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外科学  第1卷
外科学  第1卷

外科学 第1卷PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:37 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:刘新民主编
  • 出 版 社:沈阳:沈阳出版社
  • 出版年份:2004
  • ISBN:754412598X
  • 页数:1582 页
《外科学 第1卷》目录

神经外科学 1

简介 1

垂体(hypophysis) 2

三叉神经(trigeminal nerve) 3

精神外科学(psychosurgery) 3

眼神经(ophthalmic nerve) 3

下颌神经(mandibular nerve) 3

功能性神经外科学(functional neurosurgery) 4

立体定向神经外科(stereotactic neurosurgery) 4

血管内神经外科学(endovascular neurosurgery) 5

立体定向放射神经外科学(stereotactic radioneuro-surgery) 5

显微神经外科学(micro neurosurgery) 5

内镜神经外科学(endoscopic neurosurgery) 6

无框架立体定向导航神经外科学(frameless stere-otactic guided neurosurgery) 6

中枢神经系统(central nervous system) 7

交感神经系统(sympathetic nervous system) 7

自主神经系统(autonomic nervous system) 7

微侵袭神经外科学(minimally invasive neurosurgery) 7

副交感神经系统(parasympathetic nervous system) 8

颅骨(skull) 8

颅囟(fontanel) 8

周围神经系统(peripheral nervous system) 8

头皮结构(structure of scalp) 8

颅顶(skull cap) 9

颅中窝(middle cranial fossa) 9

颅后窝(posterior cranial fossa) 9

前囟(anterior fontanel) 9

后囟(posterior fontanel) 9

颅底(skull base) 9

颅前窝(anterior cranial fossa) 9

前外侧囟(anterior lateral fontanel) 10

枕外粗隆(external occipital protuberance) 10

颧弓(zygomatic arch) 10

颞骨岩部(petrous part of temporal bone) 10

乳突(mastoid) 10

筛板(cribriform plate) 10

眶上裂(supraorbital fissure) 10

视神经管(optic cannula) 10

枕骨大孔(foramen occipitale magnum) 10

后外侧囟(posterior lateral fontanel) 10

颅缝(cranial suture) 10

破裂孔(foramen lacerum) 11

硬脑膜(cranial dura mater) 11

大脑镰(falx cerebri) 11

小脑幕(tentorium cerebelli) 11

鞍隔(diaphragma sellae) 11

小脑镰(falx cerebelli) ……………………………硬膜下腔(subdural cavity) 11

蛛网膜(arachnoid mater) 11

颞下窝(infratemporal fossa) 11

翼腭窝(pterygopalatine fossa) 11

蛛网膜颗粒(arachnoid granulation) 12

颈动脉池(carotid cistern) 12

视交叉池(chiasmatic cistern) 12

嗅池(olfactory cistern) 12

终板池(lamina terminalis cistern) 12

胼胝体池前部(corpus callosum cistern-anterior portion) 12

胼胝体池后部(corpus callosum cistern-posterior portion) 12

蛛网膜下腔(subarachnoid cavity) 12

脑池(subarachnoid cistern) 12

外侧裂池(sylvian cistern) 13

环池(ambient cistern) 13

四叠体池(quadrigeminal cistern) 13

中帆池(velum interpositum cistern) 13

小脑上池(superior cerebellar cistern) 13

枕大池(cisterna magna) 13

延髓前池(premedullary cistern) 13

脚池(crural cistern) 13

脚间池(interpeduncular cistern) 13

脑桥前池(prepontine cistern) 14

软脑膜(cranial pia mater) 14

脑的发育(development of brain) 14

大脑半球(cerebral hemisphere) 14

大脑皮质沟回(cerebral sulcus gyrus) 14

小脑延髓外侧池(lateral cerebellomedullary cistern) 14

桥小脑池(cerebellopontiue cistern) 14

大脑纵裂(longitudinal cerebral fissure) 15

顶枕裂(parietooccipital fissure) 15

距状裂(calcarine fissure) 15

扣带沟(cingulate sulcus) 15

额叶(frontal lobe) 15

颞叶(temporal lobe) 15

大脑外侧裂(lateral cerebral fissure) 15

中央沟(central sulcus) 15

顶叶(parietal lobe) 16

大脑皮质(cerebral cortex) 16

大脑皮质分区(cerebral cortex zonation) 16

枕叶(occipital lohe) 16

岛叶(insular lobe) 16

钩回(uncus gyrus) 17

连合纤维(commissural fibers) 17

大脑白质(cerebral white matter) 17

联络纤维(association fibers) 17

胼胝体(corpus callosum) 18

内囊(internal capsule) 18

外囊(external capsule) 18

基底核(basal nuclei) 18

纹状体(corpus striatum) 18

终板(lamina tenninalis) 18

前连合(anterior commissure) 18

尾状核(caudate nucleus) 19

屏状核(claustral nucleus) 19

间脑(diencephalon) 19

丘脑(thalamus) 19

豆状核(lenticular nucleus) 19

杏仁核(amygdaloid nucleus) 19

丘脑下部(hypothalamus) 20

垂体后叶(posterior pituitary) 21

垂体门脉系(hypophysial portal system) 21

垂体前叶(anterior pituitary) 21

丘脑上部(epithalamus) 22

丘脑辐射(thalamic radiations) 22

外侧膝状体(lateral geniculate body) 22

内侧膝状体(medial geniculate body) 22

前穿质(anterior perforated substance) 22

后穿质(posterior perforated substance) 22

脑干(brain stem) 22

丘脑后部(metathalamus) 22

中脑(mesencephalon) 23

黑质(substantia nigra) 23

红核(red nucleus) 23

大脑脚(cerebral peduncle) 23

松果体(pineal body) 24

上丘(superior colliculus) 24

下丘(inferior colliculus) 24

后连合(posterior commissure) 24

脑桥(pons) 24

四叠体(corpora quadrigemina) 24

延髓(medulla oblongata) 25

锥体外系统(extrapyramidal system) 25

网状结构(reticular formation) 25

边缘系统(limbic system) 26

扣带回(cingulate gyrus) 26

边缘叶(limbic lobe) 26

海马结构(hippocampal formation) 27

小脑(cerebellum) 27

杏仁核簇(amygdaloid nuclei) 27

肺曲霉菌病(pulmonary aspergillosis) 28

小脑上脚(superior cerebellar peduncle) 28

小脑中脚(middle cerebellar peduncle) 28

小脑下脚(inferior cerebeliar peduncle) 28

齿状核(dentate nucleus) 28

顶核(fastigial nucleus) 28

栓状核(emboliform nucleus) 28

球状核(globose nucleus) 28

侧脑室(lateral ventricle) 28

小脑蚓部(vermis cerebelli) 28

小脑扁桃体(cerebellar tonsils) 28

第三脑室(the third ventricle) 29

第四脑室(the fourth ventricle) 29

脑神经(cranial nerve) 29

嗅神经(olfactory nerve) 30

动眼神经(oculomotor nerve) 30

滑车神经(trochlear nerye) 30

视神经(optic nerve) 30

视交叉(optic chiasma) 30

上颌神经(maxillary nerve) 31

迷走神经(vagus nerve) 32

展神经(abducent nerve) 32

面神经(facial nerve) 32

前庭蜗神经(vestibulocochlear nerve) 32

舌咽神经(glossopharyngeal nerve) 32

视路(visual pathway) 33

副神经(accessory nerve) 33

舌下神经(hypoglossal nerve) 33

嗅觉系统(olfactory system) 33

味觉传导路(taste pathway) 34

视觉联合区(visual association area) 34

听觉传导路(auditory pathway) 34

