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  • 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李红主编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:7561127014
  • 页数:480 页
标签:地道 主编

Chapter One 向往美国 2

Topic 1 How Do You Prepare for the TOEFL Test?你怎样做好托福考前准备? 2

Topic 2 Apply for Language Training参加英语培训 5

Topic 3 Admission Granted接到留学通知 8

Topic 4 Visa Interview签证 11

Topic 5 What Should I Take with Me to America?我该带些什么东西去美国呢? 13

Topic 6 When Are You Leaving?你什么时间启程? 16

Topic 7 The Medical Check-up体检 18

Topic 8 Have You Anything to Declare?你有什么东西要申报吗? 21

Topic 9 What is Your Seat Number?你的座位号是多少? 24

Topic 10 Fasten Your Safety Belts系紧你的安全带 26

Topic 11 You Must Be Mr.David!您一定是大卫吧! 28

Topic 12 I'm Glad to See You!见到你很高兴! 30

Topic 13 I Expect to Meet the Dean我期望见到系主任 32

Tips for Speaking American English美语脱口秀小策略美语发音的特点 35

Chapter Two 住在美国 38

Topic 1 Learning about the New Campus了解新校园 38

Topic 2 How is the University Village?大学村怎么样? 40

Topic 3 How Can I find an Apartment?我怎么能找到一间公寓? 43

Topic 4 Applying for an Apartment in the University Housing Office到学校房管处申请公寓 45

Topic 5 There Was No Vacancy in the University Village大学村没有空房间 48

Topic 6 Why Don't you Rent One Near School?你为什么不在学校附近租间房呢? 50

Topic 7 I've Rented a Room我租到了一间房 53

Topic 8 Something Wrong with my Bathroom我的洗手间出了问题 55

Topic 9 Chatting With the Landlady与房东闲聊 58

Topic 10 I'm Your New Neighbour我是你的新邻居 61

Topic 11 I Want to Rent One Like Yours我想租一间像你这样的房间 64

Topic 12 Making Appointment With the Landlord与房东预约看房 67

Topic 13 It's Very Expensive for Me对我来说房租太贵了 69

Topic 14 Let's Sign the Agreement Now!我们现在签字把房子定下来吧! 72

Topic 15 I'd Like to Reserve One Room in Your Hotel我想在你们旅馆订个房间 76

Topic 16 I'd Like to Check In办理入住手续8 79

Topic 17 Do You Have Wake-Up Service你们这儿有叫醒服务吗? 82

Topic 18 Finding a Motel找汽车旅馆 85

Topic 19 Checking Out in the Hotel在旅馆结账 87

Tips for Speaking American English美语脱口秀小策略通用美语与通用英语中所使用的元音的对比 91

Chapter Three 吃在美国 94

Topic 1 I'll Treat You to Our Traditional Food我请你吃我们的传统饭菜 94

Topic 2 Learning to Cook学做饭 97

Topic 3 Would You Like to Have Dinner With Me Tonight?你今晚和我共进晚餐好吗? 101

Topic 4 On the Way to Go Shopping去购物的路上 104

Topic 5 I Must Say the Dish is Really Very Good我得说这道菜的味道很好 107

Topic 6 Would You Recommend Some Chinese Cocktails?你能推荐一些中国鸡尾酒吗? 110

Topic 7 Is there any special meaning for one to have noodles on his birthday?生日那天吃面条有什么特别的意义吗? 114

Topic 8 Snack Bar Story快餐店故事 118

Topic 9 Let's Celebrate It让我们庆祝一下 121

Topic 10 I Want to Reserve a Table我想订一个餐桌 123

Topic 11 It's a Nice Place Here这真是个好地方 125

Topic 12 You Do the Ordering你来点菜吧 127

Topic 13 Here's to Your Success!为你的成功而干杯! 132

Topic 14 The Steak Is Not Fresh这牛排不太新鲜 135

Topic 15 I'll Treat You This Time这次我请客 137

Topic 16 Do You Miss Chinese Food?你想念中国饭吗? 140

Topic 17 Which Way of Eating Is Better,Chinese or Western?哪种就餐方式更好,中餐还是西餐? 144

Topic 18 Why Not Make It a Barbecue?为什么不搞一个野外烤肉宴会? 147

Topic 19 What Did You Do for the Picnic?你们是怎么野餐的? 150

Topic 20 It's Been a Marvelous Dinner今晚的饭菜太丰盛了 152

Topic 21 The Classes Are Over,Let's Go to Eat!下课了,我们吃饭去! 155

Topic 22 Eating at the School Canteen在学校食堂吃饭 158

Topic 23 I Like Chinese Food我喜欢中餐 160

Tips for Speaking American English美语脱口秀小策略Stress重音 163

Chapter Four 学在美国 166

Topic 1 What Do You Want to Study?你想学什么? 166

Topic 2 Do You Want to Go To a Big University or a Small One?你想去大学校还是小学校? 168

Topic 3 What Is Your Background?能说一下你的学历吗? 172

Topic 4 I Don't Understand What the Teacher is Talking我听不懂老师在说什么 174

Topic 5 May I Have the Honor of Asking You a Question?我可以荣幸地请教您一个问题吗? 176

Topic 6 What Are the General Requirements for Doctorate Research?对博士生的总体要求是什么? 178

