电路、器件及应用 第8版 英、汉PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:26 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)弗洛伊德,(美)布什拉著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787302334316
- 页数:1034 页
Part 1 DC Circuits 1
1 Voltage,Current,and Resistance 3
1-1 Atoms 5
1-2 Electrical Charge 8
1-3 Voltage 11
1-4 Current 17
1-5 Resistance 20
1-6 The Electric Circuit 28
1-7 Basic Circuit Measurements 35
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 42
2 Ohm's Law,Energy,and Power 55
2-1 Ohm's Law 58
2-2 Application of Ohm's Law 62
2-3 Energy and Power 67
2-4 Power in an Electric Circuit 70
2-5 The Power Rating of Resistors 72
2-6 Energy Conversion and Voltage Drop in a Resistance 75
2-7 Power Supplies and Batteries 77
2-8 Introduction to Troubleshooting 80
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 83
3 Series Circuits 97
3-1 Resistors in Series 100
3-2 Total Series Resistance 102
3-3 Current in a Series Circuit 106
3-4 Application of Ohm's Law 108
3-5 Voltage Sources in Series 112
3-6 Kirchhoff's Voltage Law 115
3-7 Voltage Dividers 119
3-8 Power in Series Circuits 126
3-9 Voltage Measurements 128
3-10 Troubleshooting 132
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 136
4 Parallel Circuits 155
4-1 Resistors in Parallel 157
4-2 Total Parallel Resistance 160
4-3 Voltage in a Parallel Circuit 165
4-4 Application of Ohm's Law 168
4-5 Kirchhoff's Current Law 171
4-6 Current Dividers 175
4-7 Power in Parallel Circuits 179
4-8 Troubleshooting 181
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 186
5 Series-Parallel Circuits 205
5-1 Identifying Series-Parallel Relationships 208
5-2 Analysis of Series-Parallel Resistive Circuits 213
5-3 Voltage Dividers with Resistive Loads 220
5-4 Loading Effect of a Voltmeter 225
5-5 The Wheatstone Bridge 227
5-6 Thevenin's Theorem 232
5-7 The Maximum Power Transfer Theorem 240
5-8 The Superposition Theorem 242
5-9 Troubleshooting 247
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 251
Part 2 AC Circuits 273
6 Introduction to Alternating Current and Voltage 274
6-1 The Sinusoidal Waveform 276
6-2 Voltage and Current Values of Sine Waves 281
6-3 Angular Measurement of a Sine Wave 285
6-4 The Sine Wave Formula 289
6-5 Analysis of AC Circuits 293
6-6 Alternators(AC Generators) 297
6-7 AC Motors 301
6-8 Nonsinusoidal Waveforms 304
6-9 The Oscilloscope 311
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 317
7 Capacitors 335
7-1 The Basic Capacitor 337
7-2 Types of Capacitors 343
7-3 Series Capacitors 349
7-4 Parallel Capacitors 353
7-5 Capacitors in DC Circuits 355
7-6 Capacitors in AC Circuits 363
7-7 Capacitor Applications 371
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 376
8 RC Circuits 391
8-1 Sinusoidal Response of Series RC Circuits 394
8-2 Impedance and Phase Angle of Series RC Circuits 395
8-3 Analysis of Series RC Circuits 397
8-4 Impedance and Phase Angle of Parallel RC Circuits 407
8-5 Analysis of Parallel RC Circuits 410
8-6 Analysis of Series-Parallel RC Circuits 414
8-7 Power in RC Circuits 419
8-8 Basic Applications 423
8-9 Troubleshooting 429
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 434
9 Inductors 449
9-1 The Basic Inductor 452
9-2 Types of Inductors 457
9-3 Series and Parallel Inductors 458
9-4 Inductors in DC Circuits 460
9-5 Inductors in AC Circuits 470
9-6 Inductor Applications 477
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 479
10 RL Circuits 489
10-1 Sinusoidal Response of RL Circuits 492
10-2 Impedance and Phase Angle of Series RL Circuits 493
10-3 Analysis of Series RL Circuits 495
10-4 Impedance and Phase Angle of Parallel RL Circuits 503
10-5 Analysis of Parallel RL Circuits 506
