- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:杨儒贵,(美)王腾荫
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787040362084
- 页数:477 页
Chapter 1 Vector Analysis 1
1-1 Scalars and vectors 1
1-2 Vector algebra 2
1-3 Scalar and vector products 4
1-4 Directional derivative and gradient 6
1-5 Flux,divergence and divergence theorem 10
1-6 Circulation,curl and curl theorem 16
1-7 Solenoidal and irrotational fields 20
1-8 Green's theorems 22
1-9 Uniqueness theorem for vector fields 24
1-10 Helmholtz's theorem 26
1-11 Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates 29
Chapter summary 38
Review questions 39
Problems 40
Chapter 2 Static Electric Fields 43
2-1 Electric field intensity 43
2-2 Electrostatic fields in vacuum 45
2-3 Electric potential 55
2-4 Polarization of dielectrics 58
2-5 Electrostatic fields in dielectric 63
2-6 Boundary conditions for electrostatic fields 67
2-7 Capacitance 73
2-8 Energy in electrostatic field 77
2-9 Electric forces 81
2-10 Applications of electrostatic fields 86
Chapter summary 89
Review questions 91
Problems 92
Chapter 3 Boundary-Value Problems in Electrostatic Fields 97
3-1 Differential equations for electric potential 98
3-2 Uniqueness of solution of differential equations for electric potential 102
3-3 Method of images 104
3-4 Method of separation of variables in rectangular coordinates 112
3-5 Method of separation of variables in cylindrical coordinates 116
3-6 Method of separation of variables in spherical coordinates 120
Chapter summary 125
Review questions 126
Problems 127
Chapter 4 Steady Electric Current Fields 132
4-1 Electric current 133
4-2 Electromotive force 136
4-3 Steady electric current fields 139
4-4 Boundary conditions for steady electric current fields 141
4-5 Energy dissipation in conducting media 142
4-6 Electrostatic simulation 145
4-7 Applications of steady electric current fields 148
Chapter summary 151
Review questions 152
Problems 152
Chapter 5 Static Magnetic Fields 155
5-1 Magnetic flux density 155
5-2 Static magnetic fields in vacuum 158
5-3 Magnetic potentials 165
5-4 Magnetization of media 166
5-5 Static magnetic fields in media 171
5-6 Boundary conditions for static magnetic fields 174
Chapter summary 179
Review questions 181
Problems 181
Chapter 6 Electromagnetic Induction 185
6-1 Law of electromagnetic induction 185
6-2 Inductances 188
6-3 Energy in static magnetic fields 194
6-4 Magnetic forces 199
6-5 Applications of static magnetic field 204
Chapter summary 209
Review questions 210
Problems 210
Chapter 7 Time-varying Electromagnetic Fields 213
7-1 Displacement electric current 213
7-2 Maxwell's equations 216
7-3 Boundary conditions for time-varying electromagnetic fields 219
7-4 Scalar and vector potentials 223
7-5 Solution of equations for potentials 226
7-6 Energy density and energy flow density vector 230
7-7 Uniqueness theorem for time-varying electromagnetic fields 232
7-8 Sinusoidal electromagnetic fields 234
7-9 Complex Maxwell's equations 235
7-10 Complex potential functions 236
7-11 Complex energy flow density vector 238
7-12 Applications of time-varying electromagnetic fields 242
Chapter summary 244
Review questions 248
Problems 248
Chapter 8 Plane Electromagnetic Waves 251
8-1 Wave equations 251
8-2 Plane waves in perfect dielectrics 253
8-3 Plane waves in conducting media 260
8-4 Polarizations of plane waves 267
8-5 Normal incidence on a planar surface 272
8-6 Normal incidence at multiple boundaries 278
8-7 Plane waves in arbitrary directions 283
8-8 Oblique incidence at boundary between perfect dielectrics 286
8-9 Null and total reflections 290
8-10 Oblique incidence at conducting boundary 295
8-11 Oblique incidence at perfect conducting boundary 298
8-12 Plane waves in plasma 301
8-13 Plane waves in ferrite 305
8-14 Applications of electromagnetic waves 307
Chapter summary 318
Review questions 321
Problems 322
Chapter 9 Guided Electromagnetic Waves 327
9-1 TEM wave,TE wave,and TM wave 328
9-2 Transmission property of rectangular waveguides 332
9-3 TE10 wave in rectangular waveguides 341
9-4 Group velocity 347
9-5 Transmission property of circular waveguides 350
9-6 Transmitted power and loss in waveguides 357
9-7 Resonant cavity 361
9-8 Coaxial lines 367
9-9 Applications of guided waves 369
Chapter summary 370
Review questions 372
Problems 373
Chapter 10 Electromagnetic Radiation and Principles 375
10-1 Radiation by electric current element 375
10-2 Directivity of antennas 382
10-3 Radiation by symmetrical antennas 385
10-4 Radiation by antenna arrays 389
10-5 Radiation by electric current loop 394
10-6 Principle of duality 398
10-7 Principle of image 400
10-8 Principle of reciprocity 405
10-9 Huygens' principle 409
10-10 Radiations by aperture antennas 413
10-11 Applications of electromagnetic radiation 419
Chapter summary 427
Review questions 429
Problems 430
Appendixes 433
1.Symbols,units and dimensions of physical quantities 433
2.Decimal multiples and submultiples and their prefixes 435
3.Vector identities 435
4.Orthogonal coordinates system 437
5.δ functions 439
6.Bessel functions 439
7.Legendre functions 442
8.Frequency bands and their utilizations 445
Answers 447
Index 464
References 471
Biographies 473
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