平衡觉传导路(equilibrium pathway) 34

脊髓(spinal cord) 35

运动传导路(motor pathway) 35

硬脊膜(spinal dura mater) 35

马尾(cauda equina) 36

脊髓内部结构(structure of spinal cord) 36

脊神经根(nerve root of spinal cord) 36

脑膜中动脉(middle meningeal artery) 37

脊髓圆锥(conus medullaris) 37

齿状韧带(dentate ligament) 37

终丝(filum terminale) 37

颞浅动脉(superficial temporal artery) 37

枕动脉(occipital artery) 37

耳后动脉(posterior auricular artery) 37

后交通动脉(posterior communicating artery) 38

颈内动脉(internal carotid artery,ICA) 38

颈内动脉颈段(cervical segment of ICA) 38

颈内动脉岩段(petrous segment of ICA) 38

颈内动脉海绵窦段(cavernous segment of ICA) 38

颈内动脉脑段(cerebral segment of ICA) 38

垂体下动脉(inferior hypophyseal artery) 38

垂体上动脉(superior hypophyseal artery) 38

眼动脉(ophthalmic artery) 38

大脑中动脉(middle cerebral artery) 39

脉络膜前动脉(anterior choroidal artery) 39

大脑前动脉(anterior cerebral artery) 39

前交通动脉(anterior communicating artery) 39

眶额动脉(orbito-frontal artery) 39

额极动脉(frontopolar artery) 39

胼周动脉(pericallosal artery) 39

胼缘动脉(callosomarginal artery) 39

颞后动脉(posterior temporal artery) 40

豆纹动脉(lenticulostriate artery) 40

额眶动脉(fronto-orbital artery) 40

颞极动脉(temporal polar artery) 40

额顶升动脉(ascending frontoparietal artery) 40

中央沟动脉(central sulcus artery) 40

顶动脉(parietal artery) 40

角回动脉(angular artery) 40

颞枕动脉(temporo-occipital artery) 40

丘脑穿通动脉(thalamic perforating artery) 41

颞中动脉(middle temporal artery) 41

颞前动脉(anterior temporal artery) 41

椎基动脉系统(vertebrobasilar system) 41

小脑后下动脉(posterior inferior cerebellar artery) 41

小脑前下动脉(anterior inferior cerebellar artery) 41

小脑上动脉(superior cerebellar artery) 41

大脑后动脉(posterior cerebral artery,PCA) 41

根动脉(radicular artery) 42

四叠体动脉(quadrigeminal artery) 42

丘脑膝状体动脉(thalamogeniculate artery) 42

内侧后脉络膜动脉(medial posterior choroidal artery) 42

外侧后脉络膜动脉(lateral posterior choroidal artery) 42

大脑后动脉皮层支(cortical branches of PCA) 42

脑底动脉环(Willis circle) 42

脊髓动脉(spinal artery) 42

大脑下静脉(inferior cerebral vein) 43

脊髓前动脉(anterior spinal artery) 43

脊髓后动脉(posterior spinal artery) 43

大脑静脉(cerebral vein) 43

大脑上静脉(superior cerebral vein) 43

大脑中静脉(middle cerebral vein) 43

间脑静脉(mesencephalic vein) 44

大脑后静脉(posterior cerebral vein) 44

大脑深静脉(deep cerebral vein) 44

髓静脉(medullary vein) 44

室管膜下静脉(subependymal vein) 44

尾状核前静脉(anterior caudate vein) 44

透明隔静脉(vein of septum pellucidum) 44

丘纹静脉(thalamostriate vein) 44

大脑内静脉(internal cerebral vein) 44

基底静脉(basal vein) 44

中脑外侧静脉(lateral mesencephalic vein) 45

大脑大静脉(great vein of Galen) 45

颅后窝静脉(vein of posterior fossa) 45

小脑静脉(cerebellar vein) 45

小脑前中央静脉(precentral cerebellar vein) 45

上蚓静脉(superior vermian vein) 45

中脑后静脉(posterior meseucephalic vein) 45

脑桥中脑前静脉(anterior pontomesencephalic vein) 45

上矢状窦(superior sagittal sinus) 46

四叠体静脉(quadrigeminal vein) 46

缘静脉(marginal vein) 46

臂静脉(brachium vein) 46

橄榄后静脉(posterior olivary vein) 46

第四脑室侧隐窝静脉(lateral recesses vein of fourth ventricle) 46

下蚓静脉(inferior vermian vein) 46

脊髓引流静脉(venous drainage of spinal cord) 46

硬脑膜的静脉窦(sinuses of dura mater) 46

横窦(transverse sinus) 47

下矢状窦(inferior sagittal sinus) 47

海绵窦(cavernous sinus) 47

帕金森三角(Parkinson triangle) 47

蝶顶窦(sphenoparietal sinus) 47

岩上窦(superior petrosal sinus) 47

岩下窦(inferior petrosal sinus) 47

直窦(straight sinus) 47

窦汇(confluence of the sinuses) 47

第四脑室脉络丛(choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle) 48

乙状窦(sigmoid sinus) 48

颈内静脉(internal jugular vein) 48

面总静脉(common facial vein) 48

脉络丛(choroid plexus) 48

脉络膜裂(choroidal fissure) 48

侧脑室脉络丛(choroid plexus of lateral ventricle) 48

第三脑室脉络丛(choroid plexus of the third ventricle) 48

晕厥(syncope) 49

板障静脉(diploic vein) 49

导血管(emissarium) 49

头晕(dizziness) 49

眩晕(vertigo) 49

遗忘(amnesia) 50

卒中(apoplexy) 50

意识障碍(disturbance of consciousness) 50

格拉斯哥昏迷指数水平(Glasgow Coma Scale,Gcs) 50

昏迷(coma) 50

中间清醒期(lucid interval) 50

持续性植物状态(persistent vegetative state) 50

中枢性尿崩症(central diabetes iusipidus) 51

逆行性遗忘(retrograde amnesia) 51

顺行性遗忘(anterograde amnesia) 51

痴呆(dementia) 51

外伤性痴呆(post-traumatic dementia) 51

外伤后人格改变(post-traumatic personality change) 51

外伤性精神障碍(traumatic psychonosema) 51

定向障碍(disorientation) 51

中枢性高热(central hyperthermia) 51

血-脑屏障(blood-brain barrier) 52

脑脊液(cerebrospinal fluid) 52

脑脊液循环(circulation of cerebrospinal fluid) 52

脑水肿(cerebral edema) 53

血-脑脊液屏障(blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier) 53

颅内压(intracranial pressure) 53

运动性失语(motor aphasia) 54

语言障碍(dysphasia) 54

构音困难(dyslalia) 54

失语症(aphasia) 54

失写症(agraphia) 55

感觉性失语(sensory aphasia) 55

语义性失语(semantic aphasia) 55

命名性失语(nominal aphasia) 55

失读症(alexia) 55

运动性失用症(motor apraxia) 56

失说写能(aprophoria) 56

失算(acalculia) 56

传导性失语(conduction aphasia) 56

混合性失语(combined aphasia) 56

完全性失语(global aphasia) 56

失用症(apraxia) 56

观念性失用症(ideational apraxia) 56

偏盲(hemianopsia) 57

观念运动性失用症(ideokinetic apraxia) 57

结构性失用症(constructional apraxia) 57

嗅觉障碍(dysosmia) 57

嗅觉倒错(parosmia) 57

幻嗅(olfactory hallucination) 57

视野缺损(visual field defect) 57

注视麻痹(stare paralysis) 58

象限盲(quadrantanopsia) 58

动眼神经麻痹(oculomotor nerve paralysis) 58

滑车神经麻痹(trochlear nerve palsy) 58

展神经麻痹(abducent nerve paralysis) 58

