DL/T5221-2005城市电力电缆线路设计技术规定 英文PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:7 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会发布
- 出 版 社:北京:中国电力出版社
- 出版年份:2013
- ISBN:7512345461
- 页数:83 页
1 Scope 1
2 Normative References 2
3 Terms and Definition 3
4 General Provisions 6
5 Cable Route 7
6 Cable Laying Modes 10
6.1 General Requirements 10
6.2 Direct Burying 12
6.3 Cable Duct Laying 13
6.4 Tunnel Laying 16
6.5 Cable Trough Laying 17
6.6 Bridge Laying 17
6.7 Underwater Laying 19
6.8 Vertical Laying 20
6.9 Cable Connecting Poles(towers) 21
6.10 Cable Termination Stations 22
7 Selection of Cable Configuration 23
7.1 General Provisions 23
7.2 Selection of Insulation Shield,Metallic Sheaths,Armors and Oversheaths 24
7.3 Cable Conductors 25
8 Selection of Cable Accessories 28
8.1 General Provisions 28
8.2 Types of Cable Terminations and Joints 29
8.3 Construction of Cable Terminations and Joints 30
8.4 Cable Termination Supports 33
8.5 Overvoltage Protection 35
9 Design of Oil Supply System of Self-contained Oil-filled Cable 37
10 Grounding Modes of Metallic Sheath or Shield Layer 40
11 Selection of Cable Supports and Clamps 44
12 Process Design of Cable Tunnel 46
12.1 General Requirements 46
12.2 Cable Tunnel Interfaces 47
12.3 Auxiliary Facilities in Cable Tunnel 48
13 Fire Fighting Design of Cables 51
13.1 Selection of Flame Retardant Cables 51
13.2 Fire Fighting Design of the Cable Raceway and Cable Mezzanine of Substation 51
13.3 Fire Protection Design of Cable Tunnel,Cable Trench and Cable Shaft 52
Appendix A(Normative) Explanation of Wording in this Rule 55
Appendix B(Normative) Calculation of the pulling force and the lateral pressure 56
Appendix C(Informative) Calculation of length of the cable duct manhole 61
C.1 Calculation of the length of the cable duct manhole 61
Appendix D(Informative) Lateral displacement,thermal expansion,and axial force of snaking arc 64
D.1 Calculation of the lateral displacement of the snaking arc 64
D.2 Calculation formula of thermal expansion 64
D.3 Calculation formula of the axial force of the snaking arc 66
D.4 Calculation of the number and installation positions ofclamps needed for vertical laying of cables 67
Appendix E(Informative) Chemical stability of the plastic sheath 72
Appendix F(Normative) Correction Factors of Permissible Continuous Ampacity of Cables under Different Laying Conditions 74
Appendix G(Informative) Average Ground Temperature of Representative Cities of Various Regions around the Country in August 77
Appendix H(Normative) Calculation of the Oil Demand and Transient Oil Pressure of Oil-filled Cables 80
H.1 Calculation of the oil demand ofoil-filled cables 80
H.2 Calculation of transient oil pressure 82
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