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旅游实践英语  下

旅游实践英语 下PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:吴云编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:旅游教育出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7563714081
  • 页数:226 页
《旅游实践英语 下》目录

Unit 11 Meeting Banquet Service 会议与宴会服务 1

Preview Types of Meeting 会议类型 1

Dialog Ⅰ Booking a Meeting 会议预订 2

Dialog Ⅱ Booking a Banquet 宴会预订 4

Dialog Ⅲ Serving a Chinese Style Dinner 中餐服务 6

Dialog Ⅳ Serving the Western Style Banquet 西餐宴会服务 8

Reading Ⅰ A Function Sheet 会议餐饮预订单 10

Reading Ⅱ Meetings via Distance Conferencing 远程会议 12

Listening Ⅰ Types of Banquet Service 宴会服务类型 15

Listening Ⅱ Sending Faxes at the Business Center 在商务中心发送传真 15

Speaking Ⅰ How to Offer Meeting Service 如何提供会议服务 17

Speaking Ⅱ Advantages and Disadvantages of Popular Audio-Video Equipment 受到广泛使用的视听设备的优缺点 20

Simulated Writing How to Write a Letter of Invitation 写邀请信 22

Unit 12 Exhibition Service 展览服务 23

Preview Terms of Exhibitions 展览用语 23

Dialog Ⅰ Booking an Exhibit Space 展览场地预订 24

Dialog Ⅱ Setting Up Booths 布展 26

Dialog Ⅲ Signing Up on the Phone 电话报名参展 27

Dialog Ⅳ Registering at the Exhibition 开展注册 29

Reading Ⅰ An Exhibitor Pre-Registration Form 参展报名登记表 32

Reading Ⅱ Exhibit and Decorator's Charges 展览与搭展商费用 34

Listening Ⅰ Canceling Exhibit Registration 取消参展 37

Listening Ⅱ Planning Itinerary for Exhibit Trip 展览线路安排 38

Speaking Ⅰ How to Provide Exhibition Services 展览服务用语 40

Speaking Ⅱ Advantages and Disadvantages of Each Basic Type of Exhibit Booths 基本展台类型及其优劣势 42

