二十世纪西方文论选读 上PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:乔国强主编
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:2006
- ISBN:7309050037
- 页数:374 页
编者的话 1
导言 1
上册 1
第一编 诗歌 7
W.B.Yeats:The Symbolism of Poetry 7
Ezra Pound:A Retrospect 21
T.S.Eliot:Tradition and the Individual Talent 39
Paul Valéry:Poetry and Abstract Thought:Dancing and Walking 51
Yvor Winters:Preliminary Problems 68
Northrop Frye:Literature as Context:Milton's Lycidas 85
Henry James:Preface to The Ambassadors 104
第二编 小说 104
Virginia Woolf:Modern Fiction 122
D.H.Lawrence:Morality and the Novel 135
Why the Novel Matters 141
Jean-Paul Sartre:Why Write? 153
Georg Luckács:The Ideology of Modernism 169
Wayne Booth:“Objectivity”in Fiction 187
第三编 戏剧 207
G.Wilson Knight:Macbeth and the Metaphysic of Evil 207
L.C.Knights:Restoration Comedy:The Reality and the Myth 232
Francis Fergusson:Oedipus Rex:The Tragic Rhythm of Action 258
Christopher Innes:Modernism in Drama 291
Raymond Williams:Modern Tragedy 328
Terry Eagleton:The Value of Agony 351
下册 379
批评方法概览 379
T.S.Eliot:The Function of Criticism 379
Edmund Wilson:Marxism and Literature 395
Roland Barthes:Criticism as Language 418
Susan Sontag:Against Interpretation 429
Sara Blair:Modernism and the Politics of Culture 450
Marianne Dekoven:Modernism and Gender 480
Astradur Eysteinsson:The Making of Modernist Paradigms 511
Julia Kristeva:From One Identity to an Other 554
Steven Connor:Rewriting Wrong:On the Ethics of Literary Reversion 586
Anne Balsamo:Feminism for the Incurably Informed 604
Ralph Cohen:Do Postmodern Genres Exist? 645
John Barth:The Literature of Exhaustion 673
Chinua Achebe:Colonialist Criticism 696
Kwame Anthony Appiah:The Postcolonial and the Postmodern 709
Partha Chatterjee:Nationalism as a Problem 725
David Lodge:Modernism,Antimodernism and Postmodernism 734
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