翻译的折中主义及伦理视角 纽马克的翻译理论再审视PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王莉娜著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海大学出版社
- 出版年份:2017
- ISBN:7567126657
- 页数:209 页
Introduction 1
Chapter 1 Literature Review 5
1.1 Reception of Newmark’s Theory in the West 5
1.1.1 Overall Appraisal of Newmark’s Theory 6
1.1.2 Translation of Metaphor 12
1.1.3 Semantic and Communicative Translation 13
1.1.4 The Guildford Symposium 15
1.2 Reception of Newmark’s Translation Theory in China 17
1.2.1 Introduction of Newmark’s Theory into China 17
1.2.2 Semantic Translation and Communicative Translation 21
1.2.3 Yan Fu, Nida and Newmark 28
1.2.4 Newmark’s Translation Typology 34
1.2.5 Comparison between Newmark and Reiss’ TranslationTypologies 38
1.2.6 A Correlative Approach to Translation 41
1.2.7 Application of Newmark’s Theory to Translation Practice 43
1.3 Deficiencies in the Previous Studies of Newmark’s Theory 45
Chapter 2 Linguistic-Philosophical Foundation of Newmark’s Theory 47
2.1 Sense, Reference and Idea in Translation 48
2.1.1 Gottlob Frege : Sinn, Bedeutung and Vorstellung 48
2.1.2 Newmark’s Three Levels of Translating 53
2.2 Language Functions and Text-Categories in Translation 60
2.2.1 Bühler’s Organon Model of Language 60
2.2.2 Jakobson’s Model of Communication 63
2.2.3 Newmark’s Text Categorization 66
2.2.4 Frege and Bühler Constrasted 70
2.3 Language Philosophy of Semantic and Communicative Translation 71
2.3.1 Thought and Speech in Translation 72
2.3.2 Performative and Constative in Translation 80
2.3.3 Linguistic Relativity and Translatability 85
Chapter 3 Newmark’s Theory: An Eclectic Approach 97
3.1 Eclecticism in Newmark’s Theory 98
3.2 Newmark’s Conception of Translation Theory 102
3.2.1 What Newmark’s Translation Theory Is About 103
3.2.2 Newmark’s Theory in the Context of Translation Teaching 106
3.2.3 Basic Assumptions in Newmark’s Translation Theory 111
3.3 From Dualism to Eclecticism 125
3.3.1 Semantic and Communicative Translation Reexamined 126
3.3.2 A Correlative Approach to Translation 148
Chapter 4 Newmark’s Theory: An Ethical Approach 156
4.1 Newmark’s Ethics: A Modified Version of Model of Representation 159
4.1.1 Ultimate Purposes of Translation 160
4.1.2 Close Translation 162
4.1.3 Tertium Comparationis:Five Medial Truths 166
4.2 Translation Ethics and Ethical Models 179
4.2.1 Model of Service 181
4.2.2 Model of Communication 183
4.2.3 Norm-Based Model 186
4.2.4 Paradigm of Translation Ethics and Explanatory Power of the Four Models 188
Conclusions 192
References 198
后记 207
附录:纽马克的回信 209
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