- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李虹编著
- 出 版 社:北京:金盾出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7508241150
- 页数:275 页
1.In the family 1
2.Our house 8
3.Our school 14
4.On the playground 18
5.Sports and games 22
6.Going to the doctor's 25
7.Travelling 27
8.Somebody is knocking at the door 30
9.In the classroom 35
10.Visiting the industrial exhibition 39
11.Strolling in the park 44
12.Going shopping 47
13.Going to the bookstore 55
14.Visiting the aquarium 62
15.Going to the zoo 67
16.Playing the computer 71
17.Holding the weekend party 74
18.In the club 79
19.Going to the market 82
20.Visiting the gallery 87
21.Going to the restaurant 93
22.Looking for a job 99
23.At the Dragon Boat Festival 105
24.Going to the post office 109
25.Inviting some friends on birthday 116
26.Visiting some famous persons 120
27.Going to the airport 125
28.At the discussion meeting 129
29.Visiting the Palace Museum 136
30.Visiting the Summer Palace 141
31.Talking about sports 147
32.Going abroad 152
33.Identifying various animals 157
34.Identifying various objects 163
35.School and education 171
36.Talking about work and career 177
37.Today is Sunday 181
38.Having lunch 183
39.The young waitress 188
40.A long train journey 193
41.Talking about daily activities 199
42.Asking for addresses 203
43.Talking about seasons 208
44.Making plans for summer vacation 214
45.Talking about countries and nationalities 220
46.Talking about hobbies and interest 229
47.Talking about radio and television 234
48.Talking about health 239
49.Our new room 245
50.Where are you going? 253
51.In the hotel 257
52.How many days are there a week? 266
53.At the railway station 272
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