斜视(strabismus) 58

视神经乳头水肿(papilledema) 59

眼睑下垂(ptosis) 59

瞳孔缩小(miosis) 59

瞳孔散大(mydriasis) 59

面神经麻痹(facial nerve paralysis) 60

视神经萎缩(optic atrophy) 60

眼球突出(exophthalmos) 60

眼球震颤(nystagmus) 61

耳鸣(tinnitus) 61

耳聋(deafness) 61

前庭性眼震(vestibular nystagmus) 62

自发性眼球震颤(spontaneous nystagmus) 62

诱发性眼球震颤(induced nystagmus) 62

视原性眼球震颤(visual nystagmus) 62

味觉障碍(dysgeusia) 63

小脑性眼球震颤(cerebellar nystagmus) 63

脑干病变的眼球震颤(nystagmus with lesions of brain stem) 63

舌咽神经麻痹(glossopharyngeal nerve paralysis) 63

迷走神经麻痹(vagus nerve paralysis) 63

运动觉与位置觉(sense of motion and position) 64

味觉倒错(parageusia) 64

幻味(gustatory hallucination) 64

副神经麻痹(accessoory nerve paralysis) 64

舌下神经麻痹(hypoglossal nerve paralysis) 64

触觉(tactile sensation) 64

痛觉(pain sensation) 64

温度觉(temperature sensation) 64

肌张力(muscle tone) 65

实体觉(stereognosis) 65

两点辨别觉(two-point discrimination) 65

振动觉(pallesthesia) 65

皮肤书写觉(graphesthesia) 65

感觉过敏(hyperesthesia) 65

感觉减退(hypoesthesia) 65

感觉缺失(anesthesia) 65

抽搐(convulsion) 66

肌萎缩(myatrophy) 66

肌束震颤(fasciculation) 66

肌纤维震颤(fibrillation) 66

肌阵挛(myoclonia) 66

阵挛(clonus) 66

痉挛状态(spasticity) 66

癫痫持续状态(status epilepticus) 67

癫痫(epilepsy) 67

病灶性癫痫(focal epilepsy) 68

顽固性癫痫(intractable seizure) 68

癫痫大发作(grand mal epilepsy) 68

癫痫小发作(minor epilepsy) 68

震颤麻痹性步态(gait of paralysis agitans) 69

精神运动性癫痫(psychomotor epilepsia) 69

步态分析(gait analysis) 69

痉挛步态(spastic gait) 69

共济失调步态(ataxic gait) 69

腹壁反射(superficial abdominal reflex) 70

摇曳步态(drag foot gait) 70

肌营养不良步态(muscular dystrophic gait) 70

反射(reflex) 70

浅反射(superficial reflex) 70

角膜反射(corneal reflex) 70

咽反射(pharyngeal reflex) 70

桡骨膜反射(radial periosteal reflex) 71

提睾反射(cremasteric reflex)………………………7l跖反射(plantar reflex) 71

肛门反射(anal reflex) 71

深反射(deep reflex) 71

眼轮匝肌反射(orbicularis oculi reflex) 71

眉间反射(glabellar reflex) 71

三角肌反射(deltoid reflex) 71

肱二头肌反射(biceps reflex) 71

病理反射(pathological reflex) 72

肱三头肌反射(triceps reflex) 72

腹直肌反射(deep abdominal reflex) 72

膝腱反射(patellar tendon reflex) 72

股二头肌反射(femoris reflex) 72

跟腱反射(achilles tendon reflex) 72

股内收肌反射(thigh adductor reflex) 72

迈尔反射(Mayer reflex) 72

累里反射(Leri reflex) 72

屈腕反射(wrist flexor reflex) 73

口轮匝肌反射(orbicularis oris reflex) 73

吸吮反射(sucking reflex) 73

下颌反射(mandibular reflex) 73

掌颏反射(palm-chin reflex) 73

巴彬斯基征(Babinski sign) 73

普赛反射(Pussep reflex) 73

查多克征(Chaddock sign) 73

奥本海姆征(Oppenheim sign) 73

戈登征(Gordon sign) 73

肌力测定法(dynamometry) 74

屈指反射(finger flexor reflex) 74

霍夫曼征(Hoffmann sign) 74

罗索利莫征(Rossolimo sign) 74

吞咽反射(swallowing reflex) 74

呕吐反射(vomiting reflex) 74

膀胱反射(vesical reflex) 74

直肠反射(rectal reflex) 74

拾物试验(picking up test) 75

书写检查法(writing examining method) 75

头部下坠试验(drop head test) 75

巴利征(Barre sign) 75

麦卡兹尼征(Magazini sign) 75

直流-感应电检查法(galvano-faradic current examina-tion) 75

指鼻试验(finger-to-nose test) 75

指指试验(finger-to-finger test) 75

反跳试验(rebound test) 75

过指试验(past-pointing test) 75

跟膝试验(heel-to-knee test) 75

步行试验(walking test) 75

前庭功能检查(vestibular function test) 76

无撑坐起试验(sitting up without supporting test) 76

红镜片试验(red lens test) 76

比耳朔夫斯基歪头试验(Bielschowsky tilt test) 76

耳语试验(whisper test) 76

林尼试验(Rinne test) 76

韦伯试验(Weber test) 76

宾氏试验(Bing's test) 76

言语清晰度曲线测定(speech articulation curve test) 76

位置性检查(positional test) 77

旋转试验(rotatory test) 77

冷热试验(caloric test) 77

摆动旋转试验(pendular rotatory test) 77

脑脊液吸收试验(cerebrospinal fluid absorption test) 78

斯图基试验(Stookey test) 78

奎肯斯提特试验(Queckenstedt test) 78

同位素脑脊液流动试验(isotope cerebrospinal fluid flow test) 78

去皮质综合征(decorticate syndrome) 79

椎间孔压缩试验(intervertebral foramen compression test) 79

颈动脉压迫试验(carotid artery compression test) 79

嗅隐亭抑制生长激素试验(bromocriptine test for supp ressing growth-hormone) 79

嗅隐亭抑制催乳素试验(bromocriptine test for suppressing prolactin) 79

抗利尿激素敏感试验(antidiuretic hormone test) 79

高渗盐水试验(hypertonic saline test) 79

卡松尼试验(Casoni test) 79

闭锁综合征(locked-in syndrome) 80

去大脑综合征(decerebrate syndrome) 80

运动不能性缄默症(akinetic mutism) 80

额叶-视神经综合征(Foster-Kennedy syndrome) 81

感觉传导路中断综合征(syndrome of interruptions of sensory pathway) 81

迟缓性瘫痪综合征(syndrome of flaccid paralysis) 81

中枢性痉挛性瘫痪综合征(syndrome of central spastic paralysis) 81

假性球麻痹综合征(pseudobulbar palsy syndrome) 81

额叶肿瘤综合征(Wiczelsucht syndrome) 81

前额叶综合征(prefrontal lobe syndrome) 81

胼胝体综合征(corpus callosum syndrome) 82

前运动区皮质综合征(premotor cortex syndrome) 82

口语性失语综合征(Broca aphasia syndrome) 82

颞顶叶综合征(Wernicke syndrome) 82

角回综合征(angular gyrus syndrome) 82

扣带回综合征(cingulate gyri syndrome) 82

间脑性高血压综合征(hypertensive diencephalic syndrome) 83

视交叉综合征(chiasma syndrome) 83

间脑综合征(diencephalic syndrome) 83

发作性睡眠综合征(narcolepsy syndrome) 83

婴儿间脑综合征(Russell syndrome) 83

脊椎麻醉后头痛(headache after spinal anesthesia) ll 84

间脑植物神经性癫痫综合征(diencephalic autonomic epilepsy syndrome) 84

丘脑综合征(thalamic syndrome) 84

下丘脑综合征(hypothalamus syndrome) 84

中脑红核综合征(Benedikt syndrome) 84

大脑脚综合征(cerebral peduncle syndrome) 84

中脑导水管综合征(sylvian aqueduct syndrome) 85

脑桥被盖综合征(tegmetum pontine syndrome) 85

脑桥性面肌痉挛综合征(pons facial spasm syndrome) 85

延髓综合征(bulbar syndrome) 85

延髓外侧综合征(lateral bulbar syndrome) 85

