- 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:金国藩著
- 出 版 社:北京:冶金工业出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787502471644
- 页数:628 页
院士传略 3
金国藩简介 3
金国藩自述 4
光学信息处理 15
使用全息光学元件的合成孔径雷达信号处理器 15
利用改进的符号数算法和光学符号代换实现矩阵计算 25
Optical Binary Image Algebra Processor(OBIAP) 33
光学子波变换(1)基本理论 41
光学子波变换(2)实验结构及技术 50
光学子波变换(3)应用 55
Multiobject Recognition in a Multichannel Joint-transform Correlator 64
Joint Wavelet-transform Correlator for Image Feature Extraction 69
实时光学模糊关联记忆神经网络 80
One-step Implementation of the Optical Hit-miss Transform 87
Developed,Binary,Image Processing in a Dual-channel,Optical,Real-time Morphological Processor 98
基于相似性度量的灰度图像光学匹配运算 111
Volume Holographic Wavelet Correlation Processor 117
Sidelobe Suppression in Volume Holographic Optical Correlators by Use of Speckle Modulation 128
Experiment on Parallel Correlated Recognition of 2030 Human Faces Based on Speckle Modulation 132
Improving Accuracy of Multichannel Volume Holographic Correlators by Using a Two-dimensional Interleaving Method 140
Phase-modulated Multigroup Volume Holographic Correlator 146
Fast Associative Filtering Based on Two-dimensional Discrete Walsh Transform by a Volume Holographic Correlator 152
Multi-sample Aarallel Estimation in Volume Holographic Correlator for Remote Sensing Image Recognition 159
Optical Fingerprint Recognition Based on Local Minutiae Structure Coding 171
二元光学 189
计算机源生的全息光学元件(COHOE)的合成及优化设计 189
电子束计算全息图的制作 195
Optimization of Grating Multi-beamsplitters 199
The Fabrication of a 25×25 Multiple Beam Splitter 206
平行传输阵列光斑器件的研制 214
实现ICF均匀照明的二元光学器件的混合优化设计 223
Aberration Theory of Arrayed Waveguide Grating 229
Theories for Design of Diffractive Superresolution Elements and Limits of Optical Superresolution 238
Theories for the Design of a Hybrid Refractive-diffractive Superresolution Lens with High Numerical Aperture 255
Broadband Polarizing Beam Splitter Based on the Form Birefringence of a Subwavelength Grating in the Quasi-static Domain 277
Statistic Analysis of Influence of Phase Distortion on Diffractive Optical Element for Beam Smoothing 282
High Quality Light Guide Plates that can Control the Illumination Angle Based on Microprism Structures 292
Polarized Light-guide Plate for Liquid Crystal Display 298
基于PWC方法的折衍混合红外物镜设计 306
Enhancement of the Light Output of Light-emitting Diode with Double Photonic Crystals 313
Achromatic Generation of Radially Polarized Beams in Visible Range Using Segmented Subwavelength Metal Wire Gratings 320
Security Enhanced Optical Eneryption System by Random Phase Key and Permutation Key 325
Achromatic Phase Retarder Applied to MWIR&LWIR Dual-band 339
Experimental Demonstration of Tunable Directional Excitation of Surface Plasmon Polaritons with a Subwavelength Metallic Double Slit 349
Design Method of Surface Contour for a Freeform Lens with Wide Linear Field-of-view 355
体全息存储 373
1000幅数字图像的晶体体全息存储与恢复 373
Dynamic Speckle Multiplexing Scheme in Volume Holographic Data Storage and Its Realization 376
Exposure-schedule Study of Uniform Diffraction Efficiency for DSSM Holographic Storage 382
10Gb/cm3小型化体全息数据存储及相关识别系统 389
Orthogonal Polarization Dual-channel Holographic Memory in Cationic Ring-opening Photopolymer 397
Improving Signal-to-noise Ratio by Use of a Cross-shaped Aperture in the Holographic Data Storage System 406
Orthogonal-reference-pattern-modulated Shift Multiplexing for Collinear Holographic Data Storage 417
Improvement of Volume Holographic Performance by Plasmon-induced Holographic Absorption Grating 424
光学仪器 433
ВП-4-ЭН型三向电感式车削测力仪的介绍 433
两种利用计算全息检测非球面的方法 438
二维光学传递函数测量 445
中医舌诊自动识别方法的研究 451
Resolution Enhancement by Combination of Subpixel and Deconvolution in Miniature Spectrometers 461
Design of Freeform Mirrors in Czerny-Turner Spectrometers to Suppress Astigmatism 468
Generalized Method for Calculating Astigmatism of the Unit-magnification Multipass System 484
Approximate Analytic Astigmatism of Unit-magnification Multipass System 498
CGH Null Test of a Freeform Optical Surface with Rectangular Aperture 517
Fast Statistical Measurement of Aspect Ratio Distribution of Gold Nanorod Ensembles by Optical Extinction Spectroscopy 527
Phase Extraction from Interferograms with Unknown Tilt Phase Shifts Based on a Regularized Optical Flow Method 544
Accurate Geometric Characterization of Gold Nanorod Ensemble by an Inverse Extinction/Scattering Spectroscopic Method 560
论仪器仪表科技发展 577
国外光计算的进展 577
信息时代的光学器件——透镜仅针尖那么大 591
仪器仪表的微小化、集成化和智能化 592
21世纪是信息与生命科学的时代 595
二元光学 596
超高密度光存储技术的现状和今后的发展 602
我国仪器仪表产业发展之路 611
测量技术是信息技术的源头——谈王大珩院士的仪器科学思想 618
我国当代仪器仪表的发展 620
我国平板显示产业面临的迫切科学技术问题 626
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