Simulated Writing How to Write an Invitation Card 写请柬 44

Unit 13 Health Recreation Service 康乐服务 47

Preview Types of Health and Recreation Facilities 康乐设施类型 47

Dialog Ⅰ Playing Bowling 打保龄球 48

Dialog Ⅱ Taking a Sauna Bath 桑拿浴 50

Dialog Ⅲ At the Swimming Pool 室内泳 51

Dialog Ⅳ At the Barber's 理发/美发 53

Reading Ⅰ A Fitness Center 健身中心 54

Reading Ⅱ How to Take a Sauna Bath 如何洗桑拿 57

Listening Ⅰ At the Night Club 在夜总会 60

Listening Ⅱ Reserving a Tennis Court 预订网球场 61

Speaking Ⅰ How to Serve Leisure Guests 如何为休闲游客提供服务 62

Speaking Ⅱ Safety Measures at the Health Club 康乐中心安全措施 64

Simulated Writing How to Write a Notice 写通知 65

Unit 14 Shopping Promotion 商场促销 66

Preview Currencies in the World 世界各地货币 66

Dialog Ⅰ At the Souvenirs Counter 在旅游纪念品柜台 67

Dialog Ⅱ At a Fashion Shop 在时装店 69

Dialog Ⅲ At the Handicrafts Department 在工艺品部 70

Dialog Ⅳ At the Jewelry Counter 在珠宝店 71

Reading Ⅰ Merchandise Sales and Return Policy 商品销售与退货规定 73

Reading Ⅱ Warranty Policy 保修条款 75

Listening Ⅰ Changing Foreign Currencies 兑换外汇 78

Listening Ⅱ Special Local Products 当地特色产品 79

Speaking Ⅰ How to Provide Shopping Services 购物服务用语 80

Speaking Ⅱ Bargaining Strategies 还价策略 81

Simulated Writing How to Write Posters 写海报 82

Unit 15 Local Tour Guide Service 地陪导游服务  84

Preview Types of Tour Attractions 旅游景点类型 84

Dialog Ⅰ Arranging the Itinerary 安排旅游线路 85

Dialog Ⅱ Visiting the Chinese Temple 游览中国庙宇 87

Dialog Ⅲ Visiting the Chinese Garden 游览中国园林 89

Dialog Ⅳ Visiting the City 城市游览 91

Reading Ⅰ A Tour Guide Speech 一篇导游词 93

Reading Ⅱ A Tour Itinerary 旅游线路 95

Listening Ⅰ Traditional Chinese Festivals 中国传统节日 98

Listening Ⅱ An Opera Tour 戏剧之旅 99

Speaking Ⅰ How to Show Tourists Around 引导游客游览用语 100

Speaking Ⅱ Reasons for Going or Not Going Sightseeing 旅游:赞成还是反对 102

Simulated Writing How to Write a Tour Guide Speech 写导游词 103

Unit 16 Travel Destinations 旅游景点  108

Preview Types of Travel Activities 旅游活动类型 108

Dialog Ⅰ At the Ticket Box 在售票处 109

Dialog Ⅱ Cable Car Service 缆车服务 110

Dialog Ⅲ At the Travel Rental Office 旅游物品租赁处 112

Dialog Ⅳ Paging a Tourist 广播寻人 113

Reading Ⅰ An Attractive Place—Yuyuan Garden 景点介绍——豫园 114

Reading Ⅱ Destination Advertisement 旅游目的地广告 117

Listening Ⅰ Giving Directions 指路 119

Listening Ⅱ A Call from the Tourist Scenic Spot 景点电话转接 121

Speaking Ⅰ How to Provide Travel Destination Service 旅游目的地服务 122

Speaking Ⅱ Features of the Scenic Spots or Areas 谈论旅游景点特色 124

Simulated Writing How to Write a Notice 写启示 125

Unit 17 Handling Problems Emergencies 处理问题与突发事件 127

Preview Types of Problems Emergencies 问题与突发事件类型 127

Dialog Ⅰ Calling the First Aid Center 打电话到急救中心 128

Dialog Ⅱ At the Lost-and-Found Office 在失物招领处 130

Dialog Ⅲ Repairing Equipment 设备维修 131

Dialog Ⅳ Lift Emergency 电梯事故 133

Reading Ⅰ First Aid Techniques 急救技术 135

Reading Ⅱ An Accident 一次事故 137

Listening Ⅰ How to Stop Bleeding 如何止血 138

Listening Ⅱ Dealing with Power Failure 停电处理 139

Speaking Ⅰ How to Deal with Problems and Emergencies 处理问题与突发事件用语 140

Speaking Ⅱ Measures to Minimize the Risk of Fires 减少火灾风险防范措施 142

Simulated Writing How to Write an Incident Report 写事故报告 143

Unit 18 Handling Customer Complaints 顾客投诉处理 147

Preview Types of Complaints 投诉种类 147

Dialog Ⅰ Receiving a Complaint on the Phone 接受电话投诉 148

Dialog Ⅱ A Complaint about Holiday 度假客人投诉 150

Dialog Ⅲ Handling a Complaint about Noise 处理客房噪音投诉 152

Dialog Ⅳ Complaining about the Food 食品投诉 153

Reading Ⅰ A Complaint Letter on Holiday Booking 旅游度假投诉信 155

Reading Ⅱ A Reply to a Guest Complaint 顾客投诉回复 158

Listening Ⅰ A Mistake in a Table Reservation 餐位预订错误 160

Listening Ⅱ A Complaint about Room Cleaning 关于客房清洁的投诉 161

Speaking Ⅰ How to Make Handle Complaints 投诉与处理投诉用语 162

Speaking Ⅱ Classified Complaints 投诉类型 165

Simulated Writing How to Reply to Complaining Letters 写投诉回复信 166

Unit 19 Checking Out 结账离店 169

Preview Types of Checkout Service 退房服务类型 169

Dialog Ⅰ Paying the Hotel Bill by Credit Card 信用卡付账 170

Dialog Ⅱ Paying the Hotel Bill in Cash 现金付账 171

Dialog Ⅲ A Mistake on the Hotel Bill 账单错误 172

Dialog Ⅳ Paying the Hotel Bill with a Traveler's Check 支票付账 173

Reading Ⅰ Checkout Service Procedures 退房结账程序 175

Reading Ⅱ Daily Account Report Analysis 每日财务报告分析 176

Listening Ⅰ Checkout 退房 180

Listening Ⅱ Late Checkout 过时退房 181

Speaking Ⅰ How to Offer Checkout Service 退房服务用语 182

Speaking Ⅱ Methods of Settlement 结账方式 184

Simulated Writing How to Create Daily Operations Reports 编制每日运营报告 184

Unit 20 Selling the Travel Market 旅游市场营销 186

Preview Elements of Travel Marketing Mix 旅游市场营销组合要素 186

Dialog Ⅰ A Telephone Sales Call 电话销售 187

Dialog Ⅱ A Personal Sales Call 登门销售 189

Dialog Ⅲ Telephoning for an Appointment 电话预约 190

Reading Ⅰ A Sales Proposal Letter 销售意向书 193

Reading Ⅱ Group Sales Form 团队销售预订表 195

Listening Ⅰ Selling to Group Markets 团队销售 197

Listening Ⅱ Marketing Tools 市场营销手段 198

Speaking Ⅰ How to Make Personal Sales Call 登门销售用语 199

Speaking Ⅱ Six Questions Commonly Used in Selling Travel Market 旅游市场销售中需了解的六个问题 202

Simulated Writing How to Prepare Tourism Agreements 拟写旅游协议 203

Glossary(C—E) 206