10-6 Analysis of Series-Parallel RL Circuits 508
10-7 Power in RL Circuits 512
10-8 Basic Applications 515
10-9 Troubleshooting 518
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 522
11 RLC Circuits and Resonance 535
11-1 Impedance and Phase Angle of Series RLC Circuits 538
11-2 Analysis of Series RLC Circuits 539
11-3 Series Resonance 544
11-4 Series Resonant Filters 551
11-5 Parallel RLC Circuits 559
11-6 Parallel Resonance 564
11-7 Parallel Resonant Filters 572
11-8 Applications 578
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 582
12 Transformers 593
12-1 Mutual Inductance 595
12-2 The Basic Transformer 596
12-3 Step-Up and Step-Down Transformers 600
12-4 Loading the Secondary 603
12-5 Reflected Load 606
12-6 Impedance Matching 608
12-7 Transformer Ratings and Characteristics 611
12-8 Tapped and Multiple-Winding Transformers 614
12-9 Troubleshooting 619
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 621
13 Time Response of Reactive Circuits 633
13-1 The RC Integrator 636
13-2 Response of RC Integrators to a Single Pulse 637
13-3 Response of RC Integrators to Repetitive Pulses 642
13-4 Response of RC Differentiators to a Single Pulse 646
13-5 Response of RC Differentiators to Repetitive Pulses 651
13-6 Response of RL Integrators to Pulse Inputs 653
13-7 Response of RL Differentiators to Pulse Inputs 658
13-8 Applications 661
13-9 Troubleshooting 664
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 666
Part 3 Devices 677
14 Diodes and Applications 678
14-1 Introduction to Semiconductors 680
14-2 The Diode 686
14-3 Diode Characteristics 691
14-4 Diode Rectifiers 695
14-5 Power Supplies 704
14-6 Special-Purpose Diodes 711
14-7 Troubleshooting 718
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 725
15 Transistors and Applications 741
15-1 DC Operation of Bipolar Junction Transistors(BJTs) 743
15-2 BJT Class A Amplifiers 747
15-3 BJT Class B Amplifiers 760
15-4 The BJT as a Switch 766
15-5 DC Operations of Field-Effect Transistors(FETs) 768
15-6 FET Amplifiers 776
15-7 Feedback Oscillators 781
15-8 Troubleshooting 787
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 791
16 The Operational Amplifier 807
16-1 Introduction to the Operational Amplifier 810
16-2 The Differential Amplifier 812
16-3 Op-Amp Parameters 818
16-4 Negative Feedback 824
16-5 Op-Amp Configurations with Negative Feedback 826
16-6 Op-Amp Resistances 831
16-7 Troubleshooting 834
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 837
17 Basic Op-Amp Circuits 849
17-1 Comparators 852
17-2 Summing Amplifiers 855
17-3 Integrators and Differentiators 859
17-4 Oscillators 865
17-5 Active Filters 871
17-6 Voltage Regulators 879
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 887
18 Special-Purpose Op-Amp Circuits 899
18-1 Instrumentation Amplifiers 902
18-2 Isolation Amplifiers 906
18-3 Operational Transconductance Amplifiers(OTAs) 911
18-4 Active Diode Circuits 918
18-5 Current Sources and Converters 924
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 926
19 Measurement,Conversion,and Control 939
19-1 Temperature Measurement 941
19-2 Strain,Pressure,and Flow Rate Measurements 950
19-3 Motion Measurement 955
19-4 Sample-and-Hold Circuits 958
19-5 Analog-to-Digital Conversion 961
19-6 Power-Control Circuits 966
Application Assignment:Putting Your Knowledge to Work 970
A Table of Standard Resistor Values 981
B Capacitor Color Coding and Marking 982
C Norton's Theorem and Millman's Theorem 986
D Field-Programmable Analog Arrays(FPAAs) 991
E NI Multisim for Circuit Simulation 1000
Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems 1005
Glossary 1018
Index 1027
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