传播与社会的批判研究 英文读本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:曹晋,(加)文森特·莫斯可(Vincent Mosco),(加)莱斯莉·里根·谢德(Leslie Regan Shade)主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海译文出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787532763160
- 页数:558 页
导论 1
第一章 Class 17
1.Communication and Social Class&Vincent Mosco 17
2.Dallas Smythe Today—The Audience Commodity,the Digital Labour Debate,Marxist Political Economy and Critical Theory.Prolegomena to a Digital Labour Theory of Value.&Christian Fuchs 26
3.Media Clubs:Social Class and the Shared Interpretations of Media Texts&Jill Tyler 80
4.On the Material and the Dialectic: Toward a Class Analysis of Communication&Lee Artz 98
5.Patenting Life: Commodification, the Patent Regime, and the Public Interest&Leslie Regan Shade 127
6.Trapped in the Digital Divide: The Distributive Paradigm in Community Informatics&Virginia E.Eubanks 140
第二章 Social Movements 157
7.Anonymous: From the Lulz to Collective Action&E.Gabriella Coleman 157
8.Assessing the Radical Democracy of Indymedia:Discursive,Technical,and Institutional Constructions&Victor W.Pickard 164
9.At the Margins of Internet Governance: Grassroots Tech Groups and Communication Policy&Arne Hintz Stefania Milan 181
10.Ecological Ethics and Media Technology&Richard Maxwell Toby Miller 196
11.Public Interest Media Activism and Advocacy as a Social Movement:A Review of the Literature&Philip M.Napoli 214
12.The Emerging Global Movement on Communication Rights:A New Stakeholder in Global Communication Governance?Converging at WSIS but Looking Beyond&Claudia Padovani Elena Pavan 253
13.US Environmental Group Websites and the Content of Cultural Production&Laura Stein 272
第三章 Labour 291
14.Digital Labour,Species-Becoming and the Global Worker&Nick Dyer-Witheford 291
15.Expression and Expropriation: The Dialectics of Autonomy and Control in Creative Labour&Ursula Huws 308
16.Holding Down Half the Sky:Female Knowledge Workers and Flexible Employment in China’s Publishing Conglomerates&Jin Cao Graham Murdock 324
17.Network Labour and Non-elite Knowledge Workers in China&Jack Linchuan Qiu 342
18.Hollywood Unions and the Fight for Work&Catherine McKercher 356
19.Immaterial Labor,Precarity,and Recomposition&Enda Brophy Greig de Peuter 368
20.Looking for Labor in Feminist Media Studies&Lisa McLaughlin 379
21.Working Knowledge:Why Labour Matters for Information Studies&Vincent Mosco 382
第四章 Gender 399
22.Empire and Sweatshop Girlhoods:The Two Faces of the Global Culture Industry&Leslie Regan Shade Nikki Porter 399
23.Engendering Change?Gender Advocacy in Open Source&Christina Dunbar-Hester Gabriella Coleman 411
24.Feminist Issues and the Global Media System&Margaret Gallagher 416
25.Gender, Simulation, and Gaming: Research Review and Redirections&Jennifer Jenson Suzanne de Castell 428
26.Malia Obama, Girl Photographer&Mary Celeste Kearney 445
第五章 Social Media 453
27.Can an Algorithm Be Wrong?&Tarleton Gillespie 453
28.Critical Media Studies 2.0:An Interactive Upgrade&Mark Andrejevic 458
29.Privacy as a Luxury Commodity&Zizi Papacharissi 471
30.The Precarious Citizen: Control and Value in the Digital Age&Katharine Sarikakis 475
31.Users Like You? Theorizing Agency in User-Generated Content&Jose van Dijck 482
32.Web 2.0, Prosumption, and Surveillance&Christian Fuchs 496
33.Why Youth (Heart) Social Network Sites: The Role of Networked Publics in Teenage Social Life&danah boyd 520
34.Surveillance Impediments: Recognizing Obduracy with the Deployment of Hospital Information Systems&Torin Monahan Jill A.Fisher 542
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