美丽中国 生态城市标准体系与实施评价 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:御道工程咨询公司著
- 出 版 社:北京:同心出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:9787547710210
- 页数:291 页
1 Eco-City:the Only Choice in Pursuit of a Sustainable Future 1
1.1 Global urban development is turning towards sustainability 2
1.2 China's urbanization in the past 4
1.3 The status quo of today's urbanization in China 5
1.4 Challenges currently faced by Chinese cities 7
1.5 Challenges that China cities may face in future 9
1.6 The way forward for urbanization in China 10
2 The Eco-City in China 13
2. 1 Theories and practice 13
2. 2 The establishment of eco-city related policies,regulations and standards in China 19
2.3 Primary challenges in moving forwards 24
3 Indicator System to Guide China Eco-City Development 27
3.1 Eco-city indicator systems 28
3.2 Indicator systems as comprehensive guides to eco-city quality control throughout planning,construction and operation 32
4 Pioneering Precedents with Eco-City Indicator System in China 41
4.1 Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City 41
4.2 Qingdao Sino-German Eco-Park 45
4.3 Learning from eco-city experiences in China 48
5 Methods for Indicator System Development 50
5.1 Adopting a systems theory approach 51
5.2 Adopting a mixed qualitative and quantitative research approach 54
5.3 Adopting a contingent approach to handle prediction uncertainties 55
5.4 Summary:an integrated methodology approach 58
5.5 Professional activities embedded in eco-cities 59
6 Indicator System Development Process 64
6.1 Background review on indicators for Qingdao Eco-Park 65
6.2 Establishing the indicator system's framework 65
6.3 Determining indicator benchmark values 67
7 Implementation of an Eco-City Indicator System 70
7.1 Technical deconstruction of indicators for SSTEC 70
7.2 Legal and institutional arrangements for implementing indicator systems 87
8 Governance Associated with the Eco-City Indicator System 100
8.1 Key stakeholders in the eco-city 100
8.2 Cross-sector departmental collaboration 104
8.3 Developing a sustainable urban management system for the eco-city 109
9 Summary and Prospects 116
10 Examples of the Deconstruction of Social Indicators 118
10.1 Proportion of Green Trips 118
10.2 Proportion of Public Housing 123
10.3 Jobs-housing Balance Index 128
10.4 Coordination with Regional Policies 132
10.5 Harmonious Social Culture 136
11 Examples of the Deconstruction of Environmental Indicators 139
11.1 Regional Air Quality Standard Attainment Rate 139
11.2 Regional Surface Water Quality Standard Attainment Rate 146
11.3 Noise Standard Attainment Rate in Functional Areas 153
11.4 Net Loss of Natural Wetlands 159
11.5 Native Plants Index 164
11.6 Coordination with Nature and Ecology 168
12 Examples of the Deconstruction of Resource Indicators 173
12.1 Tap Water Quality Standard Attainment Rate 173
12.2 Carbon Emissions per unit GDP 177
12.3 Proportion of Green Buildings 191
12.4 Public Green Space per Capita 196
12.5 Daily Water Consumption per Capita 200
12.6 Daily Domestic Waste Generation per Capita 206
12.7 Waste Recycling Rate 212
12.8 Proportion of Communities Within 500m Walking Distance of Free Culture and Sports Facilities 226
12.9 Proportion of Barrier-free Facilites 230
12.10 Rate of Innocuous Treatment of Hazardous and Domestic Solid Wastes 234
12.11 Municipal Network Coverage Rate 240
12.12 Proportional Use of Renewable Energy 246
12.13 Proportional Use of Water from Non-traditional Sources 258
13 Examples of the Deconstruction of Economic Indicators 265
13.1 Research and Development(R&D)Scientists and Engineers per 10,000 Workers,as measured in Full-time Equivalents(FTE) 265
13.2 Coordination with the Regional Economy 270
Appendix 1 Policies,Laws,Regulations and Standards in China 274
Appendix 2 Bibliography on Indicators Studied 280
Appendix 3 Indicator System of Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City 285
Appendix 4 Indicator System of Qingdao Sino-German Eco-Park 288
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