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Hi,美国! 记忆旅程的起点与终点
Hi,美国! 记忆旅程的起点与终点

Hi,美国! 记忆旅程的起点与终点PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:林公翔著
  • 出 版 社:福州:福建人民出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7211051639
  • 页数:135 页
《Hi,美国! 记忆旅程的起点与终点》目录

在旧金山消磨时光 Killing time in San Francisco 1

到旧金山请记得戴朵黄花 Do remember to wear a yellow flower when arriving in San Francisco 3

华人泪洒淘金路 Tears of the Chinese Americans on their way of gold rush 6

快乐的渔人码头 Happy Fisherman's Wharf 10

在旧金山安静地享受一杯“星巴克” Enjoying a cup of Starbucks peacefully in San Francisco 12

金门大桥看日落 Watching the sunset on Golden Gate Bridge 14

沉醉在华盛顿的春天里 Intoxicated with joy of the Washington spring 17

泱泱大都风华 Capital of indescribably Beautiful and Striking 18

向伟人致敬 Salute the great men 21

永不消逝的战争阴霾 The never-fading shadow of war 25

视觉的盛宴 Visual banquet 29

费城故事 Stories in Philadelphia 32

兄弟之爱与美国之始 Affection between brothers and the start of America 33

由“自由钟”想起惠特曼的《草叶集》 From Freedom Bell thinking to"Leaves of Grass"of Walt Whitman 35

费城的音乐与费城的宁静 Music and quietness of Philadelphia 37

邂逅《思想者》罗丹和爱伦&坡的《黑猫》 An encounter with the Rodin"thinker"and Edgar Allan Poe"The Black Cat" 40

纽约,纽约 Oh,New York 43

世界最大的吸铁石 The biggest lodestone of the world 46

迷失在曼哈顿摩天楼的丛林中 Lost in the skyscraper jungles of Manhattan 48

百老汇的灯火和第五大道的夜色 Lights of the Broadway and the Fifth Avenue moonlights 52

雨中的自由女神 Statue of Liberty in the rain 55

艺术的纽约和纽约的艺术 Artistic New York and Arts in New York 58

尼亚加拉大瀑布全接触 A complete access to Niagara Falls 63

请收起时间的羽翼 Please fold the wings of time 65

“雾中少女号” "Maid in the Mist" 69

宁静的水牛城布法罗 The quite city of Buffalo 71

爱在洛杉矶 Love in Los Angles 73

美得像一只斑斓的蝶 A gorgeous butterfly 74

造梦工厂好莱坞 Hollywood,a dream-making factory 77

世界上最快乐的地方 The happiest place of the world 81

拉斯维加斯:火烈鸟在燃烧 Las Vegas:Burning flamingo 83

大赌城的纸醉金迷 Luxury and dissipation of the gambling city 86

拉斯维加斯的歌舞秀 Sing-and-dance show of Las vegas 89

风华绝代的超豪华酒店 The unparalleled hotel of super luxury 91

为蜜月打造的城市 A city especially designed for honeymoon 92

神的游牧场:科罗拉多大峡谷 The Grand Canvon:A nomadic spot of God 94

ALOHA.夏威夷 ALOHA,Hawaii 97

会说话的夏威夷 A speaking Hawaii 100

在爱之岛体验天堂之美 Experiencmg the beauty of heaven on the love island 103

草裙舞尽夏威夷 Hula-hula in Hawaii 106

亚利桑那号的“眼泪” "Tear"on the Arizona 109

吮指之间,坠入一场味觉恋爱 Falling in a love of taste in no time 111

车轮上的国家 A nation on wheels 115

水、面包和汽车 Water,bread and cars 117

独一无二的美国汽车文化 Uniqie automobile culture in the U.S 120

Route 66与汽车旅馆 Route 66 and motels 123

纽约邂逅法拉利嘉年华 An encounter with Ferrari Party in New York 127

奔跑 然后安静地坐下(后记) Being on the rush and then sitting down with calmness(to be continued) 130
