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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:国家质量监督检疫总局组织编译
  • 出 版 社:北京:法律出版社
  • 出版年份:2006
  • ISBN:7503662603
  • 页数:382 页

序 1

前言 1

缩略语 1

1.植物卫生措施临时委员会第七次会议决议(G/SPS/GEN/573,IPPC,2005年) 1

2.建立非疫区的要求(ISPM No.04,IPPC,1996年) 12

3.建立非疫产地和非疫生产点的要求(ISPM No.10,IPPC,1999年) 24

4.建立有害生物低度流行区的要求(ISPM No.22,IPPC,2005年) 37

5.OIE《陆生动物卫生法典》第1.3.5章地区化和区隔化(G/SPS/GEN/574,OIE,2005年) 51

6.对《SPS协定》第6条适应地区条件实施和应用情况的审议(G/SPS/12,秘书处,1999年) 56

7.对《SPS协定》第6条——区域化实施和应用情况的审议(G/SPS/W/173/Rev.2,秘书处,2005年) 57

8.促进《SPS协定》第6条实施的工作计划(G/SPS/W,秘书处,2005年) 59

9.对《SPS协定》第6条的评议意见(G/SPS/W/129,智利,2003年) 62

10.对《SPS协定》第6条——区域化的补充评议意见(G/SPS/GEN/381,智利,2003年) 64

11.对《SPS协定》第6条——区域化的评议意见(G/SPS/GEN/388,墨西哥,2003年) 67

12.秘鲁启动实蝇(地中海实蝇和按实蝇)非疫区和低度流行区的宣布和认可程序(G/SPS/GEN/417,秘鲁,2003年) 69

13.区域化原则的实施(G/SPS/GEN/433,阿根廷,2003年) 71

14.关于实蝇非疫区的认可情况(G/SPS/GEN/440,墨西哥,2003年) 75

15.对《SPS协定》第6条的审议意见(G/SP S/GEN/461,欧洲共同体,2003年) 89

16.对《SPS协定》第6条的评议意见(G/SPS/GEN/477,美国,2004年) 100

17.关于实施《SPS协定》第6条的决议草案(G/SPS/W/140,智利,2003) 103

18.关于实施《SPS协定》第6条的决议草案(G/SPS/W/140/Rev.1,智利,2003) 107

19.关于实施《SPS协定》第6条的决议草案(G/SPS/W/140/Rev.2,智利,2004) 110

20.关于实施《SPS协定》第6条的决议草案——欧共体对智利提案(G/SP S/W/140/Rev.1)的评论(G/SPS/W/144,欧洲共同体,2004年) 114

21.关于实施《SPS协定》第6条的决议草案(G/SPS/W/145,加拿大,2004年) 118

22.关于《SPS协定》第6条的实施(G/SPS/W/148,秘鲁,2004年) 120

23.对国际协调的监督:区域化(G/SPS/W/151,新西兰,2004年) 125

Rev.1,中国,2004年) 129

24.对《SPS协定》第6条的第二次审议(G/SPS/W/162/ 129

25.关于区域化及需制定指南促进区域化实施的说明(G/SPS/W/164,智利,2004年) 131

26.对SPS委员会主席提出的有关区域化问题的答复(G/SPS/W/165,智利,2004年) 133

27.对《SPS协定》第6条的实施和应用情况的第二次审议(G/SPS/W/166,墨西哥,2004年) 138

28.对《SPS协定》第6条的实施与执行情况的审议(G/SPS/W/167,阿根廷,2004年) 139

29.对《SPS协定》第6条的实施和应用情况的第二次审议(G/SPS/W/170,智利,2005年) 141

30.关于促进《SPS协定》第6条实施的建议(G/SPS/W/171,智利,2005年) 143

31.对国际协调的监督:区域化(G/SPS/W/172,澳大利亚,2005年) 145

32.促进《SPS协定》第6条的实施(G/SPS/W/177,巴西,2005年) 148

33.对《SPS协定》第6条的阐释(G/SPS/GEN/588,欧洲共同体,2005年) 151

附录:《实施卫生与植物卫生措施协定》第6条 160

1.Decisions from the Seventh Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures(G/SPS/GEN/573,IPPC,2005) 161

