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旧京歌谣  中英文本
旧京歌谣  中英文本

旧京歌谣 中英文本PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:赵晓阳编
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京图书馆出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7501331723
  • 页数:174 页
《旧京歌谣 中英文本》目录

哎哟我的妈 O,My Mother  1

八仙桌 Here Is A Gilt-edged Table For Eight People  1

编者前言  1

八仙桌儿 A Table For Eight Persons  2

疤瘌眼去赶集 The Scarred-eyed Fellow Went To The Fair  2

拨灯棍儿 The Oil-lamp Wire  3

白塔寺 The Temple of Pai-t'a-ssu  3

鞭炮一响把张开 Here Is The First Discharge Of Crackers  4

车夫欢 The Rickshaw Puller Is Happy  5

馋老婆 A Greedy Woman  6

别怕别怕 Don't Be Afraid  6

长虫长虫 The Magician  8

长得真拙 She Looks So Ugly  8

扯扯 Draw The Circle  9

虫虫虫虫飞 Lady-bug  9

出了门儿 As Soon As I Have Gone Out  10

出了门儿好丧气 As Soon As I Came Out of My Gate  10

出前门走十步 Chicken Skin  11

初一初二初三四儿 The Hairless Young Pa  11

从南来了个秃丫头 From The South Came A Baldheaded Girl  12

从东坡到西坡 Going From The East Slope To The West Slope  12

褡裢儿褡 The Purse  13

褡裢儿褡 The Purse  13

打花巴掌的正月正 Strike The Hands  14

打罗儿筛 Strike The Sieve And Sift  16

大肚子 This Big Bellied Fellow  16

大翻车 A Big Cart  17

大哥哥二哥哥 First Elder Brother,Second Elder Brother  17

大公鸡 The Big Cock  18

大拇哥 The Five Fingers  19

大脚大 Natural Feet Are Big  19

大狗上京了 Turning The Mill  20

大娘子喝酒 The First Lady Drinks Wine  20

打罗儿筛 Beating The Sieve And Sift  21

大柿子 The Big Persimmon  21

大娘二娘猜 The First Wife And The Second Wife Play At Guessing Riddles  22

大柿子 The Big Persimmon  23

大秃子得病 The First Baldhead Gets Sick  23

点点点牛眼 E Ni Me Ni Mi Ni Mo  24

滴滴滴 The Chicken Screaming Flies On The Grass-stack  24

豆芽菜 The Bean Sprouts  25

咚咚咚 Tung,Tung,Tung  25

东直门 Tung Chih Men  26

东岳庙 In The Temple Of Mount T'ai-shan  28

咚咚咚 The Drums Are Striking  28

杜黎儿树 The Small Pear-tree  29

橔橔橔老米 Pounding Rice  30

二人进绣房 The Pair Enter The Chamber  30

翻饼烙饼 Cake Baking  31

翻饼烙饼 Turn The Pie  31

风来咯 The Wind Has Come  32

风奶奶送风来 Old Mother Wind  32

高高山上一个牛 On A Very High Mountain There Is An Ox  32

高高山上一棵荞 On A Very High Mountain There Is A Stem Of Artemisia  33

高高山上一棵麻 On A Very High Mountain There Is A Stem Of Hemp  33

高高山上一罗圈 The Bald Old Woman  34

高高山上一摞砖儿 On A Very High Mountain There Is A Pile Of Bricks  34

鼓靠着鼓来 Drums Succeed Drums  35

高高山上一座小庙儿 On A Very High Mountain There Is A Small Temple  35

高高山上一窝猪 On A Very High Mountain There Is A Lair Of Pigs  36

高高山上一座楼 On A Very High Mountain There Is A High Tower  36

高高山上一座楼 On A Very High Mountain There Is A High Tower  37

高高山上有一家 On A Very High Mountain There Lives A Family  38

疙疸 Bump  38

高高山上有个小庙儿 On A Very High Mountain  39

哥哥妹妹来赛跑 Brothers And Sisters Come And Run A Race  40