前庭外侧核综合征(lateral vestibular nucleus syndrome) 85

舌咽神经损害综合征(syndrome of impairment of glossopharyngeal nerve) 86

迷走-舌下神经综合征(vago-hypoglossal syndrome) 86

迷走-副神经综合征(vago-accessory syndrome) 86

阿费利斯综合征(Avellis syndrome) 86

小脑中线综合征(midline cerebellar syndrome) 86

布伦斯综合征(Bruns syndrome) 86

侧孔-中孔闭锁综合征(lateral-mid pore oblitera-tion syndrome) 86

小脑扁桃体疝综合征(syndrome of tonsillar herniation) 87

枕大孔区综合征(foramen occipital emagnumsyndrome) 87

眶尖综合征(orbital apex syndrome) 87

眶上裂综合征(superior orbital fissure syndrome) 87

颈静脉孔综合征(jugular foramen syndrome) 87

枕骨髁颈静脉孔结合部综合征(occipital condyluscervicalis vein syndrome) 88

腮腺后间隙综合征(retroparotid space syndrome) 88

翼腭窝综合征(pterygopalatine fossa syndrome) 88

布朗-色夸综合征(Brown-Sequard syndrome) 88

倒脊髓半切综合征(inverted Brown-Sequardsyndrome) 88

后索综合征(syndrome of posterior tracts) 88

后角综合征(syndrome of posterior horns) 88

灰质综合征(syndrome of gray matter) 89

圆锥综合征(syndrome of conus) 89

马尾综合征(syndrome of cauda equina) 89

脊髓栓系综合征(tethered cord syndrome) 89

颈内动脉海绵窦分流综合征(carotid arteria cavernous sinus shunt syndrome) 89

硬脑膜动脉海绵窦分流综合征(duro-cavernous shunt syndrome) 89

脑底异常血管网综合征(abnormal cerebrovascular network syndrome) 90

中央静脉栓塞综合征(Rolando vein occlusion syndr-ome) 90

颈动脉盗血综合征(carotic steal syndrome) 90

正常压力脑积水综合征(normal pressure hydroce-phalus syndrome) 90

脑灌流过盛综合征(luxury perfusion syndrome) 90

颅内低压综合征(intracranial hypotension syndrome) 91

正常灌注压突破综合征(normal perfusion pressure breakthrough syndrome) 91

颅脑损伤(craniocerebral injury) 91

闭合性颅脑损伤(closed craniocerebral injury) 92

头皮损伤(scalp injury) 92

头皮擦伤(bruised scalp) 92

头皮挫伤(scalp contusion) 92

头皮血肿(scalp hematoma) 92

头皮裂伤(scalp laceration) 92

头皮撕脱伤(scalp avulsion) 93

颅骨骨折(skull fracture) 93

颅盖骨骨折(fracture of the skull vault) 93

颅骨线形骨折(cranial linear fracture) 93

颅骨凹陷骨折(cranial depressed fracture) 93

颅骨粉碎骨折(cranial comminuted fracture) 93

颅前窝骨折(anterior fossa fracture) 93

颅中窝骨折(middle fossa fracture) 94

颅后窝骨折(posterior fossa fracture) 94

生长性颅骨骨折(growing skull fracture) 94

脑加速性损伤(cerebral injury of acceleration) 94

脑减速性损伤(cerebral injury of deceleration) 94

脑挤压性损伤(crush injury of brain) 94

脑挥鞭性损伤(whiplash injury of brain) 94

脑震荡(concussion of the brain) 95

小儿脑震荡综合征(infantile concussion syndrome) 95

脑挫裂伤(contusion and laceration of the brain) 95

弥漫性轴索损伤(diffuse axonal injury) 95

脑干损伤(injury of brain stem) 96

丘脑下部损伤(hypothalamic injury) 96

硬脑膜外血肿(extradural hematoma) 96

硬脑膜下血肿(subdural hematoma) 96

脑内血肿(intracerebral hematoma) 97

脑室内出血(intraventricular hemorrhage) 97

颅后窝血肿(hematoma of posterior fossa) 97

多发性颅内血肿(multiple intracranial hematoma) 97

慢性硬脑膜下血肿(chronic subdural hematoma) 97

新生儿颅内出血(neonatal intracranial hemorrhage) 97

硬脑膜下积液(subdural effusion) 98

开放性颅脑损伤(open craniocerebral injury) 98

颅脑火器伤(missile wound of head) 98

非穿透伤(nonpenetrating wound) 98

穿透伤(penetrating wound) 99

沟槽伤(gutter wound) 99

盲管伤(tubular wound) 99

贯通伤(through and through wound) 99

静脉窦损伤(injury of cranial sinus) 99

颈内动脉-海绵窦瘘(internal carotid arterycavernous fistula) 99

外伤性动脉性鼻出血(traumatic epistaxis) 99

外伤后颈内动脉闭塞(post-traumatic internal carotid artery occlusion) 100

外伤性静脉窦血栓形成(traumatic thrombosis of sinus) 100

颅内积气(pneumocephalus) 100

张力性气颅(expansive pneumocephalus) 100

脑神经损伤(injury of cranial nerve) 100

脑脂肪栓塞(cerebral fat embolism) 101

脑外伤后综合征(post-traumatic syndrome) 101

应激性溃疡(stress ulcer) 101

外伤后癫痫(post-traumatic epilepsy) 101

脑突出(brain protrusion) 101

脑室炎(ventriculitis) 102

脑脊液伤口漏(cerebrospinal fluid fistula of wound) 102

颅骨骨髓炎(osteomyelitis of skull) 102

脑积水(hydrocephalus) 102

高颅压性脑积水(high cranial pressure hydrocephalus) 102

先天性脑积水(congenital hydrocephalus) 103

阻塞性脑积水(obstructive hydrocephalus) 103

交通性脑积水(communicating hydrocephalus) 103

正常颅压性脑积水(normal pressure hydrocephalus,NPH) 103

脑疝(herniation of brain) 103

小脑幕切迹疝(transtentorial herniation) 104

枕骨大孔疝(tranforamen magnum herniation) 104

小脑幕切迹上疝(upward transtentorial herniation) 104

大脑镰疝(herniation beneath falx) 104

蝶骨嵴疝(transsphenoid ridge herniation) 104

脑中心疝(central herniation of brain) 105

颅内肿瘤分类(classification of intracranial tumor) 105

神经母细胞瘤(neuroblastoma) 105

神经节细胞瘤(gangliocytoma) 106

神经胶质瘤(glioma) 106

星形细胞瘤(astrocytoma) 106

星形母细胞瘤(astroblastoma) 106

间变性星形细胞瘤(anaplastic astrocytoma) 106

胶质母细胞瘤(glioblastoma) 107

室管膜瘤(ependymoma) 107

间变性室管膜瘤(anaplastic ependymoma) 107

第四脑室室管膜瘤(the fourth ventricle ependymoma) 107

侧脑室室管膜瘤(lateral ventricle ependymoma) 108

第三脑室室管膜瘤(the third ventricle ependymoma) 108

脑内室管膜瘤(intracerebral ependymoma) 108

室管膜下巨细胞型星形细胞瘤(subependymal giantcell astrocytoma) 108

少突胶质细胞瘤(oligodendroglioma) 108

间变性少突胶质细胞瘤(anaplastic oligodendroglioma) 108

髓母细胞瘤(medulloblastoma) 109

脉络丛乳头状瘤(choroid plexus papilloma) 109

脉络丛乳头样癌(choroid plexus papillocarcinoma) 109

松果体细胞瘤(pineocytoma) 109

松果体母细胞瘤(pineoblastoma) 110

胶样囊肿(colloid cyst) 110

视神经胶质瘤(optic glioma) 110

脑胶质瘤病(gliomatosis cerebri) 110

脑膜瘤(meningioma) 110

大脑凸面脑膜瘤(convexity meningioma) 111

矢状窦旁脑膜瘤(parasagittal sinus meningioma) 111

大脑镰旁脑膜瘤(parafalx meningioma) 111

蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤(sphenoid ridge meningioma) 111

