- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:何三宁,唐国跃,范勇编著
- 出 版 社:南京:东南大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7564100966
- 页数:326 页
Chapter 1:A Brief Introduction to Translation 第1章 翻译简述 1
1.1 What Is Translation什么是翻译 1
1.2 The Makings of a Translator译者的素质 3
1.2.1 A Translator Must Be Well Acquainted with the Source Language译者应熟练掌握原语 3
1.2.2 A Translator Must Be Well Acquainted with the Target Language译者应熟练掌握目的语 4
1.2.3 A Translator Must Be Armed with Professional Knowledge Needed译者应有丰富的专业知识 5
1.3 Why We Study the Skills of Translating翻译技巧的重要性 5
1.4 Criteria in Translating翻译原则 6
1.4.1 Faithfulness to the Original忠实 10
1.4.2 Smoothness and Expressiveness通顺 11
1.5 Procedures in Translating翻译的过程 11
1.5.1 The Procedure of Understanding理解 12
1.5.2 The Procedure of Expressing表达 15
1.5.3 The Procedure of Proofreading审校 17
1.6 Six Major Trends of Translation翻译工作的六大趋势 17
1.7 Ways to Success in Translation提高翻译水平之道 19
1.7.1 Practice More多练 20
1.7.2 Compare More多比 20
1.7.3 Read More多读 21
1.8 A Test in Class for Evaluation课堂评估测试 26
Chapter 2:Lexical Translation 第2章 词法翻译 27
2.1 Conversion of Word Classes词类转译 27
2.1.1 Convert English Nouns into Chinese Verbs,Adjectives,or Adverbs英语名词转换成汉语动词、形容词或副词 27
2.1.2 Compare and Analyze比较与分析 30
2.1.3 Exercises练习 31
2.1.4 Convert English Adjectives into Chinese Adverbs,Verbs or Nouns英语形容词转换成汉语副词、动词或名词 32
2.1.5 Compare and Analyze比较与分析 34
2.1.6 Exercises练习 35
2.1.7 Convert English Adverbs into Chinese Nouns,Verbs or Adjectives英语副词转换成汉语名词、动词或形容词 37
2.1.8 Convert English Verbs into Chinese Nouns英语动词转换成汉语名词 39
2.1.9 Convert English Prepositions into Chinese Verbs英语介词转换成汉语动词 39
2.1.10 Compare and Analyze比较与分析 41
2.1.11 Exercises练习 42
2.2 Omission and Amplification省词与增词翻译 44
2.2.1 Omission省词翻译 44
2.2.2 Compare and Analyze比较与分析 51
2.2.3 Exercises练习 52
2.2.4 Amplification增词翻译 53
2.2.5 Compare and Analyze比较与分析 62
2.2.6 Exercises练习 63
Chapter 3:Semantic Translation 第3章 语义翻译 65
3.1 Diction遣词用字 65
3.1.1 Polysemy一词多义 66
3.1.2 Extension词义引申 68
3.1.3 Word Classes一词多性 71
3.2 Principles in Diction选词的原则 72
3.2.1 Select Word Meaning According to Word Classes依据词性选择词义 72
3.2.2 Decide Word Meaning According to the Contextual and Logical Relationship依据上下文与逻辑关系选择词义 72
3.2.3 Translate Literally without Any Extension字面直译 73
3.2.4 Suit Words or Phrases to Chinese Description依汉语的表达习惯译 73
3.3 Commendatory and Derogatory词义的褒贬 74
3.4 Compare and Analyze比较与分析 76
3.5 Exercises练习 77
Chapter 4:How to Translate the Negative 第4章 否定句的翻译 80
4.1 Complete Negation完全否定 80
4.2 Partial Negation部分否定 81
4.2.1 All(every,each,both,many,everything,everybody...)+not 不定代词/形容词+not结构的翻译 81
4.2.2 Always(much,everywhere,entirely,wholly,altogether,often,enough...)+not 副词+not结构的翻译 83
4.2.3 Not+Adverbial(attributive/predicative)+and+Adverbial(attributive/predicative) not+状语+and+状语结构的翻译 84
4.2.4 "...Not...+...as Well as..."Structure "...not...+...as well as..."结构的翻译 85
4.2.5 Some Adverbials with Partial Negation部分否定意义副词的翻译 85
4.3 Compare and Analyze比较与分析 86
4.4 Exercises练习 87
4.5 Double Negation双重否定的翻译 88
4.6 Connotative Negation内涵否定的翻译 89
4.6.1 Some Words and Phrases含有否定意义词语的翻译 90
4.6.2 Some Sentence Structures句子结构的否定翻译 92
4.7 Compare and Analyze比较与分析 93
4.8 Exercises练习 95
4.9 Transferred Negation否定转移 96
4.9.1 Some English Verbs一些英语动词的翻译 96
4.9.2 "Not...because..."Construction “not...because...”结构的翻译 97
4.10 Affirmative in Meaning含有否定词的肯定翻译 98
4.11 Conversion between Positive and Negative正反译法 99
4.12 Compare and Analyze比较与分析 101
4.13 Exercises练习 102
Chapter 5:How to Translate Numbers 第5章 数字的翻译 105
5.1 Some English Numbers一些英语数字的翻译 105
5.2 Translation of Approximate Numbers约数的翻译 108
5.3 Compare and Analyze比较与分析 110
5.4 Exercises练习 112
5.5 Translation of English Multiple英语倍数的翻译 114
5.5.1 Some Sentence Constructions as to Increase用于增长中常见句型的翻译 114
5.5.2 Some Words,Phrases and Structures as to Decrease用于减少中常见词语和句型的翻译 117
5.6 Compare and Analyze比较与分析 119
5.7 Exercises练习 119
Chapter 6:How to Translate the Passive 第6章 被动概念的翻译 121
