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  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:袁丹主编
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国医药科技出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7506734753
  • 页数:169 页

第一篇 基础实验篇 1

Chapter 1 Essential Experiments 1

实验一 显微制片与显微镜的使用 1

1 Microscopic Mounting and Use of Microscope 6

实验二 显微测量与显微绘图 11

2 Microscopic Measurement and Drawing 16

实验三 中药粉末的偏光特征 20

3 Polarizing Characteristics of TCMs Powders 22

实验四 根及根茎类中药的鉴别(一)——贯众,牛膝,大黄 24

4 Identification of TCMs Derived from Roots and Rhizomes(Ⅰ)——Rhizoma Guanzhong,Radix Achyranthis and Radix et Rhizoma Rhei 28

实验五 根及根茎类中药的鉴别(二)——人参类,乌头类 31

5 Identification of TCMs Derived from Roots and Rhizomes(Ⅱ)——Medicinal Materials of Panax spp. and Aconitum spp 34

实验六 根及根茎类中药的鉴别(三)——黄连,甘草,柴胡 38

6 Identification of TCMs Derived from Roots and Rhizomes(Ⅲ)——Rhizoma Coptidis,Radix Glycyrrhizae and Radix Bupleuri 41

实验七 根及根茎类中药的鉴别(四)——石菖蒲,半夏,天麻 44

7 Identification of TCMs Derived from Roots and Rhizomes(Ⅳ)——Rhizoma Acori Tatarinowii,Rhizoma Pinelliae and Rhizoma Gastrodiae 47

实验八 茎木类中药的鉴别——川木通,桑寄生,鸡血藤 50

8 Identification of TCMs Derived from Stems——Caulis Clemetidis Armandii,Ramulus Taxilli and Caulis Spatholobi 53

实验九 皮类中药的鉴别(一)——黄柏,厚朴,牡丹皮,肉桂 56

9 Identification of TCMs Derived from Barks(Ⅰ)——Cortex Phellodendri,Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis,Cortex Moutan and Cortex Cinnamomi 60

实验十 皮类中药的鉴别(二)——秦皮,杜仲,香加皮,五加皮 64

10 Identification of TCMs Derived from Barks(Ⅱ)——Cortex Fraxini,Cortex Eucommiae,Cortex Periploeae Radicis and Cortex Acanthopanacis Radicis 67

实验十一 叶类中药的鉴别——大青叶,番泻叶 70

11 Identification of TCMs Derived from Leayes——Folium Isatidis and Folium Sennae 74

实验十二 花类中药的鉴别——洋金花,红花,西红花,金银花,丁香 78

12 Identification of TCMs Derived from Flowers——Flos Datura,Flos Carthami,Crocus,Flos Lonicerae and Flos Caryophylli 81

实验十三 果实与种子类中药的鉴别——小茴香,五味子,桃仁,杏仁,槟榔,马钱子 84

13 Identification of TCMs Derived from Fruits and Seeds——Fructus Foeniculi,Fructus Schisandrae,Semen Persicae,Semen Armeniacae Amarum,Semen Arecae and Semen Strychni 87

实验十四 全草类中药的鉴别——麻黄,薄荷,金钱草 90

14 Identification of TCMs Derived from Herbs——Herha Ephedrae,Herba Menthae and Herba Lysimachiae 93

实验十五 其他类中药的鉴别——茯苓,猪苓,乳香,没药,儿茶 96

15 Identification of TCMs Derived from Other Parts of Plants——Poria,Polyporus,Olibanum,Myrrha and Catechu 98

实验十六 动物类中药的鉴别——牛黄,金钱白花蛇,乌梢蛇,蕲蛇 100

16 Identification of TCMs Derived from Animals——Calculus Bovis,Bungarus Parvus,Zaocys and Agkistrodon 102

实验十七 矿物类中药的鉴别——朱砂,信石,石膏,滑石 104

17 Identification of TCMs Derived from Minerals——Cinnabaris,Arsenicum,Gypsum Fibrosum and Talcum 106

第二篇 现代实验技术篇 109

Chapter 2 Modern Approaches 109

实验十八 紫外谱线组法鉴别阿胶、天麻及其伪品 109

18 Qualitative Analysis of Colla Corri Asini,Rhizima Gastrodiae and Their Adulterations by UASLG Method 112

实验十九 FT-IR法鉴别熊胆、牛胆与猪胆 115

19 Qualitative Analysis of Fel Ursi,Fel Bovis and Fel Suis by FT-IR 119

实验二十 HPLC法测定金银花中绿原酸的含量 122

20 Quantitative Analysis of Chlorogenic Acid in Flos Lonicerea by HPLC 127

实验二十一 聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)法定性鉴别羚羊角及其伪品 132

21 Qualitative Analysis of Cornu Saigae Tataricae and Its Adulterations by PAGE 135

实验二十二 PCR直接测序法鉴别半夏和天南星 138

22 Identification of Rhizoma Arisaematis and Rhizoma Pinelliae with PCR Sequencing Method 142

第三篇 综合性实验 146

Chapter 3 Comprehensive Experiments 146

实验二十三 未知中药粉末的显微和理化鉴别 146

23 Microscopic Identification and Physico-chemical Examination for Unknown TCMs Powder 150

实验二十四 中药材质量标准的制订 154

24 Establishment of Quality Standard for Raw Materials of TCMs 157

附录一 收载药材拉丁名、中英文名及基源植(动)物拉丁学名对照表 161

附录二 常用显微镜检试剂 166

参考文献 169