颅中窝脑膜瘤(middle fossa menigioma) 112

嗅沟脑膜瘤(olfactory groove meningioma) 112

鞍结节脑膜瘤(tuberculum sellae meningioma) 112

鞍膈脑膜瘤(diaphragma sellae meningioma) 112

桥小脑角脑膜瘤(cerebellopontine angle meningioma) 112

小脑幕脑膜瘤(tentorial meningioma) 113

斜坡脑膜瘤(clivus meningioma) 113

侧脑室内脑膜瘤(lateral ventricle meningioma) 113

第三脑室脑膜瘤(the third ventricle meningioma) 113

第四脑室脑膜瘤(the fourth ventricle meningioma) 113

板障内脑膜瘤(diploetic meningioma) 113

多发性脑膜瘤(multiple meningioma) 113

异位脑膜瘤(ectopic meningioma) 114

间变性脑膜瘤(anaplastic meningioma) 114

恶性脑膜瘤(malignant meningioma) 114

脑膜肉瘤(meningosarcoma) 114

垂体腺瘤(pituitary adenoma) 114

垂体嫌色性腺瘤(pituitary chromophobic adenoma) 115

垂体嗜酸细胞腺瘤(pituitary acidophilic adenoma) 115

垂体嗜碱性细胞腺瘤(pituitary basophilic adenoma) 115

垂体混合腺瘤(mixed pituitary adenoma) 115

泌乳素腺瘤(prolactinoma) 116

生长激素腺瘤(somatotropic hormone adenoma) 116

促肾上腺皮质激素腺瘤(adrenocorticotropic hormone adenoma) 116

促甲状腺激素腺瘤(thyrotropic hormone adenoma) 116

促性腺激素腺瘤(gonadotropic hormone adenoma) 116

无分泌功能细胞腺瘤(nonfunctioning adenoma) 117

垂体微腺瘤(pituitary microadenoma) 117

垂体腺癌(pituitary carcinoma) 117

垂体部血管瘤(angioma of pituitary region) 117

垂体卒中(pituitary apoplexy) 117

肢端肥大症(acromegaly) 117

垂体性侏儒(pituitary dwarfism) 118

神经纤维瘤(neurofibroma) 118

神经纤维瘤病(neurofibromatosis) 118

神经鞘瘤(neurilemmoma) 118

听神经鞘瘤(acoustic neurilmmoma) 118

双侧听神经鞘瘤(bilateral acoustic neurilemmoma) 119

三叉神经鞘瘤(trigeminal neurilemmoma) 119

眼球运动神经鞘瘤(neurilemmoma of motor nerve of eyeball) 119

面神经鞘瘤(facial neurilemmoma) 119

舌咽神经鞘瘤(glossopharyngeal neurilemoma) 119

迷走神经鞘瘤(vagus neurilemmoma) 119

副神经鞘瘤(accessory neurilemmoma) 119

舌下神经鞘瘤(hypoglossal neurolemmoma) 120

颅咽管瘤(craniopharyngioma) 120

表皮样瘤(epidermoid tumor) 120

皮样瘤(dermoid tumor) 120

脊索瘤(chordoma) 120

胚生殖细胞的肿瘤(germ cell tumor) 121

生殖细胞瘤(germinoma) 121

异位松果体瘤(ectopic pinealoma) 121

颅内畸胎瘤(intracranial teratoma) 121

颅内恶性畸胎瘤(intracranial malignant teratoma) 121

血管网状细胞瘤(angioreticuloma) 122

脑血管外膜细胞瘤(hemangiopericytuma of brain) 122

颅内黑色素瘤(intracranial melanoma) 122

颅内原发性肉瘤(intracranial primary sarcoma) 122

颅内原发性网状细胞肉瘤(intracranial primaryreti-culosarcoma) 122

颅内原发性横纹肌肉瘤(intracranial primary rhabdomyosarcoma) 123

颅内原发性平滑肌肉瘤(intracranial primary leiomy-osarcoma) 123

颅内原发性软骨肉瘤(intracranial primary chondros-arcoma) 123

颅内转移瘤(intracranial metastatic tumor) 123

颅内侵入瘤(intracranial invading tumor) 123

小胶质细胞瘤(microglioma) 123

颅内原发性淋巴肉瘤(intracranial primary lymphos-arcoma) 124

枕大孔区肿瘤(tumor of foramen magnum region) 124

斜坡肿瘤(clival tumor) 124

颞骨球瘤(glomus tumor of temporal bone) 124

颈静脉孔区肿瘤(tumor of jugular foramen region) 125

颅内动脉瘤(intracranial aneurysm) 125

先天性颅内动脉瘤(congenital intracranial aneurysm) 125

动脉硬化性动脉瘤(atheromatous intracranialaneurysm) 125

细菌性颅内动脉瘤(bacterial intracranial aneurysm) 125

创伤性颅内动脉瘤(traumatic intracranial aneurysm) 126

脑动脉瘤分级(grading of cerebral aneurysm) 126

脑底循环前半动脉瘤(aneurysm of anteriorcirculation) 126

颈内动脉瘤(internal carotid artery aneurysm) 126

海绵窦内动脉瘤(intracavernous sinus aneurysm) 126

眼动脉动脉瘤(ophthalmic artery aneurysm) 127

后交通动脉瘤(posterior communicating arteryaneurysm) 127

脉络膜前动脉瘤(anterior choroid artery aneurysm) 127

颈内动脉分叉部动脉瘤(internal carotid arterybifurc-ation aneurysm) 127

大脑前动脉动脉瘤(anterior cerebral arteryaneurysm) 127

前交通动脉瘤(anterior communicating arteryaneurysm) 127

大脑中动脉瘤(middle cerebral artery aneurysm) 128

脑底循环后半动脉瘤(aneurysm of posteriorcirculation) 128

椎-基动脉瘤(vertebro-basilar artery aneurysm) 128

椎动脉动脉瘤(vertebral artery aneurysm) 128

基底动脉干动脉瘤(basilar trunk aneurysm) 128

基底动脉分叉部动脉瘤(basillar bifurcationaneurysm) 128

大脑后动脉动脉瘤(posterior cerebral arteryaneurysm) 128

脑血管畸形(cerebrovascular malformation) 129

脑动静脉畸形(cerebral arteriovenous malformation,AVM) 129

海绵状血管瘤(cavernous hemangioma) 130

脑静脉型血管畸形(cerebral venous malformation) 130

颅内毛细血管扩张症(intracranial capillary telang-iectasis) 130

硬脑膜动静脉瘘(dural arteriovenous fistula,DAVF) 131

脑动静脉畸形临床分类(clinical classification of AVM) 131

脊髓血管病变(spinal vascular disease) 132

椎体血管瘤(vertebral body angioma) 132

硬脊膜外血管瘤(spinal extradural angioma) 132

硬脊膜内血管瘤(spinal intradural angioma) 132

高血压性脑出血(hypertensive intracerebralhemorrhage) 132

动脉硬化性脑出血(arteriosclerotic intracerebral hemorrhage) 132

高血压性脑出血分级(grading of hypertensive intra-cerebral hemorrhage) 133

壳核出血(putaminal hemorrhage) 133

丘脑出血(thalamic hemorrhage) 133

大脑皮质下出血(subcortical hemorrhage) 133

小脑出血(cerebellar hemorrhage) 133

脑干出血(brain stem hemorrhage) 133

脑血管痉挛(cerebrovascular spasm) 134

短暂性脑缺血发作(transient ischemic attack,TIA) 134

可逆性脑缺血性神经功能障碍(reversible ischemic neurological dysfunction,RIND) 134

原发性小头畸形(primary microcephaly) 134

巨脑症(macroencephaly) 134

前脑无裂畸形(holoprosencephaly) 134

无脑回畸形(lissencephaly) 135

小脑回畸形(microgyria) 135

颞叶发育不全(agenesis of temporal lobe) 135

胼胝体发育不全(agenesis of corpus callosum) 135

小脑发育不全(agenesis of cerebellum) 135

透明隔发育不全(agenesis of septa pellucidum) 135

脑穿通畸形(porencephalia) 135

阿诺德-希阿里畸形(Arnold-Chiari malformation) 135

丹迪-沃克综合征(Dandy-Walker syndrome) 136

脊髓纵裂(diastomyelia) 136

脊髓空洞症(syringomyelia) 136