6.1 Some Suffixes with Passive Meaning含有被动意义的后缀 121
6.2 Most Past Participles with Passive Meaning含有被动意义的过去分词 122
6.3 Common Methods of Translating the Passive Voice被动句的翻译方法 122
6.3.1 Convert the Passive-Voice English into the Active-Voice Chinese英语被动句转换成汉语主动句 123
6.3.2 Convert Passive-Voice English Sentences into Be-Verb Chinese Sentences英语被动句转换成含“是”的汉语句 124
6.3.3 Convert Passive-Voice English Sentences into Subjectless Chinese Sentences英语被动句转换成汉语无主语句 125
6.3.4 Convert Passive-Voice English Sentences into Passive-Form Chinese Sentences用含有被动概念的词翻译英语被动句 126
6.3.5 Convert By-Agent and Recipient into Cause-and-Effect行为者与接受者转换成因果关系 128
6.3.6 Some Useful Patterns一些常用的句型 129
6.4 Compare and Analyze比较与分析 130
6.5 Exercises练习 132
Chapter 7:How to Translate Long Sentences 第7章 长句的翻译 135
7.1 General Procedures of Translating Long English Sentences长句翻译的总体原则 135
7.2 Some Useful Techniques of Translating Long English Sentences长句翻译的方法 136
7.2.1 Division分译 136
7.2.2 Sequential-Order Translation of Long Sentences顺译 137
7.2.3 Reverse-Ordcr Translation倒译 138
7.2.4 Insertion插入译法 139
7.2.5 Comprehensive Use of Different Techniques综合译法 140
7.3 Compare and Analyze比较与分析 142
7.4 Exercises练习 143
Chapter 8:Translation of Practical Texts 第8章 应用文体的翻译 145
8.1 Translation of English for Science and Technology科技英语的翻译 145
8.1.1 Stylistic Characteristics of EST科技英语文体特点 146
8.1.2 Techniques of EST Translation科技英语翻译方法 153
8.1.3 Compare and Analyze比较与分析 169
8.1.4 Exercises练习 171
8.2 Translation of Legal Documents法律文献的翻译 172
8.2.1 Lexical Features of Legal Documents and Their Translation法律文献的用词特点及其翻译 172
8.2.2 Syntactical Features of Legal Documents and Their Translation法律文献的句法特点及其翻译 178
8.2.3 Compare and Analyze比较与分析 184
8.2.4 Exercises练习 187
8.3 Translation of English Advertisement英文广告的翻译 188
8.3.1 General Introduction of Advertisement英文广告简述 188
8.3.2 Basic Purposes and General Principles of English Advertisement Translation into Chinese英文广告翻译的目的与总体原则 188
8.3.3 Linguistie Characteristics of English Advertisements and Relevant Translation Techniques英文广告的语言特点及其翻译方法 189
8.3.4 Rhetorical Devices Used in English Advertisements英文广告中的修辞方法 196
8.3.5 Some Typical Translation Methods of English Advertisements and General Re-quirements for Each Method英文广告中常用的翻译方法及要求 202
8.3.6 Compare and Analyze比较与分析 208
8.3.7 Exercises练习 210
Chapter 9:Cultural Translation 第9章 文化翻译 211
9.1 Differences between"Culture"in English and文化in Chinese汉英文化的差异 211
9.2 Relationship between Culture and Language文化与语言的关系 213
9.3 Lexical Translation in Culture文化中的词义翻译 214
9.3.1 Words and Conceptual Meaning单词与概念意义 216
9.3.2 Words and Associative Meaning单词与联想意义 220
9.3.3 Compare and Analyze比较与分析 233
9.3.4 Exercises练习 234
9.4 Cultural Connotations of the Idiomatic Phrases and Their Translation习语的文化内涵与翻译 235
9.4.1 Set Phrases and Their Translation成语的翻译 235
9.4.2 Proverbs and Their Translation谚语的翻译 240
9.4.3 Allusions and Their Translation典故的翻译 249
9.5 Cultural Connotations of Euphemisms and Their Translation委婉语的文化内涵与翻译 253
9.5.1 General View to Euphemisms委婉语概述 253
9.5.2 Methods of Translating Euphemisms委婉语的翻译方法 255
9.6 Compare and Analyze比较与分析 257
9.7 Exercises练习 260
Chapter 10:Some Terms in Translation and Their Understanding 第10章 一些翻译术语及其理解 262
10.1 Metaphrase and Paraphrase直译与意译 262
10.2 Dissimilation and Assimilation异化与同化 266
10.2.1 Dissimilation异化 266
10.2.2 Assimilation同化 268
10.2.3 Relationship between Dissimilation and Assimilation异化与同化的关系 269
10.3 Exercises练习 272
10.4 Flexibility and Accuracy灵活与准确 273
10.5 Fuzziness and Accuracy模糊与精确 275
10.6 Exercises练习 277
10.7 Rhythm and Flavor节奏与韵味 278
10.7.1 Thought-Rhythm意义节奏 278
10.7.2 Sound-Rhythm声音节奏 281
10.8 Sentence and Text句子与语篇 282
10.9 Exercises练习 286
Appendix 1 Bilingual Reading对比阅读 287
Appendix 2 Common Titles常用头衔 309
Appendix 3 Common Expressions for Signs常用标志语 313
Appendix 4 Topics for Consideration in Theses on Translation论文参考题目 321
Appendix 5 Recommended Reading List阅读书目 323
Appendix 6 Bibliography参考文献 324
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