriented Preparation 1
Learning Situation 1 My Ideal Company 2
Pre-class Task Brainstorming 4
Task One Investigation of an ideal company 4
Task Two Company Profile 8
Sub-task One Translating of a company profile 9
Sub-task two Writing a company profile 10
Task Three Talking about a company 13
Learning Situation 2 My Future Career 18
Pre-class Task Brainstorming 20
Task One Investigation of future positions 20
Task Two Job specification 24
Task Three Talking about the career 27
Learning Situation 3 Applying for a Job 30
Pre-class Task Brainstorming 32
Task One Job advertisement 32
Task Two Resume & application letter 35
Sub-task One Writing a resume 35
Sub-task Two Writing a job application letter 38
Task Three Mock interview 40
Sub-task One Making preparation for a job interview 40
Sub-task Two Attending a mock interview 44
Quality Development 51
Learning Situation 4 Job Orientation Training 52
Pre-class Task Brainstorming 54
Task One Training schedule 54
Task Two Attending lectures 56
Task Three Visiting a plant 61
Learning Situation 5 A Qualified Employee 66
Pre-class Task Brainstorming 68
Task One Interpersonal relationship 68
Sub-task One Developing a good interpersonal relationship 69
Sub-task Two Making a presentation 72
Task Two Working attitude 73
Sub-task One Maintaining a positive working attitude 73
Sub-task Two Retelling a story 76
Real Work Experience 79
Learning Situation 6 Workplace Safety 80
Pre-class Task Brainstorming 82
Task One Job hazards 82
Task Two Safety precautions 86
Sub-task One Analyzing safety precautions 86
Sub-task Two Listening activity 88
Task Three Safety campaign poster 90
Learning Situation 7 A Busy Day in the Workshop 94
Pre-class Task Brainstorming 96
Task One Routine check 96
Task Two Troubleshooting table 99
Task Three Installation and testing 101
Sub-task One Role-playing 102
Sub-task Two Listening activity 103
Learning Situation 8 Installation & Operation Manual 106
Pre-class Task Brainstorming 108
Task One Instruction of centrifugal pump 108
Sub-task One Basic concepts of operation 108
Sub-task Two General components of centrifugal pump 110
Sub-task Three Cause and remedy of some problems 112
Task Two Instruction of shell and tube heat exchanger 113
Sub-task One Theory of operation 113
Sub-task Two Installation 115
References 119
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- 《剑桥国际英语写作教程 段落写作》(美)吉尔·辛格尔顿(Jill Shingleton)编著 2019
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