小康之路 社会篇:英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:武力主编
- 出 版 社:北京时代华文书局
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:7807691387
- 页数:206 页
Ⅰ Social Construction Before Reform and Opening up 17
Transformation of Social Structure 17
Stabilized Social Order 26
Reconstruction of the Basic Public Service System 34
Extend the Scope of Social Management 44
Ⅱ Driving Social Development through Economic Development:People's Lives Change Tremendously 53
Carrying out Reform and Opening up:Opening a New Chapter in China's Social Development 53
Improving People's Livelihood:Promoting Equality in Basic Public Services 61
From Having Enough Food and Clothing to a Moderately Prosperous Society:a Historic Leap in People's Lives 71
Give Everyone a Chance to be Cured:Obvious Achievements in the Medical and Health Sectors 75
Constructing the Social Insurance System:Building a“Security Net”for the People 80
Ⅲ Accelerating Urbanization:More Harmonious Development in Urban and Rural Areas 93
China's Urbanization:Step-by-Step Development Stages 93
The Reform of Household Registration System and the Emergence of Migrant Workers Groups:the Social Problems of Urbanization Cannot Be Ignored 96
30 Years of Urbanization:Remarkable Achievements 102
New Urbanization:Developmental Journey in Urbanization 108
Ⅳ Reform of State-owned Enterprises and Employment Guarantee:Great Improvements in the Labor Market 117
Promoting Reform of State-owned Enterprises and Guaranteeing the Basic Life of Laid-off Workers Strikes a Balance between Economic Reform and Social Stability 117
Adherence to Employment is the Foundation of People's Livelihood:Implementing the Re-employment Project 122
Establishment and Improvement of the Labor Market:Promoting the Free Flow of Human Resources 128
Ⅴ Deepening Reform of Income Distribution:Fruits of Development Benefit Everyone 137
Reform of Income Distribution:Arduous and Complex System Engineering 137
Distribution According to Work is the Main Form:Discarding theDistribution Form of Egalitarianism 142
Invest More in People's Livelihood:Regulating Function of Secondary Distribution Becomes Increasingly Tangible 145
Protection of Low-income People in Society:Promoting Social Justice 149
Ⅵ Social Governance Continuously Improved:Society Becomes More Open and Vigorous 159
Promoting Social Involvement:Social Vigor Fully Released 159
Improve Community-level Functions:Public Services Extended to Common People 165
Improving the Emergency Management Mechanism:Staying Calm in the Face of Emergencies 170
Quickened Pace of Legislation:Laws and Regulations on Social Issues Increasingly Improved 175
Strengthening Support,Regulation and Supervision:Achieve Development and Prosperity in Social Organization 182
Ⅶ Situation,Challenges and Prospects of Social Construction 189
Situation of Social Construction 189
Challenges of Establishing a Harmonious Society 192
Favorable Conditions for Social Construction and Development 197
Goal and Strategy of Social Development 201
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