颅缝早闭(craniosynostosis) 136

矢状缝早闭(sagittal synostosis) 136

双侧冠状缝早闭(bilateral coronal synostosis) 136

单侧冠状缝早闭(unilateral coronal synostosis) 136

人字缝早闭(lambdoid synostosis) 136

前额缝早闭(metopic synostosis) 137

全部颅缝闭锁(total synostosis) 137

舟状头(scaphocephaly) 137

尖头畸形(oxycephaly) 137

寰枕部畸形(anomalies of atlantooccipital region) 137

扁平颅底(platybasia) 137

颅底陷入(basilar invagination) 137

环枕融合(atlanto-occipital fusion) 137

颈椎分节不全(Klippel-Feil syndrome) 137

环枢椎脱位(atlanto-axis dislocation) 138

颅裂(cranial bifida) 138

脑膜膨出(meningocele) 138

脑膜脑膨出(meningoencephalocele) 138

脊柱裂(spinal bifida) 138

隐性脊柱裂(soina bifida occulta) 138

脊膜膨出(soinal meningocele) 138

丙泊酚(propofl) l 139

先天性颅内蛛网膜囊肿(congenital intracranial arachnoid cyst) 139

蛛网膜内囊肿(intraarachnoid cyst) 139

颅内脓肿(intracranial abscess) 139

硬脑膜外脓肿(epidural abscess) 139

硬脑膜下脓肿(subdural abscess) 139

脊髓脊膜膨出(myelomeningocele) 139

脑脓肿(brain abscess) 140

血源性脑脓肿(hematogenous brain abscess) 140

鼻源性脑脓肿(rhinogenic brain abscess) 140

隐源性脑脓肿(latent type brain abscess) 140

硬脊膜外脓肿(epidural spinal abscess) 140

耳源性脑脓肿(otogenic brain abscess) 140

硬脊膜下脓肿(subdural spinal abscess) 141

脑结核瘤(tuberculoma of brain) 141

脑树胶样肿(syphilitic gumma of brain) 141

脑猪囊尾蚴病(brain cysticercosis) 141

脊髓内脓肿(intramedullary abscess) 141

脑包虫病(brain echinococcosis) 142

脑肺吸虫病(brain paragonimosis) 142

脑蛛网膜炎(arachnoiditis of brain) 142

脑血吸虫病(brain schistosomiasis) 142

蛛网膜囊肿(arachnoid cyst) 143

帕金森病(Parkinson disease) 143

扭转痉挛(torsion spasm) 143

痉挛性斜颈(spasmodic torticollis) 143

软脑膜囊肿(leptomeningeal cyst) 143

面肌痉挛(facial spasm) 144

癌痛(cancer pain) 144

断肢痛(stump pain) 144

幻肢痛(phantom limb pain) 144

三叉神经痛(trigeminal neuralgia) 144

顽固性疼痛(intractable pain) 144

舌咽神经痛(glossopharyngeal neuralgia) 145

颅骨骨瘤(osteoma of skull) 145

颅骨软骨瘤(chondroma of skull) 145

颅骨巨细胞瘤(giant cell tumor of skull) 145

颅骨肿瘤(tumor of skull) 145

颅骨血管瘤(angioma of skull) 146

颅骨动脉瘤样骨囊肿(aneurysmal bone cyst) 146

颅骨纤维结构不良(fibrous dysplasia of skull) 146

颅骨骨膜窦(sinus pericranii) 146

颅骨多发性骨髓瘤(multiple myeloma of skull) 147

颅骨骨肉瘤(osteosarcoma of skull) 147

颅骨软骨肉瘤(chondrosarcoma of skull) 147

颅骨网织细胞肉瘤(reticulosarcoma of skull) 147

颅骨纤维肉瘤(fibrosarcoma of skull) 147

颅骨尤文肉瘤(Ewing sarcoma of skull) 147

颅骨转移瘤(metastatic tumor of skull) 147

颅骨肉瘤(sarcoma of skull) 147

颅骨结核(tuberculosis of skull) 148

颅骨黄色素瘤(xanthoma of skull) 148

颅骨上皮样囊肿(epidermoid cyst of skull) 148

畸形性骨炎(osteitis deformans) 148

颅骨嗜酸性肉芽肿(eosinophilic granuloma of skull) 148

闭合性脊髓损伤(closed injury of spinal cord) 149

火器性脊髓损伤(missile injury of spinal cord) 149

刃器性脊髓损伤(saber wound of spinal cord) 149

完全性脊髓损伤(complete lesion of spinal cord) 149

不完全性脊髓损伤(incomplete lesion of spinal cord) 149

脊髓震荡(concussion of spinal cord) 149

脊髓挫裂伤(contusion and laceration of spinal cord) 149

脊髓休克(spinal shock) 149

损伤性脊髓受压(traumatic compression of spinal cord) 149

开放性脊髓损伤(open injury of spinal cord) 149

压迫性脊髓病(compressed myelopathy) 150

硬脊膜外肿瘤(extradural tumor of spinal cord) 150

硬脊膜内髓外肿瘤(intradural-extramedullary tumor of spinal cord) 150

椎管内神经鞘瘤(intraspinal neurilemmoma) 150

椎管内脊膜瘤(intraspinal meningionma) 150

椎管内哑铃型肿瘤(intraspinal dumbbell-shaped tumor) 150

椎管内肿瘤(intraspinal tumor) 150

脊髓内肿瘤(intramedullary tumor) 151

脊髓内星形细胞瘤(intramedullary astrocytoma) 151

脊髓内脂肪瘤(intramedullary lipoma) 151

脊髓内血管网状细胞瘤(intramedullary angioret-iculoma) 151

椎管内结核瘤(intraspinal tuberculoma) 151

脊髓内室管膜瘤(intramedullary ependymoma) 151

脊髓蛛网膜炎(spinal arachnoiditis) 152

潜毛囊肿(pilonidal cyst) 152

颈椎病(cervical spondylosis) 152

椎间盘突出症(protrusion of intervertebral disc) 152

腰椎穿刺术(lumbar puncture) 152

潜毛窦(pilonidal sinus) 152

脑室穿刺术(ventricular puncture) 153

前囟穿刺术(bregma puncture) 153

开颅术(craniotomy) 153

小脑延髓池穿刺术(cisterna magna puncture) 153

颞肌下减压术(subtemporal decompression) 154

椎板切除术(laminectomy) 154

幕上开颅术(supratentorial craniotomy) 154

颅后窝减压术(posterior fossa decompression) 154

额下入路(subfrontal approach) 155

颞中回入路(transmidtemporal gyrus approach) 155

翼点入路(pterional approach) 155

经额叶皮质-侧脑室入路(transfrontocortico-ventricular approach) 155

经侧脑室三角区入路(transtrigone lateral ventricle approach) 155

终板入路(lamina terminalis approach) 155

脉络丛下入路(subchoroidal approach) 155

颞下入路(subtemporal approach) 155

经蝶窦入路(transsphenoidal approach) 156

颅后窝开颅术(craniotomy of posterior fossa) 156

第四脑室入路(the fourth ventricular approach) 156

枕下乙状窦后入路(suboccipito-retrosigmoidal approach) 156

幕下小脑上入路(infratentorial-supracerebellarapproach) 156

直接经海绵窦入路(direct approach to the cavernoussinus) 156

枕部经小脑幕入路(occipital transtentorial approach) 157

凹陷骨折整复术(elevation of depressed fracture) 157

钻孔探查术(exploratory treohination) 157

硬脑膜外血肿清除术(evacuation of extradural hematoma) 157

经小脑幕入路(transtentorial approach) 157

急性硬脑膜下血肿清除术(evacuation of acute subdural hematoma) 158

硬脑膜下积液清除术(evacuation of subdural effusion) 158

脑内血肿清除术(evacuation of intracerebral hematoma) 158

颅后窝血肿清除术(evacuation of hematoma of posterior fossa) 158

脑挫裂伤失活组织清除术(evacuation of devitalizedtissue in brain contusion and laceration) 158

