- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吕薇,李瑞扬主编;李九如,王芳主审
- 出 版 社:哈尔滨:哈尔滨工业大学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787560358635
- 页数:372 页
1 Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines 1
1.1 The Viscosity of Fluids 1
1.2 The Continuum Hypothesis,Density and Specific Volume of Fluid 5
1.3 Perfect Gas 7
1.4 Fluid Flow 10
1.5 Fluid Machinery 14
1.6 The Surface Tension of Fluid 22
2 Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer 28
2.1 Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics 28
2.2 Thermodynamic Systems 32
2.3 General Characteristics of Heat Transfer 34
2.4 Conduction 37
2.5 Natural Convection 41
2.6 Radiation 44
3 Fuels and Combustion 48
3.1 Heat of Combustion 48
3.2 Combustion Equipment 52
3.3 Fuel-ash 55
3.4 The Mechanisms of Gaseous Fuels Combustion 59
3.5 The Combustion of Liquid Fuels and Solid Fuels 63
3.6 Nuclear Fuels 69
3.7 Liquid By-product Fuels 73
4 Air-conditioning and Refrigeration 76
4.1 Air-conditioning 76
4.2 Air-Conditioning Cycle 80
4.3 Refrigeration 82
4.4 Ideal Single-stage Vapor Compression Cycle 85
4.5 Refrigeration Compressors 90
4.6 Refrigeration Systems 97
4.7 Absorption System 107
4.8 Air-Conditioning Systems 116
5 Boiler 125
5.1 Fossil-fuel Boilers for Electric Utilities 125
5.2 Selection of Coal-burning Equipment 129
5.3 Superheaters and Reheaters 136
5.4 Boiler and Its Role Playing in National Economy 145
5.5 Technical Economic Indices of Boiler 151
5.6 Brief History of Boiler 158
5.7 Basic Components and General Working Processes of a Boiler 165
5.8 Classifications and Types of Boilers 171
5.9 Basic Operating Principles 175
6 Turbine 180
6.1 Steam Turbine 180
6.2 Gas Turbine 186
6.3 Compressor 193
6.4 Gas Turbine Plants 196
6.5 Classification of Steam Turbines 200
6.6 Current Practice and Trends of Turbine 204
6.7 The Modern Steam Power Plant 207
6.8 Wind Turbines 215
6.9 The Principle of Steam Turbine 221
7 Environmental Protection,Corrosion and Others 228
7.1 Ash Removal and Disposal 228
7.2 Oil-ash Corrosion 233
7.3 Control of Pollutant Gases 240
7.4 Fans 246
7.5 Stokers 250
7.6 Flue Gas Desulfunzation 255
7.7 Steam Separation 260
7.8 Pulverizers 265
7.9 Prevention of Scaling in Boilers 271
7.10 Air Pollution 275
7.11 Pressure Measurement 278
7.12 Clean Coal Teachnologies 286
参考译文 291
流体黏度(1.1 ) 291
流体的连续性假设、密度和比体积(1.2 ) 293
热力学的基本概念(2.1 ) 294
导热(2.4 ) 296
液体燃料和固体燃料的燃烧(3.5 ) 297
核燃料(3.6 ) 299
液态副产品燃料(3.7 ) 302
空气调节(4.1 ) 303
空调循环(4.2 ) 305
制冷(4.3 ) 306
电力公用事业电站燃用矿物燃料的锅炉(5.1 ) 308
过热器和再热器(5.3 ) 310
锅炉的技术经济指标(5.5 ) 316
锅炉的发展历史(5.6 ) 318
汽轮机(6.1 ) 320
燃气轮机(6.2 ) 323
除灰及灰的处理(7.1 ) 327
油灰腐蚀(7.2 ) 329
压力测量(7.11 ) 333
洁净煤技术(7.12 ) 335
附录Ⅰ常用缩写词 338
附录Ⅱ常用计量单位换算 367
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