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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李学平主编
  • 出 版 社:天津:南开大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7310026071
  • 页数:331 页

more/less than a...和more/less than one... 1

关于冠词和数词one 1

a/one hundred percent 3

a(an)用法 4

a(an)和one交换使用 5

On a sunny day,One sunny day 7

the用法 8

特指包括哪些情况 9

An electronics factory produces very nice electronic products对不对 10

A mile is longer than a kilometer/The mile is longer than the kilometer 11

a(an),the与单数、复数、不可数名词的搭配规律 12

如何决定要不要用冠词 12

能不能说A horse is a tame animal或The horse is a tame animal或Horse is a tame animal 13

能不能说Horses can run very fast或The horses can run very fast 14

Water is liquid.It takes shape of container.对不对 15

关于词形变化 15

a(an),the用例 16

关于名词 18

a(an),the和固定词组 18

all morning和all the morning,in spring和in the spring,at university和at the university等 20

Do you know Chinese well/Do you know the Chinese well/What is the Chinese for.../ 21

too difficult a problem,such a problem等 22

专有名词和冠词 24

少用冠词的倾向 25

词形变化规则的口诀 26

关于不规则变化 27

关于代词 28

能不能说Teacher Li或Engineer Li 28

名词作定语 29

名词单复数意义不同 34

information,equipment,knowledge 35

data,criteria 36

能不能说a friend of me等 37

双重所有格 38

He was fool enough to say that 40

各类名词之间的互相转变 41

可以说abilities,为什么不能说He is a man of many abilities等 43

kind(type,sort,category) 44

half 47

part of it/a part of it 49

one-third等 50

pair 51

理解few为至多一个左右,a few为两三个,对不对 52

little,a little 53

关于动词 54

能不能说The books are few/The ink is little 54

怎样理解every着重于整体、each着重于个体 55

every/all 56

不能说all of students 57

不能说both of students 58

不能说every of students,every of the students,every one of students 59

不能说each of students,each one of students 60

能不能说This is all what I know/That is all what I have 61

All friends are not reliable等 62

Both boys did not come等 63

some用于肯定句,any用于否定句、疑问名和条件丛句,有时不这样,为什么 64

不能说some of students,some of water 65

不能说any of students,any one of students 66

There are tall buildings on either side of the street有没有错 67

能不能说There are tall buildings on neither side of the street 68

I like neither of your brothers还是Neither of your brothers do I like 70

I think either of the boys are wrong—No,neither of them are有没有错 71

不能说either/neither of(two)students,either/neither one of(two) students 72

I like none of these pictures/None of these pictures do I like 73

none,no one,nothing 74

other,the other,others,the others,another 77

each other,one another 79

The two friends met each other at...和The two friends met one another at...都不对 80

many和much用法上有哪些不同 81

more和most用法上有哪些不同 82

为什么不能说A computer of a smaller size is usually preferable to that of a bigger size 83

one怎么用 84

one,people,they笼统表示“人们” 85

let's和let us 86

oneself和by oneself 87

this和that什么时候能指人,什么时候不能 88

That和This指上文 89

This指下文 90

it能指上文,不能指下文 91

能不能说The planewill arrivein an hour—Yes,I know it 92

it用法的简明归纳 93

词组动词 94

词组动词不容易和“动词+状语”分清,怎么办 98

动词时态 101

用一般现在时要注意的地方 103

能不能说We write an English letter和He becomes an engineer 105

哪些动词的—般现在时可表示“现在”的情况 107

一般现在时表示将来和过去 109

一般过去时和一般将来时 111

进行式 113

You will soon be receiving our letter 116

“be going to+动词”,“be+-ing”,“be to+动词”,“be about to+动词”表示将来 117

不用于进行式的动词 120

How do you feel now/How are you feeling now 121

进行式呈现感情色彩 122

完成式 123

完成式的“关联”意义 126

现在完成时和—般过去时的区别 127

since,for,ago 129

It is five years since we parted 131

It's the first time Ia m here还是It's the first time I have been here 132

We will leave after the rain has stopped还是We will leave after the rain stops 133

关于动词的非限定式 134

have got 135

ever,never,just,recently,today,this morning等 136

不能说The plane has left for two hours 137

能不能说Where has he gone/Where have you gone 138

过去完成时和将来完成时 140

过去完成时和表示过去时间“点”的状语连用时,和—般过去时的区别 141

We got there after they had left还是We got there after they left 142

We had got there before they left还是We got there before they left 143

能不能说We stayed at home before the rain had stopped 144

I hoped to do it myself/I had hoped to do it myself 145

完成进行式 146

能不能说The man is dying.The man has been dying 148

完成进行式和完成式 149

“时态的呼应” 150

过去将来时 151

被动语态的形式 153

被动语态的使用 155

被动语态也可由“get+过去分词”构成 156

主动句和被动句的对应 158

Probably,we will consider this proposal unacceptable和Probably,this proposal will be considered unacceptable的不同 162

You should refer this matter to the dean和This matter should be referred to the dean的不同 163