慢性硬脑膜下血肿清除术(evacuation of chronic subdural hematoma) 158

静脉窦损伤修补术(repair of dural venous sinus injury) 159

外伤性鼻衄手术(operatoin of traumatic epistaxis) 159

颅骨成形术(cranioplasty) 159

颅脑盲管伤清创术(debridement of craniocerebral tubular wound) 159

脑脊液鼻漏和耳漏修补术(repair of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea and otorrhea) 159

颅脑贯通伤清创术(debridement of craniocerebral through and through wound) 160

颅脑反跳伤清创术(debridement of ricocheting craniocerebral wound) 160

火器伤颅内血肿清除术(evacuation of intracranial hematoma due to missile) 160

火器性脑脓肿手术(operation for brain abscess due to missile) 160

脑内异物摘除术(removal of intracerebral foreign body) 160

颅脑切线伤清创术(debridement of tangential craniocerebral wound) 160

颅内插入异物摘除术(removal of inserted intra-cranial foreign body) 161

大脑凸面脑膜瘤切除术(resection of convexity meningioma) 161

矢状窦旁脑膜瘤切除术(resection of parasagittal meningioma) 161

大脑镰旁脑膜瘤切除术(resection of parafalx meningioma) 161

脑膜瘤切除术(resection of meningioma) 161

蝶骨嵴脑膜瘤切除术(resection of sphenoidal ridge meningioma) 162

鞍上脑膜瘤切除术(resection of suprasellar meningioma) 162

嗅沟脑膜瘤切除术(resection of olfactory groove meningioma) 162

脑室内脑膜瘤切除术(resection of intraventricular meningioma) 163

桥小脑角脑膜瘤切除术(resection of meningioma of cerebellopontine angle) 163

大脑半球神经胶质瘤切除术(resection of glioma of cerebral hemisphere) 163

颅咽管瘤手术(operation for craniopharyngioma) 163

小脑幕脑膜瘤切除术(resection of tentorial meningioma) 163

垂体腺瘤手术(operation for pituitary adenoma) 164

经蝶窦垂体腺瘤切除术(transsphenoidal operation for resection of pituitary adenoma) 164

经颅垂体腺瘤切除术(transcranial operation for resection of pituitary adenoma) 164

侧脑室肿瘤切除术(resection of lateral ventricle tumor) 165

透明隔肿瘤切除术(resection of septum pellucidum tumor) 165

胼胝体肿瘤切除术(resection of corpus callosum tumor) 165

幕下肿瘤手术(operation of infratentorial tumor) 165

丘脑肿瘤切除术(resection of thalamic tumor) 165

小脑蚓部肿瘤切除术(resection of tumor of cerebellar vermis) 166

听神经瘤手术(operation for acoustic neurilemmoma) 166

枕下乙状窦后入路听神经瘤切除术(suboccipito-retrosigmoidal approach for resection of acoustic neurilermmoma) 166

经小脑幕入路听神经瘤切除术(transtentorial approach for resection of acoustic neurilemmoma) 166

经迷路听神经瘤切除术(translabyrinthine approach for resection of acoustic neurilemmoma) 166

小脑半球肿瘤切除术(resection of tumor of cerebellar hemisphere) 166

桥小脑角胆脂瘤切除术(resection of cholesteatoma of cerebellopontine angle) 167

脑干肿瘤切除术(resection of tumor of brain stem) 167

枕大孔区肿瘤切除术(resection of tumors of foramen magnum region) 167

经颅眶内肿瘤切除术(tanscranial removal of intraor-bital tumor) 167

第四脑室肿瘤切除术(resection of tumor of the fourth ventricle) 167

壳核血肿清除术(evacuation of putaminal hematoma) 168

脑皮质下血肿清除术(evacuation of subcortical hematoma) 168

小脑内血肿清除术(evacuation of cerebellar hematoma) 168

脑室内血肿清除术(evacuation of intraventricular hematoma) 168

脑干血肿清除术(evacuation of hematoma of brain stem) 168

丘脑血肿清除术(evacuation of thalamic hematoma) 168

立体定向脑内血肿清除术(stereotactic evacuation of intracerebral hematoma) 169

动脉瘤夹闭术(clipping of aneurysm) 169

动脉瘤结扎术(aneurysmodesis) 169

动脉瘤孤立术(trapping of aneurysm) 169

动脉瘤包裹术(wrapping of aneurysm) 169

颈部颈动脉结扎术(carotid artery ligation in the neck) 169

动脉瘤切除术(aneurysmectomy) 170

动脉瘤缝合术(aneurysmorrhaphy) 170

经血管内栓塞动脉瘤(endovascular embolization of aneurysm) 170

眼动脉瘤夹闭术(clipping of ophthalmic artery aneurysm) 170

后交通动脉瘤夹闭术(clipping of posterior communi-cating artery aneurysm) 170

脉络膜前动脉瘤夹闭术(clipping of anterior choroid artery aneurysm) 170

颈内动脉分叉部动脉瘤夹闭术(clipping of internal carotid artery bifurcation aneurysm) 170

动脉瘤成形术(aneurysmoplasty) 170

前交通动脉瘤夹闭术(clipping of anterior cormmuni-cating artery aneurysm) 171

基底动脉分叉部动脉瘤夹闭术(clipping of basilarartery bifurcation aneurysm) 171

小脑上动脉瘤夹闭术(clipping of superior cerebellarartery aneurysm) 171

小脑下后动脉瘤夹闭术(clipping of posteriorinferior cerebellar artery aneurysm) 171

大脑中动脉瘤夹闭术(clipping of middle cerebralartery aneurysm) 171

颅内巨大动脉瘤夹闭术(operation for giant intrac-ranial aneurysm) 172

大脑凸面动静脉畸形切除术(resection of cerebral convexity AVM) 172

大脑内侧面动静脉畸形切除术(resection of cerebral medial surface AVM) 172

外侧裂区动静脉畸形切除术(resection of sylvian cistern regional AVM) 172

胼胝体动静脉畸形切除术(resection of corpus callosal AVM) 172

供血动脉结扎术(ligation of arterial supply) 172

侧脑室内和室旁动静脉畸形切除术(resection of intraventricular and paraventricular AVM) 173

海马区动静脉畸形切除术(resection of hippovsmpus regional AVM) 173

小脑半球凸面动静脉畸形切除术(resection ofcerebellar hemispheric convexity AVM) 173

桥小脑角动静脉畸形切除术(resection of cerebellopontine angle AVM) 173

小脑上蚓部动静脉畸形切除术(resection of superior vermian AVM) 173

纹状体-内囊-丘脑区动静脉畸形切除术(resection of strio-capsulo-thalamic AVM) 173

小脑下蚓部动静脉畸形切除术(resection of inferior vermian AVM) 174

横窦)乙状窦区硬脑膜动静脉瘘切除术(resection of dural AVF of lateral and sigmoid sinuses region) 174

颅前窝硬脑膜动静脉瘘切除术(resection of dural AVF of anterior cranial fossa) 174

小脑幕缘动静脉瘘手术(operationfor AVF of tentorial margin) 174

颈段脊髓内动静脉畸形供血动脉结扎术(ligation of arterial supply for intramedullary AVM in cervical region) 174