2.Requirements for the Establishment of Pest Free Areas(ISPM No.04,IPPC,1996) 176

3.Requirements for the Establishment of Pest Free Places of Production and Pest Free Production Sites(ISPM No.10,IPPC,1999) 190

4.Requirements for the Establishment of Areas of Low Pest Prevalence(ISPM No.22,IPPC,2005) 208

5.Chapter 1.3.5.Zoning and Compartmentalisation(G/SPS/GEN/574,OIE,2005) 226

6.Review of the Operation and Implementation of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures(G/SPS/12,Committee,1999) 234

7.Review of the Operation and Implementation of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures(G/SPS/W/173/Rev.2,Committee,2005) 235

8.Agreed Work Programme on Enhancing Implementation of Article 6Draft Decision by the Committee(G/SPS/W,Committee,2005) 238

9.Comments on Chapter 6 of the SPS Agreement-Regionalization(G/SPS/W/129,Chile,2003) 243

10.Additional Comments on Article 6 of the SPS Agreement- 246

Regionalization(G/SPS/GEN/381,Chile,2003) 246

11.Comments on Article 6 of the SPS Agreement-Regionalization(G/SPS/GEN/388,Mexico,2003) 250

12.Peru Initiates a Process for the Declaration and Recognition of Areas Free from and of Low Prevalence of Fruit Flies Ceratitis capitata and Anastrepha spp(G/SPS/GEN/417,Peru,2003) 254

13.Implementation of the Regionalization Principle(G/SPS/GEN/433,Argentina,2003) 256

14.Regionalization Information for the Recognition of Fruit Fly-Free Areas(G/SPS/GEN/440,Mexico,2003) 261

15.Review of the SPS Agreement Update on Adaptation to Regional Conditions(G/SPS/GEN/461,European Communities,2003) 281

16.Regionalization(G/SPS/GEN/477,United States,2004) 296

17.Draft Decision on the Implementation of Article 6 of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures(G/SPS/W/140,Chile,2003) 300

18.Draft Decision on the Implementation of Article 6 of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures(G/SPS/W/140/Rev.1,Chile,2003) 306

19.Draft Decision on the Implementation of Article 6 of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures(G/SPS/W/140/Rev.2,Chile,2003) 311

20.Draft Decision on the Implementation of Article 6 of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures:Comments by the European Communities on the proposal of Chile G/SPS/W/140/Rev.1(G/SPS/W/144,European Communities,2004) 318

21.Decision on the Implementation of Article 6 of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures(G/SPS/W/145,Canada,2004) 324

22.Article 6 of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures(G/SPS/W/148,Peru,2004) 328

23.Monitoring of International Harmonization:Regionalization(G/SPS/W/151,New Zealand,2004) 335

24.Second Review of the Operation and Implementation of the SPS Agreement(G/SPS/W/162/Rev.1,China,2004) 340

25.Clarifications-Regionalization and the Need for Guidelines to Improve its Implementation(G/SPS/W/164,Chile,2004) 343

26.Responses to Questions from the Chairman of the WTO SPS Committee Concerning Regionalization(G/SPS/W/165,Chile,2004) 345

27.Second Review of the Operation and Implementation of the Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures(G/SPS/W/166,Mexico,2004) 352

28.Review of the Operation and Implementation of the SPS Agreement(G/SPS/W/167,Argentina,2004) 353

29.Second Review of the Operation and Implementation of the SPS Agreement(G/SPS/W/170,Chile,2005) 355

30.Proposal by Chile to Further the Discussions Concerning the Implementation of Article 6 on Regionalization(G/SPS/W/171,Chile,2005) 357

31.Monitoring of International Harmonization:Regionalization(G/SPS/W/172,Australia,2005) 360

32.Improving the Application of Article 6 of the Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures(G/SPS/W/177,Brazil,2005) 363

33.Clarification of Article 6 of the SPS Agreement(G/SPS/GEN/588,European Communities,2005) 367

ANNEX:Relevant principles and guidelines to effectively implement the provisions of article 6 of the SPS agreement 375
