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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:王宝童译注
  • 出 版 社:北京/西安:世界图书出版公司
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7506270811
  • 页数:212 页
上一篇:千古一梦下一篇:城下 上 第2版

1.送友人归山歌 2

Seeing a Friend Off to His Mountain Seclusion 3

2.酬诸公见过 4

On the Respected Visiting Me(I was currently staying in my country house in the village of Wangchuan.) 5

3.和使君五郎西楼远望思归 6

Home-Thoughts,from Xilou Tower—Reply to Magistrate Wulang 7

4.奉寄韦太守陟 8

To Governor Wei Zhi 9

5.春夜竹亭赠钱少府归蓝田 10

To Qian Qi on His Return to the Country—Written at a Send-off in a Bamboo Bower One Spring Night 11

6.秋夜独坐怀内弟崔兴宗 12

Alone on an Autumn Evening,Thinking of Brother Cui Xingzong 13

7.赠裴十迪 14

To Pei Di 15

8.蓝田山石门精舍 16

Visit to the Stone-Gate Temple in the Sapphire Mountains 17

9.青溪 18

Blue Brook 19

10.终南别业 20

On His South Mountain Villa 21

11.李处士山居 22

Mr.Li's Mountain Hermitage 23

12.渭川田家 24

Tillers by the Weichuan River 25

13.春中田园作 26

Springtide on the Farm 27

14.过李揖宅 28

Stopping at Li Yi's 29

15.送宇文太守赴宣城 30

Accompanying Prefect Yuwen to His Post 31

16.送綦毋校书弃官还江东 32

On Secretary Qiwu Qian's Retirement 33

17.送别 34

Farewell 35

18.送张五归山 36

Seeing Zhang Yin Off to His Mountain Seclusion 37

19.送綦毋潜落第还乡 38

Seeing Qiwu Qian off Home After His Failure in the Imperial Examination 39

20.观别者 40

Parting Scene 41

21.新晴野望 42

Landscape Immediately After It Has Cleared Up 43

22.早入荥阳界 44

Morning in Xingyang 45

23.宿郑州 46

Stopping at Zhengzhou 47

24.渡河到清河 48

Going to Qinghe by Boat 49

25.纳凉 50

Enjoying the Cool 51

26.西施咏 52

She Shone in Beauty—Idyll of Xishi 53

27.桃源行 54

Visit to the Land of Peach Blossoms 55

28.答张五弟 56

Reply to Brother Zhang Wu 57

29.寒食城东即事 58

Cold Food Day on the Eastern Suburb 59

30.酬虞部苏员外过蓝田别业不见留之作 60

Reply to Commissioner Su Who Called at My Cottage in Lantian While I Was Out 61

31.酬比部杨员外暮宿琴台朝跻书阁率尔见赠之作 62

Harmonizing a Poem by Commissioner Yang on His Visit to Lute Terrace and the Classics Pavilion 63

