- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:林俊伟主编
- 出 版 社:南京:东南大学出版社
- 出版年份:2011
- ISBN:9787564126957
- 页数:269 页
专转本英语水平自测 1
Unit1 16
1.Words to learn 16
2.Structure 20
3.Translation 22
4.Cloze 23
Unit2 24
1.Words to learn 24
2.Structure 27
3.Translation 29
4.Cloze 30
Unit3 32
1.Words to learn 32
2.Structure 37
3.Translation 39
4.Cloze 40
Unit4 42
1.Words to learn 42
2.Structure 46
3.Translation 48
4.Cloze 48
Unit5 50
1.Words to learn 50
2.Structure 55
3.Translation 57
4.Cloze 58
Unit6 59
1.Wordstolearn 59
2.Structure 64
3.Translation 67
4.Cloze 67
Unit7 69
1.Words to learn 69
2.Structure 73
3.Translation 75
4.Cloze 75
Unit8 77
1.Words to learn 77
2.Structure 80
3.Translation 83
4.Cloze 84
Unit9 86
1.Words to learn 86
2.Structure 89
3.Translation 92
4.Cloze 93
Unit10 95
1.Words to learn 95
2.Structure 99
3.Translation 102
4.Cloze 103
Unit11 105
1.Words to learn 105
2.Structure 108
3.Translation 111
4.Cloze 112
Unit12 114
1.Words to learn 114
2.Structure 118
3.Translation 120
4.Cloze 120
Unit13 123
1.Words to learn 123
2.Structure 126
3.Translation 129
4.Cloze 129
Unit14 132
1.Words to learn 132
2.Structure 135
3.Translation 137
4.Cloze 138
Unit15 140
1.Words to learn 140
2.Structure 144
3.Translation 146
4.Cloze 147
Unit16 149
1.Words to learn 149
2.Reading comprehension 154
3.Translation 157
Unit17 158
1.Words to learn 158
2.Readingcomprehension 163
3.Translation 167
Unit18 168
1.Words to learn 168
2.Reading comprehension 172
3.Translation 174
Unit19 175
1.Words to learn 175
2.Reading comprehension 178
3.Translation 181
Unit20 182
1.Words to learn 182
2.Readingcomprehension 186
3.Translation 189
Unit21 190
1.Words to learn 190
2.Reading comprehension 195
3.Translation 198
Unit22 199
1.Words to learn 199
2.Reading comprehension 204
3.Translation 206
Unit23 208
1.Words to learn 208
2.Reading comprehension 210
3.Translation 213
Unit24 214
1.Words to learn 214
2.Reading comprehension 216
3.Translation 220
Unit25 221
1.Words to learn 221
2.Reading comprehension 224
3.Translation 227
Unit26 228
1.Words to learn 228
2.Reading comprehension 230
3.Translation 233
答案及详解 234
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