隔着墙儿扔切糕 From Outside The Wall He Throws Slices Of Pudding  40

咯儿咯儿 The Cock Crowing  41

顾不得 Without Perceiving It  42

光光碴 Pat A Cake  43

光棍光 The Widower Is Lonely  43

跟人学 If You Follow Others' Steps  44

寒鸦儿寒鸦儿过 The White Breasted Crows  44

蒿子灯 The Artemisia Lantern  45

好不好 Is It Good Or Not  45

好热天儿 What A Hot Day  46

和尚和尚摇铃铛 The Bonze  46

黑老婆儿 The Old Brown Woman  47

和尚头 The Little Boy  47

河蟆河蟆 Froggie  48

毂洞洞 In The Awning-cart  48

红得哩 Here Is The Red  49

红葫芦 The Red Pumpkin  49

厚底儿鞋 High-heeled Shoes  50

忽听门外人咬狗 All Of A Sudden I Heard A Man Biting A Dog Outside The Door  51

糊糊 Roast,Roast  51

蝴蝶飞 The Butterfly  52

花红柳绿线儿 A Little Girl's Wants  52

花椒树 The Red Pepper Tree  52

花树树 Red Pepper Flower  53

黄城根儿 Near The Wall Of The Imperial Town  53

黄豆粒儿 The Yellow Haricot  54

黄狗黄狗你看家 Yellow Dog,Yellow Dog,Look After The House  54

火车一拉鼻儿 When The Train Whistles  56

货郎担卖裤腿 The Clothes Vender  56

浇花 Watering The Flowers  57

祭灶祭灶新年来到 Sacrifice To The God Of Stoves  57

火虫儿 The Firefly  58

槐树槐 Ash Trees  58

嫁人 Marry A Man  59

胶泥瓣儿 The Sticky Clay Blocks  59

姐妹二人到城东 Two Sisters Went To The East Of The City  60

金轱辘棒 Gilt Wood Mace  61

开了花 The Flowers Open  61

拉大锯 Draw The Saw  62

拉大锯 Pulling The Saw  62

拉大锯 Pulling The Saw  63

拉拉黑豆 Beans  63

腊月八 The Eighth Day Of The Twelfth Moon  63

荆条棍儿 The Stems Of The Vitex Incise  64

拉拉蛄的车三哥哥 The Locust Cart And The Third Brother  64

老猫 The Old Cat  65

懒老婆 The Lazy Woman  66

老张老张 Old Zhang,The Crab  66

老瓜飘 Thistle-seed  66

老牛无言每日忧 The Old Cow Is Silent And Sad Every Day  67

两枝蜡 Two Candles  67

老婆老婆 You Old Lady  68

老婆婆 The Old Woman  69

老太太叫猫 The Old Lady Calls To The Cat  69

老太太 Old Lady  70

老鸦落在一棵树 The Crow Rests On The Tree  71

立立立立站儿 I Top Here  71

立了秋 The Autumn Has Set In  72

玲珑塔 How Elegant Is The Pagoda  73

罗锅儿桥 The Hunchback Bridge  74

罗锅子桥 On The Hunchback Bridge  74

妞儿要吃面 Young Lady  75

麻子鬼 The Small Pox Devil  75

买花来 The Flower Seller  76

麻子麻 The Boy Much Marked With The Small Pox  76

庙里的和尚拉大锁 The Priest Of The Temple Drags A Heavy Chain  77

门儿敲得梆梆 People Knock At The Door  78

庙门儿对庙门儿 A Door Of The Temple Is Opposite To A Door Of The Temple  78

茉莉花儿丈夫 The Jasmine-husband  79

咩咩羊 The Bleating Small Sheep  80

麦粽子脸梅花脚 A Riddle  80

煤模儿 In The Coal-mould  80

南山顶上草一棵 On The Top Of The South Hill There Is A Blade Of Grass  81

南京大柳树 The Willow Trees In Nanking  81

南边来了卢二哥 From The South Comes Second Brother Lu  82

泥泥泥泥饽饽 Here Are Mud Pies  82

你妈七 Your Mother Seven  83

你要奢 What Do You Want  83

你这孩子爱淘气 This Baby Is Very Mischievous  84

年年有个三月三 Every Year There Is The Festival Of The 3rd Day Of The 3rd Moon  84

