- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:来家宝,周伟和主编
- 出 版 社:兰州市:兰州大学出版社
- 出版年份:1990
- ISBN:7311003245
- 页数:253 页
第一部分 1
浅谈“完形填空”技巧训练和能力培养 1
1989年MET完形填空评讲 6
完形填空评讲两篇 10
学生所做完形填空错误原因的剖析 18
第二部分 23
完形填空训练文章104篇(段) 23
1.Keep It a Secret 23
2.The Composition Class 24
3.Lightning and Electricity 24
4.How to Lose Weight 25
5.Side Effects 26
6.The Same Mother 27
7.Skin-diving 28
8.O.K. 29
9.Aging 31
10.Record Rains Strike Henan 32
11.One of the Most Important Weapons 33
12."Empty"Calories 34
13.How Living Things Get Their Food 35
14.An Accident 36
15.Everything Included 38
16.Which Would You Take? 39
17.Can Pulleys Make Work Easier? 40
18.How Long Do Fishes Live? 41
19.Prison 43
20.Safety Problems in the U.S 45
21.How Long Future People Can Live 46
22.About Good Manners 47
23.It Will Eat Almost Nothing 48
24.How to Keep Meat from Spoiling 50
25.Postmen with Feathers 51
26.More Country Wives Have Say in Families 53
27.The Right to Die 55
28.A Naughty Boy 56
29.Earthworms 58
30.Theft Increasing in Haidian 59
31.Rice Feed for Pigs 61
32.The Panama Canal 63
33.False Teeth Put the Bite Back in Life 65
34.Christmas 67
35.How Old Is She? 69
36.Albert Einstein's Overcoat 70
37.Where Does the Word“Salary”Come from? 71
38.Rubbish Will Endanger Our Children 73
39.Young Love Guidance Is Part of Job 75
40.The Know-Nothings 77
41.Iron and Blacksmith 79
42.Eating Habits 81
43.Time Zones 83
44.That Man Knows the Future 85
45.The Stupid Boy 86
46.Mr,Mrs,Miss and Ms 88
47.How Did the States Get Their Names? 89
48.The Oceans Have Come to Seem Small 91
49.How to Use"Thank You" 93
50.The Earth Moves All the Time 95
51.The Two Different Forces 97
52.Summer Time 98
53.American Youth 100
54.About the Congress of the U.S 102
55.Hangzhou and Leeds Twinning Links 104
56.Open University 107
57.The Old Shoes 109
58.Robbery 111
59.Choosy Girl 113
60.Wilt Chamberlain 114
61.The Cook 117
62.Special Card 118
63.Presidential Election 120
64.One Should Be Practical 122
65.A Diary 124
66.Colour Blindness 127
67.April Fool 129
68.Professional Sports 131
69.How Narcissus Came into Being 133
70.American Senior Citizens 135
71.Mystery Monsters of Loch Ness 137
72.Deep Dive 139
73.My Dad Is a Policeman 141
74.Women's Liberation 143
75.Robots 146
76.The Huge Egg 148
77.The Gift of a Child 150
78.Sixpence Worth of Trouble 152
79.Island of the Blue Dolphins 154
80.A Traveller's Tale 157
81.Colour 159
82.Falling in Love 161
83.Sour Grapes 164
84.Why I Was Interested in History 166
85.The Boy and the Lion 168
86.Careful Observation 171
87.About Television 174
88.Thirteen Equals One 176
89.How Clever Is a Fish 179
90.The Danger from Mercury Compounds 181
91.A Story about Marco Polo 184
92.Women as Equal Human Beings 186
93.Something about Animals 188
94.How Columbus Set an Egg Upright 191
95.Sound and Hearing 194
96.Back Home 196
97.Bears 199
98.The Vine Harvest in Bordeaux 202
99.Credit Cards 204
100.The Double Life of Alfred 207
101.Musical Half-Notes 209
102.The Circus Strong Man 211
103.Clever Nasreddin 214
104.Learning by Doing 217
第三部分 221
历届全国高考完形填空试题汇集 221
1985 MET完形填空 221
1986 MET完形填空 223
1986模拟MET完形填空 225
1987 MET完形填空 227
1987模拟MET完形填空 229
1988 MET完形填空 231
1988 MET(港澳地区)完形填空 233
1988台湾大学联招试题(综合测验) 236
1989上海高考试卷综合填空 238
第四部分 242
参考答案 242
- 《2020考研英语大趋势 历年真题完形+翻译+新题型精讲精练》商志 2019
- 《高中英语完形填空考试指导》徐志江 2019
- 《高考英语技巧全归纳 完形填空》曹阳,徐磊,任治远编著 2019
- 《我爱压轴题 中考数学选择、填空压轴题 百题冲刺》郑德坤,沈丹 2017
- 《高考英语冲刺——攻克单项填空》伍晓南主编 2003
- 《考研完形与新题型1周通关 第2版》朱薇编著 2020
- 《高中英语经典完形填空1500题 全新升级版》刘决生主编 2019
- 《贾斯培·琼斯》(美)伊莎贝尔·洛琳·华莱士著;颜勇译 2015
- 《翦伯赞全集 第10卷 中外历史年表 主编》翦伯赞著 2008
- 《初中数学创新培优读本 七年级 湘教版》邓革周,唐作明编著 2016
- 《大学计算机实验指导及习题解答》曹成志,宋长龙 2019
- 《大学生心理健康与人生发展》王琳责任编辑;(中国)肖宇 2019
- 《大学英语四级考试全真试题 标准模拟 四级》汪开虎主编 2012
- 《大学英语教学的跨文化交际视角研究与创新发展》许丽云,刘枫,尚利明著 2020
- 《复旦大学新闻学院教授学术丛书 新闻实务随想录》刘海贵 2019
- 《大学英语综合教程 1》王佃春,骆敏主编 2015
- 《大学物理简明教程 下 第2版》施卫主编 2020
- 《大学化学实验》李爱勤,侯学会主编 2016
- 《中国十大出版家》王震,贺越明著 1991
- 《近代民营出版机构的英语函授教育 以“商务、中华、开明”函授学校为个案 1915年-1946年版》丁伟 2017