硬脑膜动静脉瘘手术(operation for arteriovenousfistulae of dura mater encephali) 174

脊髓内动静脉畸形切除术(resection of intrame-dullary AVM) 175

硬脊膜动静脉畸形(瘘)切除术(resection of AVM or AVF of dura maier spinalis) 175

颈动脉内膜切除术(carotid endarterectomy) 175

椎动脉内膜切除术(vertebral endarterectomy) 175

硬脊膜内髓外动静脉畸形(瘘)切除术(resection of intradural-extramedullary AVM or AVF) 175

颅外-颅内动脉吻合术(extracranial-intracranial arterial anastomosis) 176

枕动脉-小脑下后动脉吻合术(occipital artery-posterior cerebellar artery anastomosis) 176

颈总动脉-静脉-床突上颈内动脉吻合术(common carotid artery-vein graft-supraclinoid internal carotid artery anastomosis) 176

颈总动脉或锁骨下动脉-静脉-大脑中动脉吻合术(common carotid or subclavian artery-vein graft-middle cerebral artery anastomosis) 176

颞浅动脉-大脑中动脉吻合术(superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery anastomosis) 176

颈外动脉-静脉-大脑后动脉吻合术(external carotid artery-vein graft-posterior cerebral artery anastomosis) 177

颞浅动脉-移植血管-大脑前动脉吻合术(super-ficial lempocal artery-artery or vein graft-anterior cerebral artery anastomosis) 177

颞浅动脉-移植静脉-大脑中动脉吻合术(superfi-cial temporal artery-vein graft-middle cerebral artery anastomosis) 177

大网膜颅内移植术(intracranial omentum transplantation) 177

锁骨下动脉(颈总动脑)-静脉-颈外动脉(颞浅动脉)吻合术+颞浅动脉-大脑中动脉吻合术(subclavian artery(common carotid artery)-vein graft-external carotid artery(superficial temporal artery)anastomosis+superficial temporal artery-middle cerebral artery anas 177

颈内动脉-海绵窦瘘孤立术(trapping of internal carotid-cavernous fistula) 178

控制性栓塞术(controlled embolization) 178

经海绵窦直接修补颈内动脉-海绵窦瘘(transcaver-nous repair of internal carotid-cavernous fistula) 178

颈外动脉海绵窦瘘手术(operation of external carotid-cavernous fistula) 178

微粒栓塞术(particles embolization technique) 178

铜丝血栓凝固术(copper wire electro-thrombosis) 178

可脱球囊栓塞术(detachable balloon technique) 179

腔内血管扩张成形术(intraluminal dilatation and angioplastic technique) 179

微弹簧圈栓塞术(microcoil technique) 179

电解铂金弹簧圈栓塞术(Guglielmi detachable coil technique) 179

机械解脱钨丝弹簧圈栓塞术(mechanical detach-ment system technique for tungsten spirales) 179

脑血栓动脉内溶栓术(intraarterial thrombolytic therapy of brain thrombosis) 179

开孔球囊栓塞术(calibrated leak balloon technique) 179

脑胶质瘤超选择性动脉内化疗(superselective intr-aarterial chemotherapy of brain glioma) 180

脑动静脉畸形栓塞术(embolization of AVM of brain) 180

颈内动脉-海绵窦瘘可脱性球囊栓塞术 180

(endbolization of internal carotid-cavernous fistula by detachable balloon) 180

脑膜瘤术前栓塞术(preoperative embolization of meningioma) 180

硬脑膜动静脉瘘栓塞术(embolization of dural AVF) 181

颅内动脉瘤可脱球囊栓塞术(embolization of intrac-ranial aneurysm by detachable balloon) 181

椎管内动静脉畸形栓塞术(embolization of intras-pinal AVM) 181

颅骨骨髓炎手术(operation for osteomyelitis of skull) 182

硬脑膜下脓肿引流术(drainage of subdural abscess) 182

脑脓肿穿刺吸引术(puncture and aspiration of brain abscess) 182

脑脓肿引流术(drainage of brain abscess) 182

硬脑膜外脓肿切除术(resection of epidural abscess) 182

脑脓肿袋形缝合术(marsupalization of brain abscess) 183

幕上囊虫手术(operation for supratentorial cysticercosis) 183

第四脑室和脑底池囊虫摘除术(removal of cystic erci in the fourth ventricle and basal cister) 183

脑血吸虫肉芽肿手术(operation for brain schistoso mal granuloma) 183

脑型肺吸虫手术(operation for brain paragonimiasis) 183

脑脓肿切除术(resection of brain abscess) 183

脑包虫摘除术(removal of brain hydatid cyst) 184

矢状缝再造术(reestablishment of sagittal suture) 184

冠状缝再造术(reestablishment of coronal suture) 184

人字缝再造术(reestablishment of lambdoidal suture) 184

狭颅症颅缝再造术(reestablishment of cranial suture for craniostenosis) 184

额缝再造术(reestablishment of mctopic suture) 185

脑室-腹腔分流术(ventriculo-peritoneal shunt) 185

脑室-心房分流术(ventriculo-atrial shunt) 185

全颅缝再造术(reestablishment of all cranial suture) 185

脑室-矢状窦分流术(ventriculo-sagittal shunt) 186

第三脑室造口术(ventriculostomy of the third ventricle) 186

颅裂、颅鼻部脑膜脑膨出修补术(repair of cra-nium bifidum with cranionasal meningoencephalocele) 186

颅裂、枕部脑膜脑膨出修补术(repair of cranium bifidum with occipital meningoencephalocele) 186

脊柱裂脊膜膨出切除修补术(resection and repair of spina bifida with meningocele) 186

腰池腹腔分流术(cisterna-peritoneal shunt) 186

脊髓脊膜膨出切除修补术(resection and repair of myelomeningocele) 187

经口枢椎齿状突切除术(transoral resection of odontoid process of axis) 187

腰骶部潜毛窦切除术(resection of lumbosacral pilonidal sinus) 187

脊髓栓系综合征手术(operation for tethered cord syndrome) 187

脊髓纵裂手术(operation for diastomyelia) 187

枕大孔区畸形颅后窝减压术(posterior fossa decom-pression for anomalies of foramen magnum region) 187

脊髓空洞症手术(operation for syringomyelia) 188

脊髓中央管上口填塞术(packing upper opening of the central cord canal) 188

三叉神经周围支酒精注射(alcohol injection to peri-pheral branches of trigeminal nerve) 188

眶上神经撕脱术(avulsion of supraorbital nerve) 188

眶下神经抽出术(avulsion of infraorbital nerve) 188

三叉神经痛神经血管减压术(neurovascular decom-pression for trigeminal neuralgia) 188

脊髓空洞-蛛网膜下腔分流术(syringo-subara-chnoid shunt) 188

三叉神经半月节感觉纤维切断术(section of sensoryfibers of gasserian ganglion) 189

延髓三叉神经脊髓束切断术(section of trigeminal-nerve spinal tract) 189

三叉神经感觉根切断术(sensory root section of-trigeminal nerve) 189

脊髓前连合切断术(section of anterior commissurotomy-of spinal cord) 190

面肌痉挛神经血管减压术(neurovascular decompre-ssion for facial spasm) 190

前庭性眩晕神经血管减压术(neurovascular decom-pression for vestibular dizziness) 190

脊髓前外侧束切断术(anterior lateral cordotomy) 190

前庭神经切断术(section of vestibular nerve) 191

舌咽神经根切断术(seotion of glosspharyngeal nerve) 191

面神经颅外段吻合术(neuroanastomcsis of extra-cranial facial nerve) 191

面神经颅内段吻合术(neuroanastomosis of intracr-anial facial nerve) 191

舌咽神经痛神经血管减压术(neurovasctular decom-pression for glossopharyngeal neuralgia) 191

面-副神经吻合术(neuroanastomosis of facial-acces-sory nerve) 192

面-膈神经吻合术(neuroanastomosis of facial phrenic nerve) 192

脑皮质切除术(cerebral cortical resection) 192

胼胝体切开术(corpus callosotomy) 192

面-舌下神经吻合术(neuroanastomosis of facial-hypog lossal nerve) 192

大脑半球切除术(hemispherectomy) 193

椎板切除减压术(decompressive laminectomy) 193
