- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴儿平主编
- 出 版 社:长沙:中南大学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787548711643
- 页数:159 页
基础篇目 3
一、我的大学篇 3
1.My very beginning at college 3
2.Budgeting my college life 4
3.College life in America 5
4.The most influential book in my life 6
5.How to develop your social skills? 7
6.Summer job 9
7.Of study 10
8.Creating harmony in dormitory 11
9.A letter to my daughter 12
10The computer and I 14
二、陈述篇 16
1.Rebirth of the eagle 16
2.Thanks to your rival 17
3.On motes and beams 18
4.An unexpected return 20
5.How much does a sundae cost? 21
6.The empire of bricks 22
7.Way to a top fashion brand 23
8.Laughter 24
9.Genius at work 25
10Non-traditional network 26
三、描述篇 28
1.Natural beauty 28
2.The door to happiness 29
3.Let go of love 30
4.My friends 32
5.A small town 33
6.The love of beauty 34
7.A glass of milk 35
8.Love is just a thread 37
9.A gift from heart 38
10.The echo 40
四、论述篇 42
1.Hard work is good for health 42
2.Love your life 43
3.The art of living 44
4.Keep your direction 45
5.On meeting the celebrated 46
6.How high can you jump? 48
7.Thrift 49
8.Wealth and happiness 50
9.Love is not possessive 50
10.Wisdom knows no trouble 51
五、四级范文 53
1.Test for civil servants 53
2.Attending TV PK shows does no good to young people 53
3.Students’rating of their teachers 54
4.Onaharmonious dormitory life 55
5.Living alone or living with roommates 55
6.College students’j ob hunting 56
7.Credit cards 56
8.Social practice 57
9.How to keep psychologically healthy? 58
10.Aid education in China 58
11.No pains,no gains 59
12.Lectures and discussions 59
13.My view on online education 60
14.An application letter 61
15.Pollution:An increasing concern in China 61
16.Should English classes be compulsory for students? 62
17.Should students follow fashions 62
18.Good or evil of suspending study to establish a business? 63
19.Harmonious Network 64
20.Grades and ability 64
专题篇目 69
一、经济篇 69
1.The basic concept of economics and its main scope of research 69
2.People face tradeoffs 70
3.The cost of something is what you give up to get it 72
4.Rational people think at the margin 74
5.Trade can make everyone better off 76
6.A country’s standard of living depends on its ability to produce goods and services 77
二、管理篇 80
1.Integrity in leadership 80
2.Abandonment 81
3.The new corporations persona 82
4.The four competencies of a leader 83
5.Practice comes first 84
6.Balancing objectives and measurements 85
三、财务篇 87
1.What is accounting? 87
2.International financial reporting standards 88
3.Auditing 90
4.Taxation 91
5.Cost elements 93
6.The Financial Times 95
四、市场营销篇 96
1.Defining marketing 96
2.Relationship marketing 96
3.Core marketing concepts 98
4.The four P’s of marketing 99
5.Marketing environment 100
6.Company orientation toward marketing 101
五、广告园林篇 103
1.Forest ecology 103
2.Media 104
3.Advertisement planning 106
4.Television 107
5.Botany 108
6.Creating colors 110
7.Pottery 111
8.Garza’s art works 112
9.The villa at Fiesole 114
10.Colors of the garden 115
六、中国文化篇目 117
1.Acupuncture 117
2.Chinese characters 118
3.Chinese era 118
4.Paper cutting 119
5.Chinese martial arts 120
6.Chinese Knot 121
7.Chinese silk 121
8.Chinese classical garden 122
9.The four treasures of the study 123
10.Chinese painting 124
11.Chinese calligraphy 125
12.Chinese idioms 126
13.Chinese tea culture 126
14.Confucianism 127
15.The 24 solar terms 128
16.The Chinese Zodiac 129
17.Chinese wine and spirits culture 129
18.Wedding 130
19.Nian 132
20.The Yangtze,the Yellow,the Pearl and the Heilongjiang 134
七、名言警句 137
励志名言 137
谚语 144
八、学生的背诵心得 151
参考文献 159
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