英美报刊选读 修订本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:黎秀石编著
- 出 版 社:长沙:湖南教育出版社
- 出版年份:1985
- ISBN:7535503314
- 页数:507 页
第一单元 引言 1
1.Newspaper English 3
2.English by Newspaper 9
第二单元 读报第一要领——看新闻出处 18
1.Dalai Lama Deplores a“Bamboo Curtain” 22
2.Macao Work Group to Be Set Up 26
3.Evans Quits as Times Editor 30
4.The Establishment Paper Where the Losses Go On and On 33
5.How Whitehall Managed the News 39
6.All the News That Reagan Likes to Read 50
7.An Independent Newcomer——New “quality” daily is aimed at upwardly mobile Britons 61
第三单元 读报第二要领——抓重点(一) 72
第一部分:标题与导语 74
第二部分:在新闻栏外找资料 86
1.Stepping On Peking’s Toes 86
2.China’s Greek Chorus 92
3.UK Oil Self—Sufficiency To End This Year 98
4.Obituary: E.H.Carr: The History of Russia 103
第四单元 读报第二要领——抓重点(二) 108
1.AIDS—The Risk to Heterosexuals 110
2.A Brew of Hope in California’s Melting Pot 118
3.Soviets Revive Gigantic Plan to Water Asian Deserts with Siberian Rivers 129
第五单元 读报第三要领——带着问题读(一) 135
1.Conquering the USSR’s Wild East, But the Heroes Are a Bit Tired 137
2.A 15— Year Cover— Up in Britain 147
3.Government Warning to Ex— Spy Sets Off Political Storm in Britain 152
4.Britain: Finding the Fourth Man 159
5.A Tale of Cambridge in the 1930’s 161
6.U.S.and Philipplines Sign New Defence Agreement 166
7.A Self— inflicted Disaster 169
第六单元 读报第三要领——带着问题读(二) 172
1.Democrats Go All—out for Ted Kennedy 173
2.Kennedy Factor in the White House Reckoning 175
3.Chappaquiddick the Still Unanswered Questions 179
4.Pall on Trial: Why Weren’t the Victim’s Cries Heeded? 191
5.Hinckley, Insane, Is Innocent 196
6.Six Shots at a Nation’s Heart 199
第七单元 外国游客在中国 215
1.Skyjack Over Shanghai 216
2.A Cook’sTourof China 230
3.Seeing China On Your Own: How a U.S.Couple Did It 243
4.China’sGreat Wall of Wonder 252
第八单元 外国入看中国问题(一) 262
1.Three Visits to China Since 1978. 264
2.Economic Problems of Socialism in China 280
3.China’s Legal Loopholes 296
4.China Says Sorry to Its Victims 301
5.China Tries Private Housing 304
第九单元 外国人看中国问题(二) 308
1.Keep Working with Peking 309
2.China Halts Experiment in Liberalization 317
3.Dancing Off to China 322
4.Zhao’s Visit 333
第十单元 外刊论香港问题 335
1.Hong Kong: destined as China’s New York 336
2.Hong Kong Clears the First Hurdle 343
3.Debate Needed, Says Youde 351
4.Hong Kong Fears Poll Down—played 357
第十一单元 看经济新闻 361
1.Dollar Hits New Highs 364
2.Riding on Uncle Sam’s Coat—tails 368
3.Wall Street Takes a Dive 372
4.Tanker Index Rises 2 points; Most Area Rates Up 376
5.Auto Sales in May Fell to’62 Lows 379
6.Prosperity without Inflation—Interview with Four Nobel Prize Winners 383
7.Reagan, President for the Rich 415
第十二单元 看科技新闻 423
1.Computerized Home Education Movement to Take Off 424
2.West Germany Turned Off by Know— It— All Television 430
3.Liver Transplants— Why Are They Big News? 436
4.Vitamin B—6 Warning 444
5.Superplastics: Closing In on Glass and Metal 447
第十三单元 看国际新闻 454
1.Tass: Ban Space Arms before Deployment 456
2.A Tale of Two Embassies 459
3.Nicaraguan Boat Hits Rebel Mine 470
4.Soviets Used Toxic Arms, Say Afgans 473
5.India Establishing Antarctic Foothold 475
6.Diplomacy: Honeymoon under the Hoops 485
第十四单元 广告与漫画 491
1.广告三则 493
1)Dreamers, Heretics, Gadflies, Maveriks and Geniuses 493
2) The Club That Beats the Street 495
3) “I spend all day in the airport so our passengers won’t have to.” 497
2.分类小广告五则: 500
Samples of Classified Advertisements 500
3.漫画四幅 503
A More Suitable Design for Vietnam War Memorial 503
China Firms Taste Sweet and Sour of Marketplace 504
A Cartoon Without a Caption 504
Another Cartoon Without a Caption 505
编后感 506
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