Topic 7 Visiting the Gallery参观美术馆 181

Topic 8 I Want to Change One of My Courses我想改选我的科目 184

Topic 9 Maybe One More Time Will Do the Trick也许再来一次能学会 187

Topic 10 What is Your Learning Style?你通过什么方式学习? 189

Topic 11 I Might Enroll in a More Advanced Class我会注册一个高级班吧 191

Topic 12 Have You Read the Latest Amy Tan book?你看过谭恩美最新出的书了吗? 195

Topic 13 Is There a City Library Around Here?这附近有市立图书馆吗? 198

Topic 14 Can You Tell Me How to Find Some Books on...?你能告诉我怎样找到关于……的书吗? 200

Topic 15 Can I Borrow Those Periodicals?这些期刊能借吗? 203

Topic 16 Have You Been to the New Library?你去过新图书馆吗? 205

Topic 17 American English and British English美国英语与英国英语 208

Topic 18 Learning a Language over Eggs and Toast吃鸡蛋、面包学外语 212

Topic 19 Gossip and Rumor流言和谣言 214

Topic 20 What is Your Favorite Book?你最喜欢什么书? 217

Topic 21 Are You Ready for the Final Exam Next Week?下周的期末考试你准备好了吗? 220

Topic 22 Talking about Environmental Protection谈论环保 222

Topic 23 On a Academic Conference参加学术会议 225

Tips for Speaking American English美语脱口秀小策略英语辅音群 229

Chapter Five 乐在美国 232

Topic 1 Do You Like Pop Music?你喜欢流行音乐吗? 232

Topic 2 Are You on Line?你在上网吗? 234

Topic 3 Would You Like to See a Movie Tonight?今晚你想去看电影吗? 236

Topic 4 Do You Often Watch TV?你常看电视吗? 238

Topic 5 How Did You Like the English Evening?你觉得英语晚会怎么样? 240

Topic 6 I Really Have to Quit Smoking我真得戒烟了 243

Topic 7 I Watched a Football Game我看了一场足球赛 245

Topic 8 How Long Have You Learned the Chinese Traditional Shadow Boxing?你学中国太极拳多久了? 248

Topic 9 What's on at the National Theater now?国家歌剧院正在上演什么? 250

Topic 10 What Can We Do with the Internet?我们能用互联网做什么? 252

Topic 11 I'm Going to Play Forward我要打前锋 255

Topic 12 Before the Final决赛前 257

Topic 13 I Like This Piece of Music so Much!我太喜欢这首乐曲了! 260

Topic 14 Have You Made Any Plans to Go Away During the Summer Vacation?暑假里你计划外出吗? 262

