- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:鲍元恺主编
- 出 版 社:北京:人民音乐出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7103032404
- 页数:279 页
第一组曲 燕赵故事 Suit 1.Stories on the Lands of Ancient Yan and Zhao 1
小白菜 Little Cabbage 1
小放牛 The Little Cowherd 4
茉莉花 Jasmine 6
对花 A Dialogue on Flowers 20
第二组曲 云岭素描 Suit 2.Sketches of the Highland of Yunnan 45
小河淌水 Flowing Stream 45
放马山歌 The Song of a Wrangler 57
雨不洒花花不红 Blossoming for Rainwater 63
猜调 A Song of Riddles——为单管编制管弦乐队而作 For Chamber Orchestra 69
猜调 A Song of Riddles——为弦乐队而作 For Strings Orchestra 81
第三组曲 黄土悲欢 Suit 3.Sadness and Happiness on the Yellow Soil Highland 88
女娃担水——主题变奏曲 A Theme and Variations on a Folksong of Shannxi 88
夫妻逗趣 The Amusing Couple 99
走绛州 Going to Jiangzhou 107
蓝花花 Lan Huahua 119
第四组曲 巴蜀山歌 Suit 4.Mountain Songs of the Ancient States Ba and Shu 137
槐花几时开 Expecting the Blossom of the Scholartree 137
黄杨扁担 Yellow Poplar Shouldering Pole 146
绣荷包 Embroidering a Pouch 157
太阳出来喜洋洋 Happiness at Sunrise 163
第五组曲 江南雨丝 Suit 5.Drizzle in the South 179
无锡景 The Scenery of Wuxi 179
杨柳青(拨奏曲) Green Willow(Pizzcato) 192
拔根芦柴花 Pulling a Reed Catkin 197
紫竹调 Bamboo-flute Tune 204
第六组曲 太行春秋 Suit 6.Seasons in Taihang Mountains 211
走西口 Going to the West Gate 211
闹元宵 Revels of the Lantern Festival 215
爬山调 A Tune of Mountain Climbing 232
看秧歌 Going to Watch Yangge Dance 236
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