鸟鸟鸟 Hallo拍打拍谁呀 Knocking,Knocking,Who Are You  85

爬草根 The Little Student  86

牛犄角吹哵咧 I Blow The Cow's Horn  86

排排 Swallow's Nest  87

排门儿 Face Game  87

穷太太儿 The Poor Woman  87

你也去打粥 You Go For Congee  87

平则门拉大弓 Near The Ping-tso-men They Draw Long Bows  88

蹊蹊跷 Very Extraordinary  90

嘁得嘁 Blind Man's Buff  90

秦始皇 The Emperor Shih-huang  91

勤谨老婆好体面 The Industrious Lady Is Very Nice  91

十七岁的女儿要出家 A Girl Seventeen Years Old Wants To Become A Nun  92

人家赶集我也赶集 Others Go To Market And I Also Go To Market  93

三马吃草 Ten Fingers  93

娶媳妇儿的 The Bridal Procession  94

上打三通鼓 Finger Test  94

太阳出来一点红 The Sun Has Come Out Like A Red Spot  95

日头出来一点红 The Sun Has Come Out Like A Red Spot  96

沙土地儿 On The Sandy Plain  97

三儿三儿 San'r,San'r  97

山上一窝鸡 On The High Mountain There Is A Nest Of Chickens  98

上轱辘台 Go Up The Sitting-stone  98

上轱辘台 Ride A Cock Horse  100

上山的骡子 The Mule Is Solely Employed For Going Up The Hills  100

寿星老儿福禄星 The Spirit Of Longevity  101

树叶儿黑 The Tree-leaves Are Dark  101

石榴花儿的姐 The Bride Is The Pomegranate Flower  102

树叶青 The Tree Leaves Are Dark  104

树叶青 The King Will Want You  104

水牛儿 Little Snail  105

谁跟我顽儿 Who Is Going To Play With Me  105

说开船就开船 We Say Set Sail And The Ship Starts  106

松柏枝儿 The Branches Of Fir And Cypress  106

酸枣儿树 Here Are Sour Date Trees  107

说了一个一 Mention One  108

松枝儿树 On The Fir-tree  110

是谁拍我的门儿 Who Knocks At The Door  110

太阳出来照西坡 The Sun Comes Out And Shines Upon The West Slope  111

桃树叶儿尖 The Peach Tree Leaves Are Pointed  111

套来套去套水井 Making A Flower Pot  112

剔灯棍儿 With The Oil-lamp Wire  112

天河打斜 Milky Way  112

天皇皇 Heaven Is Imperial  113

铁蚕豆 Broad Beans  114

同来看 Two Wonders  114

一抓金儿 Grab The Knee  115

头伏萝卜二伏菜 The Farmer's Guide  115

头遍灰 The First Time The Ashes May Enter The Bowl Of The Pipe  115

狼来咯 Visitors  116

推磨带磨 Grinding Flour  116

歪戴帽斜插花 The Slovenly Boy  116

豌豆糕点红点儿 Pea Pudding Is Marked With Red Spots  117

豌豆花 The Flowers Of Pease  117

偷人的针偷人的线 A Boy Steals Pins And Thread  118

为人不当兵 A Man Should Not Become A Soldier  118

挑水的哥 Water Carrying Fellow  119

挑水的哥听着我说 The Waterman  119

秃子秃 The Baldhead  119

王家女 The Girl Of The Wang Family  120

我的儿 My Son  121

外甥是姥姥家的狗 My Nephew  121

我儿子睡觉了 My Flower Is Sleeping  122

我国高 Our Country Is High  122

我一个大儿子 This One Great Son Of Mine  123

稀里哗啦 Buying A Lock  123

喜儿喜儿买豆腐 The Magpie Buys Beancurd  124

喜儿喜儿 Joy,Joy  124

喜儿喜儿吃豆腐 The Magpie Eats Beancurd  124

喜花掐来戴满头 Flowers Of Joy  125

喜鹊尾巴长 The Magpie Has A Long Tail  125

洗洗脸 Wash  126

瞎子瞎拿棍夹 You Blind Man  126

鸟鸟鸟 The Tall Man  126

闲来无事出城去 Being Free He Comes Out Of The City  127

小巴狗 The Small Pug Dog  127

香香蒿子 Here Is Artemisia Annua  128

香炉儿 An Incense-stove  128