Topic 15 Traveling Abroad到国外旅行 264

Topic 16 Talking about the Hometown谈论家乡 267

Topic 17 What Do You Want to Listen to?你想听什么? 269

Topic 18 Would You Like to See“The Bridges of Madison County”?你想看《廊桥遗梦》吗? 271

Topic 19 Are You Free on This Weekend?这个周末你有空吗? 273

Topic 20 May I Have the First Dance with You?可以请你跳第一个舞吗? 276

Topic 21 How Would You Like to Go to a Movie This Weekend?周末你愿不愿意去看电影? 278

Topic 22 What Are Your Hobbies?你有什么爱好? 280

Topic 23 You Are in the Drama Society!你参加戏剧社啦! 282

Topic 24 Will You Join Us?你也加入吧? 284

Topic 25 What If I Can Have a Computer of My Own!要是我能有一台自己的电脑多好! 286

Topic 26 America is Wonderful!美国真奇妙! 288

Topic 27 Do You Want to Play Ping Pong?想打乒乓球吗? 291

Topic 28 Could You Teach Me How to Swim?你能教我游泳吗? 293

Topic 29 Let's Try to Play Tennis Sometime什么时候试试打网球 295

Topic 30 How Do You Shoot Pool?怎么打桌球? 298

Topic 31 I want to learn how to play golf我要学打高尔夫球 301

Topic 32 Have You Been to the Parks Around Here?你去附近的公园了吗? 303

Topic 33 Do You Want to Go Camping Tonight?今晚想去露营吗? 306

Topic 34 Which is Your Favorite Tourist Spot in the U.S.?在美国旅游你最喜欢哪里? 309

Topic 35 Have You Been to Any Museums?你去过博物馆吗? 311

Topic 36 What about Going Fishing?去钓鱼怎么样? 314

Topic 37 Could You Tell Me the Way to the Railway Station?请问去火车站怎么走? 316

Topic 38 How Many Passengers Can You Take?车上可以坐几个人? 318

Tips for Speaking American English美语脱口秀小策略同化 321

Chapter Six 用在美国 324

Topic 1 I'm Looking For a Wristwatch我想买块腕表 324

Topic 2 Let's Go to the Supermarket!我们去超市吧! 327

Topic 3 How do You like This Necktie?这条领带怎么样? 331

Topic 4 Medical and Dental Insurance医疗和牙保险 333

Topic 5 I Don't Feel Well,Doctor医生,我感觉不太舒服 337

Topic 6 I'd Like to Open a Checking Account我想开一个支票账户 340

Topic 7 Can You Help Me,Officer?您能帮忙吗,警官? 344

Topic 8 Reporting a Lost Credit Card报告丢失信用卡 346

Topic 9 The Seams Came Apart裤缝裂开了 349

Topic 10 At a Beauty Salon在一家美容院 352

Topic 11 At the Barber's在理发店 355

Topic 12 At the Court在法庭 357

Topic 13 I'd Like to Book a Flight to New York,Please.请给我订一张到纽约的飞机票 360

Topic 14 I'd Like to Send a Parcel我想邮一个邮包 362

Topic 15 Money Exchange兑换货币 365

Topic 16 At the Laundry在洗衣店 367

Topic 17 How Did You Wash My Woolen Scarf?It Was Shrunk.你是怎么洗我的羊毛围脖的?它已经缩水了。 370

Topic 18 Making an Appointment预约 373

Topic 19 Learning Driving学开车 376

Topic 20 Renting a Car租车 378

Topic 21 Is My Car ready Yet?我的车修好了吗? 381

Topic 22 I Need to Have My Shoes Mended我要把我的鞋修一下 383

Topic 23 After Sale Service售后服务 385

Topic 24 This Is a Real Bargain这可真是太便宜了 387

Topic 25 Everything Is on Sale in Wal-Mart沃尔玛所有的东西都削价出售 391

Topic 26 Can I Have a Refund on It?我可以退货吗? 394

Topic 27 Satisfaction Guaranteed or your Money Back保证顾客满意,不满意就退钱 397

Tips for Speaking American English美语脱口秀小策略重读和节奏 401

Chapter Seven 工作在美国 403

Topic 1 I'm Scared of Graduation我害怕毕业 403

Topic 2 I Want to Get a Good Summer Job我想找到一份好的夏季工作 405

Topic 3 On a Job Fair在人才市场 407

Topic 4 Do You Have a Vacancy for a Secretary?你们这儿有秘书职位的空缺吗? 410

Topic 5 I'm Out of work我失业了 415

Topic 6 Why Are You Interested in Our Company?你为什么对我们的公司感兴趣? 418

Topic 7 What Welfare Can We Enjoy?我们可以享受什么福利? 421

Topic 8 How About Your Educational Background?你的教育背景如何? 423

Topic 9 Talking About Computer Training Programs讨论计算机培训计划 426

Topic 10 We Want to Trade with Europeans我们想和欧洲有贸易往来 428

Topic 11 I'm the New Secretary我是新来的秘书 431

Topic 12 A Secretary's Day秘书的一天 435

Topic 13 I Do Need Some Time Off我确实需要放假 439

Topic 14 Who is to be Promoted?谁会升迁? 442

Topic 15 Control of an Enterprise is Really Painful管理企业真不轻松 445

Topic 16 Should Students Take Part-Time Job?学生应该业余时间打工吗? 447

Tips for Speaking American English美语脱口秀小策略Linking连读 450

Chapter Eight 交友在美国 452

Topic 1 Visiting Friends拜访朋友 452

Topic 2 I'm No Good at Small Talk我不善言谈 454

Topic 3 Help from the Classmate同学的帮助 456

Topic 4 Helping the Colleague帮助同事 459

Topic 5 Compliments from the Friends朋友的赞扬 462

Topic 6 What Are You Giving Susan for Valentine's?情人节你送给苏珊什么东西? 464

Topic 7 I Haven't Seen You for Ages!好久不见! 466

Topic 8 I'm a Native我是本地人 468

Topic 9 Would You Please Attend Our Wedding Ceremony?请您参加我们的婚礼好吗? 470

Topic 10 I Now Pronounce You Husband and Wife我现在宣布你们是合法夫妻了 472

Topic 11 We're Going to Miss You我们会想念你的 476

Tips for Speaking American English美语脱口秀小策略美国英语特有的词汇和表达方法 479