32.酬张少府 64

Reply to Vice-magistrate Zhang 65

33.喜祖三至留宿 66

Gladness in Putting Up Zu Yong for the Night 67

34.辋川闲居赠裴秀才迪 68

To Pei Di,During My Leisure at Wangchuan 69

35.冬晚对雪忆胡居士家 70

Thinking of My Buddhist Friend Hu On a Snowy Night 71

36.山居秋暝 72

Autumn Evening in My Mountain Abode 73

37.归嵩山作 74

Retiring to Mount Songshan 75

38.归辋川作 76

Returning to Wangchuan 77

39.山居即事 78

Views from My Mountain Abode 79

40.终南山 80

The Zhongnan Mountains 81

41.辋川闲居 82

Leisure at Wangchuan 83

42.春园即事 84

Spring on the Farm 85

43.淇上即事田园 86

Written on the Qi River 87

44.晚春严少尹与诸公见过 88

On Vice-prefect Yan and Others Visiting Me in Late Spring 89

45.过感化寺昙兴上人山院 90

Visiting Venerable Buddhist Monk Tan Xing at the Ganhua Temple 91

46.郑果州相过 92

On Governor Zheng's Visit 93

47.过香积寺 94

Fragrance Temple 95

48.送钱少府还蓝田 96

Seeing Magistrate Qian Qi Off on His Way Back to Lantian 97

49.送梓州李使君 98

Seeing Governor Li Off to His Post in Zizhou 99

50.送杨长史赴果州 100

Seeing Prefect Yang Ji off on His Way to Guozhou 101

51.送邢桂州 102

Seeing Commissioner Xing Ji Off to Guizhou 103

52.汉江临眺 104

Viewing the Hanjiang River 105

53.凉州郊外游望 106

On a Liangzhou Suburb 107

54.观猎 108

Hunting Scene 109

55.春日上方即事 110

Spring at a Venerable Monk's 111

56.登裴迪秀才小台作 112

Upon the Garden Terrace of Pei Di 113

57.千塔主人 114

Halfway Visit 115

58.使至塞上 116

On a Mission Towards the Frontiers 117

59.早秋山中作 118

Written in Early Autumn,in the Mountains 119

60.积雨辋川庄作 120

Wangchuan After a Long Spell of Rain 121

61.春日与裴迪过新昌里访吕逸人不遇 122

When the Hermit Was Away 123

62.沈十四拾遗新竹生读经处同诸公之作 124

On Young Bamboos Shooting Up Around the Contemplation Room 125

63.田家 126

Country Folk 127

64.春过贺遂员外药园 128

A Visit to Commissioner He Sui's Garden of Medicinal Herbs in Spring 129

65.晓行巴峡 130

The Baxia Gorge at Dawn 131

66.鸟鸣涧 132

The Warble Ravine 133

67.莲花坞 134

The Lotus Dock 135

68.上平田 136

The Upland Fields 137

69.萍池 138

The Duckweeds Pool 139

70.孟城坳 140

The Mengcheng Col 141

71.华子冈 142

The Huazigang Ridge 143

72.文杏馆 144

The Wenxingguan Hall 145

73.鹿柴 146

The Deerpark Village 147

74.木兰柴 148

The Magnolia Village 149

75.临湖亭 150

The Lakeside Pavilion 151

76.南垞 152

The Southern Mound 153

77.敧湖 154

The Leaning Lake 155

78.栾家濑 156

The Luanjialai Rapids 157

79.白石滩 158

The White-pebble Shallows 159

80.竹里馆 160

Amid the Bamboos 161

81.辛夷坞 162

The Magnolia Retreat 163

82.送别 164

Parting Thoughts 165

83.别辋川别业 166

Leaving the Wangchuan Villa 167

84.再见封侯 168

Though One Can Be Made Chief 169

85.采菱渡头 170

The Water-chestnut Pickers 171

86.萋萋芳草 172

In Spring the Fragrant Grass 173

87.山下孤烟 174

A Lonely Smoke Curls Up 175

88.桃红复含 176

From Scarlet Peach Flowers Drips 177

89.酌酒会临 178

The Cup of Wine Is Raised 179

90.九月九日忆山东兄弟 180

On Double Ninth Day Thinking of My Brothers at Home 181

91.戏题盘石 182

Impromptu on a Rock 183

92.与卢员外象过崔处士兴宗林亭 184

Cui Xingzong in His Forest Bower 185

93.渭城曲 186

A Farewell Song 187

94.寒食汜上作 188

Late Spring On the Si River 189

95.山中 190

In the Mountains 191

96.相思 192

The Love Pea 193

97.书事 194

Green Moments 195

98.秋思 196

Autumn Felt from a Boudoir 197

99.秋夜曲(丁丁漏水) 198

The Hourglass Dripping 199

100.秋夜曲(桂魄初生) 200

As Laurel Sprite Climbs Up 201

附:试论英汉诗歌的节奏及其翻译 202