削竹棍儿 Cut The Bamboo Stick  129

小白鸡儿 The Small White Chicken  129

小白菜儿 The Small Cabbage  130

小宝贝冰糖加梅桂 Sweeter Than Sugar  130

小大姐 The Young Lady  131

小大姐 The First Small Young Lady  131

小二哥 The Small Second Brother  132

小鼓儿 The Little Drum  133

小姑娘做一梦 The Small Girl Has Had A Dream  133

小耗子 The Mouse  134

小红孩 A Little Red Boy  134

小脚儿娘 The Little Lady With Small Feet  135

小金妲骑金马 My Little Golden Sister Rides A Golden Horse  135

小姑娘 Little Lady  136

小孩儿 Little Baby  136

小胖哥 This Fat Boy  137

小妞儿 The Little Girl  137

小三儿他妈 Sar's Mother  138

小胖小子儿真有哏儿 This Fat Boy Of Mine Really Amuses People  138

小秦椒儿 The Small Chilies  139

小三儿 Small San'r  140

小秃儿 You Small Baldheads  140

小秃儿 Small Baldhead  141

小小花盆 Flower Pot  141

小五儿 The Small Five  142

小小子儿 The Small Boy  142

小小子儿 The Small Boy  143

小小子儿 The Little Boy  144

小眼儿看景致儿 The Senses  145

小小子儿 The Small Boy  145

小元儿 Small Yuan  146

新姑娘十几咯 The Bride Is Ten Years And More  146

檐蝙蝠 The Bat  147

新年来到糖瓜祭灶 Family Needs  147

丫头丫 The Small Girl  148

盐打那边咸 This Becomes Saltish From That Side  148

羊巴巴蛋儿 Goat's Dung  149

上去下来 Going To Town  149

丫头子丫 Little Bound Feet  150

新打的茶壶 The Newly-made Tea-pot  150

杨树叶儿 The Poplar Leaves  150

养活猪吃口肉 We Keep A Pig For Meat  151

要说九 We Say Nine  151

爷爷抱孙子 The Grandfather Embraces His Grandson  152

野麻雀 The Tail Of The Wild Sparrow Is Long  152

一个毽儿 A Shuttle-cock  153

一朵芙蓉顶上栽 A Riddle  153

一阵秋风一场凉 The Autumn Wind  153

一副筐 A Pair Of Baskets  154

一个小孩儿 A Little Boy  154

一个小伙大肚皮 The Spider  155

一个小媳妇 The Little Lady  155

一进门儿黑咕隆咚 Upon Entering All Was Pitch Dark  155

一进门儿喜冲冲 Entering The Gate,How Merry It Is  156

一什么一 One,What One  156

一什么一 One,What One  158

一什么一 One,What One  159

一场秋风一场凉 The Dead Cicada  160

有鼻有眼不喘气 What Is It  160

一只船两头高 My Boat  160

有个大姐正十七 There Was A Girl Seventeen Years Old  161

有边儿有边儿 She Is First Rate  161

一呀二呀 One,Two  162

有个妞儿不害羞 There Is A Small Girl Who Does Not Feel Ashamed 164

有女莫嫁读书郎 A Girl Should Not Be Married To A Student  164

有个小秃儿本姓高 There Was A Small Baldheaded Man  165

月亮爷亮堂堂 Lord Moon Shines Bright  166

月亮爷 The Father Moon  166

月亮爷亮堂堂 Lord Moon Is Bright  167

月亮爷 The Bride  167

月亮爷 The Lord Moon  167

张大嫂 Mistress Chang  168

张奶奶 Our Baby  168

这个小牛儿吃草 The Five Toes  169

这时不算苦 The Present Cannot Be Considered A Bad Time  169

灶王爷 God Of The Hearth  169

这个人生来性儿急 This Man Is Very Hasty By Nature  170

这个老这个小 The Five Fingers  170

正月里正月正 Do As You Ought  171

正月里正月正 In The First Month  171

锥帮子儿 The Boy Bores The Heelband Of The Shoe  172

雉鸡翎 With Ringed Pheasant Feathers  172

紫不紫 Purple Or Not Purple  173

小淘气儿 The Impertinent Youngster  173

后记  174
