文化构成 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:潘云鹤编著
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:2012
- ISBN:9787308082723
- 页数:291 页
1 Composition Design 1
1.1 Nature of Composition Design 1
1.2 Development of Composition Design 2
2 Meaning of Culture 3
2.1 Significance of Culture 3
2.2 Material Culture and Non-Material Culture 4
2.3 Various Properties of Culture 4
2.3.1 Diachronism 4
2.3.2 Nationality 4
2.3.3 Region 5
2.3.4 Multi-media 5
2.3.5 Contextuality 5
2.3.6 Evolution 6
2.3.7 Blending 6
2.3.8 Tropism 6
2.4 Research on Culturology 6
2.5 Beauty of Culture 7
Bibliography 8
3 Elements of Culture 9
3.1 Elements of Chinese Culture 9
3.1.1 Cultural Elements 9
3.1.2 Chinese Cultural Elements 11
3.2 Chinese Characters and Calligraphy 11
3.2.1 Development of Chinese Characters 11
3.2.2 Calligraphy 13
3.3 Seal Cutting 20
3.4 Fine Arts 27
3.4.1 Painting 27
3.4.2 Sculpture 40
3.5 Drama and Costumes 53
3.5.1 Drama 53
3.5.2 Trappings with Chinese Characteristics 53
3.6 Architecture 61
3.6.1 Characteristics of the Traditional Chinese Architectures 61
3.6.2 Palaces and Imperial Architecture 68
3.6.3 Religious Buildings and Temples 74
3.6.4 Landscape Gardens 81
3.6.5 Residential House 100
3.6.6 Pagodas and Others 116
3.7 Appliances 133
3.7.1 Furniture 133
3.7.2 Means of Transport 139
3.7.3 Lacquer Works and Other Containers 142
3.7.4 Stationery as well as Other Items 146
3.7.5 Tools 149
3.8 Handicrafts 150
3.8.1 Pottery and Porcelain 150
3.8.2 Bronzewares 157
3.8.3 Jade Ware 164
3.8.4 Toys 167
3.8.5 Paper-cut and Shadow Play 170
3.8.6 Cloisonné 172
3.9 Folk Customs 173
Bibliography 178
4 The Structure of Cultural Elements 179
4.1 Analysis of the Difference between Cultural Elements and Geometric Elements 179
4.2 Hierarchical Structure of Cultural Elements 180
4.3 Type Structure of Cultural Elements 181
4.4 Symbol Structure of Cultural Elements 183
4.4.1 Analyzed from the Relationship between Form and Meaning Cultural Elements Are a Kind of Symbol 183
4.4.2 Cultural Elements Have Complicated Parts Called"Signifier"and"Signified" 183
4.4.3 The Formation Design of Cultural Elements Is a Kind of Formation Design of Both the Signifier and the Signified 184
4.5 The Multiple Attributes of Cultural Elements 184
4.5.1 Double-Form Attribute of Cultural Elements 185
4.5.2 The Double Meaning Attribute of Cultural Elements 187
4.5.3 Analysis and Application of Attributes of Cultural Elements 188
Bibliography 191
5 Methodology of Cultural Composition 193
5.1 Basis of Cultural Composition:Element Transformation 193
5.2 Composition of a Literary Quotation 199
5.2.1 Quotations from Chinese Literature 199
5.2.2 Functions of Literary Quotation 200
5.2.3 Methods of Literary Quotation 201
5.2.4 Conform to Non-conventional Patterns 207
5.2.5 Embedded Literary Quotation 210
5.3 Contrast Composition 217
5.3.1 Contrast between Ancient Times and Modern Times 217
5.3.2 Contrast between China and Western Countries 217
5.3.3 Contrast between Reality and the Virtual World 229
5.4 Exaggerated Composition 231
5.5 Aggregation in Composition 238
5.6 Misalignment Composition 243
5.7 Coordination Composition 250
5.7.1 Coordination of the Same Quality 250
5.7.2 Abstract Coordination 253
5.7.3 Altemation Coordination of Texture and Color 253
5.7.4 Coordination of the Space Complement 254
5.7.5 Fusion Coordination 255
5.8 The Soul of Cultural Composition:Imagery 264
5.9 Comparison of Cultural Composition Methodologies 272
Bibliography 272
6 Principles and Value of Cultural Design 275
6.1 The Cognition Approaches to and Principles of Cultural Design 275
6.1.1 The Cognition Approaches to Cultural Design 275
6.1.2 Principles of Cultural Design 276
6.2 Cultural Value Elements of Design 277
6.3 National Culture Is the Unique Resource for the Cultural Design of This Nation 280
Bibliography 287
Index 289
Postscript 291
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