主动语态表示被动意义 164

虚拟语气 166

would rather,had rather,had better 173

even if/even though 174

总结be 176

总结have 178

总结do 179

总结will,shall 181

总结would,should 183

can,may 185

She may go alone/She may not go alone/She might go alone/She might not go alone这样的句子 186

may well,may as well,may as well...as 187

关于形容词、副词 187

could,might 188

could,be able to 189

might,may,will可能程度的比较 190

must 192

Must we do it now的肯定、否定回答 193

mustn't 194

ought to 195

must,have to,ought to,should 196

need 197

dare 198

used to 199

used to,would 200

“used to+v”和“be used to+n” 201

分词 202

及物动词和不及物动词的分词不相同 204

不能说students returned from abroad 207

关于介词、连词 207

interesting/interested,amusing/amused 209

现在分词一般式 210

现在分词完成式 213

“being ”结构 215

“having...”结构 216

过去分词 217

a used computer/the computer used 218

He is gone/He has gone 219

when,while,if等+分词 222

分词和各种相应从句的比较 223

分词独立结构 224

动名词 230

动名词—般式 231

动名词完成式 232

动名词什么时候用it作形式主语和形式宾语 233

能不能说It is important knowing a foreign language 234

动名词作介词的宾语 236

him/his winning the prize和Jim/Jim's winning the prize 237

关于某些动词、形容词和介词(或副词、不定式)的搭配 238

developing science and technology/the developing of science and technology/the development ofscience and technology 239

不定式 240

不定式一般式 241

不定式完成式 242

不定式进行式、完成进行式 243

不定式什么时候用it作形式主语和形式宾语 245

The thing for us to do now is to change the plan还是The thing for us to do now is change the plan 247

能不能说Please come have lunch with me/Will you go talk to them 248

能不能说Should I return the book now?No.You don't have to return it now 249

说I will try to call her and to talk over the matter with her对不对 250

“too...to...”有时没有否定含义 251

“in order to...”/“so as to...” 252

“for students to do”结构 253

“how to do it”结构 254

The boy is learning how to use a computer和The boy is learning to use a computer有什么不同 255

能不能说What to do now和Why to do it now 256

不定式作介词的宾语 257

不定式作定语和名词之间的关系 258

Give him a chair to sit on里,为什么要有on 259

关于从句 260

为什么说This is a nice place to go,不说This is a nice place to go to 261

为什么不定式的主动语态也常用于被动场合 262

There is much money to save/There is much money to be saved 263

There is nothing to see/There is nothing to be seen 264

分词、动名词、不定式用法归纳 265

过去分词作主语补语与谓语动词被动语态区别 266

动名词与现在分词区别 267

动名词与不定式比较 268

哪些动词带动名词作宾语,为什么要带 269

哪些动词带不定式作宾语,为什么要带 270

哪些动词带“疑问词+不定式”作宾语 271

哪些动词带动名词也带不定式作宾语 272

动词带动名词或不定式作宾语时,有哪些异同 273

能不能说We are beginning to look into the problem和We are beginning looking into the problem 274

关于句子结构和句子成分 275

能不能说We have begun to see the problem more clearly和We have begun seeing the problem more clearly 275

能不能说I'd like to buy a new DVD set和I'd like buying a new DVD set 276

need带动名词和不定式 277

be worth带动名词 278

be worthy 279

不定式与分词比较 280

We go shopping every weekend 281

"keep+-ing""keep on+-ing""go on+-ing" 282

"go on+-ing"/"go on+to..." 283

stop doing/stop to do 284

"cannot help...""cannot but...""can but..." 285

说very good不说very excellent... 286

不能说more correct但能说more nearly correct 287

not as...as 288

不能说as possible as we can 289

not as(so) as和less...than 290

the least 291

只能作补语的形容词有什么特征 292

形容词比较级前面能不能有the 293

“比较级”和“even/still+比较级” 294

有两种形式的副词 295

sure,certain 296

late,later,later on 297

in an hour,an hour later 298

most,a most,the most 299

less+可数名词 300

not more/less than和no more/less than 301

He is no more educated than his wife/He is not more educated than his wife 303

more than ten people,ten people more,ten people and more,ten people or more 304

People are more harmed than given pleasure by smoking 305

sort of,kind of 306

far,by far 307

enough的位置 308

already也用于疑问句 309

ever 310

Did you ever see a UFO/Have you ever seen a UFO 311

索引 312

just,just now 312

ago,before 313

long ago,long before,before long 314

some time,sometime,sometimes 315

频度副词的互相比较 316

程度副词的互相比较 317

about,around,nearly,approximately,or so 318

nearly,almost 319

一些介词的基本意义图解 320

about,around,round 321

The accident happened at about 5:00 p.m.还是The accident happened about 5:00 p.m. 322

above/over 323

The temperature is well above zero还是The temperature is well over zero 324

Over twenty people took part in the activity还是Above twenty people took part in the activity 325

