- 电子书积分:20 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘熹编著
- 出 版 社:成都:四川大学出版社
- 出版年份:1988
- ISBN:7561401140
- 页数:736 页
第一部分:TOEFL技巧琐谈 1
第二部分:TOEFL语法要点 11
1.verbs(adjectives)of urgency 11
2.sentences of real condition sentences of unreal condition 24
3.hope that wish that 37
4.had hoped that wished that 46
5.would+v.+but……would have+P·P·+but 50
6.dangling modifiers 55
7. affirmat ive agreement negat ive agreement 70
8.causatives 77
9.so,so that 86
10.disjunctive questions 91
11.no matterhow however 101
12.if+clause 106
13.if,unle ss 111
14.in case 117
15.though(+clause of concession)……as 124
16.adverbial clau se of time 129
17.parallel structure 133
18.Would you like to Do you like to 145
19.used to to be used to 149
20.hardly……when……scarcely……when……no sooner……than 157
21.prefer……to……would rather……than 161
22.double comparatives 166
23.as……as……more……than 170
24.split infinitive 173
25.multiple+as……as 177
26.as,like 182
27.as……as……thesame as 191
28.word order of some subordinate clauses 195
29.kind of 205
30.double objects 208
31.slang and formal written English 217
32.for+n.to+v 227
33.active voice and passive voice 231
34.pronoun agreement 236
35.so honest a man such an honest man 245
36.unnecessary repetition 252
37.present part iciple past participle 260
38.inversion 276
39.know how 288
40.prepositions at the end of sentences 292
41.number: French,The French 297
42.number: physics,pants 301
43.number: radius,crises 305
44.number: riches,mumps 310
45.number: all 313
46.number: all,any,none both,either,neither 316
47.number:both,several,many,few,a few,much,little,a little 320
48.number:every,each,no 332
49.number:the rest,half,part,percentage 337
50.number: collective nouns 340
51.number: nouns as adjectives 347
52.number:subject+{accompanied by together with along with in addition to} 353
53.number:compound nouns as adjectives 358
54.number:subject clause 363
55.may(must)have+p·p 368
56.must have been+ing must be+-ing 378
57.must have+p·p·should have+p·p 382
58.to be supposed to 388
59.remember+infinit ive remember+gerund 397
60.like+infinitive like+gerund 402
61.stop+infinitive stop+gerund 420
62.try+infinitive try+gerund 424
63.intend+infinitive intend+gerund 427
64.attend,attend at 431
65.bid 434
66.effect,affect 439
67.consider 444
68.raise,rise 448
69.bring,take,fetch 453
70.lie,lay,lie 457
71.need+infinitive need+gerund 465
72.consent to 472
73.expect 476
74.afford 479
75.admit 483
76.forbid,prohibit 486
77.agree 490
78.enter,enter into 494
79.whoever,who mever 496
80.had better 500
81.already,yet 507
82.hardly 512
83.double negative 517
84.other 521
85.why+(not)v. 526
86.superlat ive degree+in……superlative degree+of 529
8 7.for,since,after 532
88.they,them those 540
89.late,lately fast,early,half,long,straig-ht,hard 545
90.make,take 550
91.do make 556
92.enough,very,t oo 562
93.which,that 568
94.respectful,respectable 571
95.healthy,healthful 577
96.delighted,delightful 580
97.linking verbs 584
98.worth,worthy of,worth while 591
99.adjectives and adverbs 596
100.except,except for,besides,other than,tbu 607
101.a,an 610
第三部分:40道难题分析 616
第四部分:Two Model Tests 671
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