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少林功夫  中英文本
少林功夫  中英文本

少林功夫 中英文本PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:冯永臣,释永信主编;冯永臣,王跃进编著;程春方,冯永臣,任瑛翻译
  • 出 版 社:北京:中国旅游出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7503229667
  • 页数:159 页
《少林功夫 中英文本》目录

前言 7

Preface 8

少林十八般兵器 19

The 18 Types of Shaolin Weapons 19

少林刀 23

Shaolin Broadsword 23

少林枪 27

Shaolin Spear 27

少林剑 28

The Shaolin Sword 28

Shaolin Cudgel 30

少林棍术 30

少林钩 35

Shaolin Hook 35

少林九节鞭 38

Shaolin 9-Section Whip 38

少林铲 40

Shaolin Shovel 40

少林飞镖 44

Shaolin Flying Dart 44

Shaolin Single Broadsword 46

少林一路单刀 46

少林梅花枪 47

Shaolin Meihua(Plum-blossom)Spear 47

少林风火棍 48

Shaolin Fenghuo(Wind and Fire)Cudgel 48

少林功夫 51

Shaolin Kung-fu 51

易筋经十二式 58

The 12 Styles of Yijin Jing(The Boxing of Limbering up Muscles and Joints) 58

Illustration of the 12 Styles of Yijin Jing(The Boxing of Limbering up Muscles and Joints) 59

少林易筋经十二式图解 59

少林拳 60

Shaolin Boxing 60

实用手法 61

The Hand Exercise 61

象形拳 76

Xiangxing(Imitative)Boxing 76

大洪拳 81

Dahong Boxing 81

少林大洪拳图谱 83

Illustration of Shaolin Dahong Boxing 83

Xiaohong Boxing 87

小洪拳 87

少林小洪拳图谱 88

Illustration of Shaolin Xiaohong Boxing 88

少林罗汉十八手图解 93

Illustration of the 18th Routine of Luohan(Arhat)Boxing 93

少林擒拿法 95

The Capturing Skills of Shaolin Kung-fu 95

钉上鹰爪功 97

Dingshang Yingzhao Gong(Eagle's Claws on Nails—The Exercise of Fingers) 97

The Palm Exercise 100

掌 100

斩魔剑 102

Zhanmo Jian(The Sword of Killing Devil—The Palm Exercise) 102

千钧脚 105

Qianjun Jiao(The Feet Exercise) 105

铁头功 108

Tietou Gong(The Iron Head—The Exercise of Head Training) 108

卧虎功 114

Wohu Gong(The Crouching Tiger—The Exercise of Legs and Feet) 114

排打功 116

Paida Gong(The Exercise of Beating Every Part of the Body) 116

Shaolin Tongzi Gong(The Exercise for Boys) 118

少林童子功 118

布袋功 120

Budai Gong(The Abdomen Exercise) 120

玉带功 122

Yudai Gong(The Arm Exercise) 122

一指金 124

Yizhijin(The Exercise of Standing on the Ground with One Finger) 124

千斤坠 127

Qianjin Zhui(The Exercise of Hafting a Big Stone Attached to the Testes with a Rope) 127

拔钉功 128

Bading Gong(The Exercise of Pulling out Nails from a Wood Plate) 128

Diao Gong(The Exercise of Hanging from a Tree with a Rope around the Neck) 129

吊功 129

少林火功 130

Shaolin Fire Exercise(The Exercise of Licking a Burning Hot Iron Shovel) 130

梅花桩 134

The Plum-blossom Stake Exercise 134

阴阳气吸功 139

Yin-Yang Qixi Gong(The Exercise of Attracting Objects on the Belly by Qi) 139

轻身术 151

The Light Exercise 151

健身十二法 154

The 12 Methods of Being Healthy and Strong 154