over there/there 326

across,through,throughout 327

across from 328

according to/in accordance with 329

along,alongside,alongside of 330

as to/as for 331

as of 332

as,like 333

at this time,this time 334

although/though 335

because,because of,for 336

能不能说Yesterday,I went to the Book City for buying a Webster Collegiate Dictionary 337

for sale/on sale 338

because,since,as 339

能不能说Did you cancel the trip since/as the weather was too bad 340

before,after,since 341

below,under 342

before,behind,in front of 343

Shut the door behind you还是Shut the door after you 344

behind time/behind the times 345

beneath,underneath 346

beside,besides 347

besides,except,except for 348

能不能说In this area,there are no supermarkets besides this one 349

between,among,amid 350

between用于三个或三个以上事物之间 351

due to/owing to 352

from,since 353

in,at,on 354

inside和inside of,outside和outside of 355

in time/on time 356

in,during,for 357

in a year 358

in a year's time 359

in future/in the future 360

instead of 361

the biggest flood in fifty years/the biggest flood for fifty years 362

for的省略 363

of的省略 364

in,into,outof 365

in,within,without 366

We can finish the project in a year/We can finish the project within ayear 367

on,upon,on top of 368

rather...than,rather than 369

so...that/such...that 370

till,until 371

while,when 372

to,toward(s) 373

with,without 374

总结as 375

总结if 376

总结that 377

总结when 378

总结where 379

admit,admit of 380

agree with,agree to,agree on/upon 381

aim at+-ing/aim to+v 382

anxious about,unxious for 383

applyto,apply for 384

approve,approve of 385

attend,attend to 386

avenge,avenge...on/upon 387

boast,boast of,boast about 388

carry out,carry on,carry through 389

certain(或sure)of/certain(或sure)to+v 390

committed to+-ing/committed to+v 391

compare with,compare to 392

compensate,compensate for 393

concernde with,concernedabout 394

confess,confess to 395

consist of,consist in 396

consult,consult with 397

correspond to,correspond with 398

defend...against,defend...from 399

different from,different than 400

disappointed in,disappointed with,disappointed at,disappointed about,disappointed of 401

eager for,eager about,eager after 402

familiar to,familiar with 403

hear,hear of,hear about,hear from 404

independent of 405

inquire,inquire of,inquire about,inquire after,inquirefor,inquire into 406

interfere with,interfere in 407

join,join in 408

know,know of,know about 409

leave for,leave behind,leave off,leave out,leave over 410

opposite,opposite to 411

protest,protest against 412

provide,provide with,provide for 413

responsible for,responsible to 414

result from,result in 415

speak,speak of,speak for 416

spend on,spend for,spend in 417

succeed,succeed in,succeed to 418

supply with,supply to 419

talk to,talk with,talk of,talk about,talk over 420

think of,think about,think out,think through,think over 421

tired of,tired with 422

treat,treat of 423

wake,wake up,waken,waken up,awake,awaken 424

名词从句 425

定语从句 427

定语从句和同位语从句 434

状语从句 435

基本句型 438

SVC里的C叫“表语”还是“主语补语” 439

SVOC里的C 441

SVpC里的C 442

“宾语+宾语补语”和宾语从句 443

连系动词 446

“半连系动词” 447

表示“给予”意思的动词 448

He gave her a mobile phone/He gave a mobile phone to her 449

He bought her a mobile phone/He bought a mobile phone for her 450

The work will take us ten days是不是SVOO 451

能带“宾语+宾语补语”的动词 452

help 453

consider 454

形式主语It 456

形式宾语it 457

“无人称it” 458

It will be Sunday tomorrow/Tomorrow is Sunday 459

“There+be+主语”存在句 460

By the river there stands a tall house/By the river stands a tall house 465

不能说Please you do it或Please you 466

Take it/Do take it/Don't take it/Don't you take it 467

Let's not...还是Let's don't... 468

Shall I come at two or three有两种意思 469

Are you going with me和Are you going with me or not有不同 470

Can't the students register now/Can the students not register now 471

What do you think will happen/What time does the flight schedule say the plane will arrive 472

I didn't do anything/I did nothing 473

I have no VCR/I have not a VCR/I don't have a VCR 474

I am not a teacher/I am no teacher 475

He wasn't here all the day有两种意思 476

He didn't come和He didn't come by bus的不同 477

I don't think he will leave/I think he will not leave与I don't know he will leave/I know he will not leave等 478

前置定语的顺序 479

由形容词构成定语的前置、后置 480

由形容词构成的定语和补语词义有时不同 482

This mobile phone is cheaper and more efficient还是This mobile phone is more efficient and much cheaper 483

状语的位置和顺序 484

可以说In New York City they live on Staten Island,不能说On Staten Island they live in New York City 486

可以说In June they got married on a Sunday morning,不能说On a Sunday morning they got married in June 487

倒装强调句 488

谓语动词的强调 492

[It is...that...]强调结构 493

[It is...that...]不能强调since-,as-结构 498

[It is...that...]可以强调宾语补语 500
