小康之路 综述篇:英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:武力主编
- 出 版 社:北京时代华文书局
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:7807691360
- 页数:179 页
Ⅰ Mao Zedong Laid the Foundation for Building the Well-off Society 15
Well-off Society:Ideal and Pursuit of Chinese People 15
CPC Explores the Road of Modernization 31
Laying a Comprehensive Foundation for a Well-off Society 40
Ⅱ Well-off Road 53
Great Historical Turning Point:Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee 53
Start of Reform and Opening Up 60
Proposal of the Goal of Building the Well-off Society 65
Comprehensive Reform and Opening Up 71
Ⅲ Deepening Reform and Establishing the Socialist Market Economy 83
Breakthroughs in Reform and Opening Up 83
Strategy of Developing the Country through Science and Education,Developing the Western Regions and Expanding Domestic Demand 91
“One Country,two Systems”Policy and Return of Hong Kong and Macao 100
Implementation of“Three-step”Strategy 102
Make People's Life Reach the Overall Well-off Level 104
Joining the WTO and Expanding the Two“Utilizations” 111
Ⅳ Building the All-round Moderately Prosperous Society 119
Action Program for Building the All-round Moderately Prosperous Society 119
Scientific Outlook on Development 124
Rapid Economic Development and Comprehensive Social Progress 133
Development Achievements in Last Decade 146
Ⅴ New Deployment of Building an All-round Moderately Prosperous Society 159
12th Five-Year Program and Vision 159
New Deployment of Building the All-round Moderately Prosperous Society 165
New Initiatives since the Eighteenth Party Congress 170
Distance of China from Realization of the All-round Moderately Prosperous Society 174
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