- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:白红爱著
- 出 版 社:长春:东北师范大学出版社
- 出版年份:2009
- ISBN:7560258840
- 页数:239 页
Introduction 1
1.Present situation 1
2.Objectives of this study 2
2.1 To take deviation of advertising English as a point of breakthrough 3
2.2 To make a cognitive and systemic-functional analysis of deviation 4
2.3 To provide a fresh definition and categorization of deviation 5
3.Research Methodology 6
3.1 A functional approach to deviation 6
3.2 Combination of semiotic and linguistic approaches 7
4.Structures of this dissertation 9
Chapter 1 Previous Studies Concerning Deviation 11
1.1 Introduction 11
1.2 Theoretical studies on deviation 11
1.2.1 Russian formalists'defamiliarization 12
1.2.2 The Prague School's foregrounding 14
1.2.3 Jokobson's poetic function 16
1.2.4 Halliday's motivated prominence 17
1.3 Practical studies on deviation 20
1.3.1 Deviation as a departure from the norm 20
1.3.2 Deviation including repetition 22
1.3.3 Deviation:external and internal 23
1.4 Summary:deviation in previous studies 25
Chapter 2 Deviation in Advertising Language:Previous studies and evaluations 29
2.1 Introduction 29
2.2 Evaluation of previous studies on advertising language 30
2.2.1 Studies with semiotic approach 30
2.2.2 Studies with linguistic approach 31
2.2.3 Studies with the combination of semiotic and linguistic approaches 33
2.3 Achievements made in studies of deviation in advertising English 37
2.3.1 Deviations at various linguistic levels 37
2.3.2 Deviations in textual structures 45
2.3.3 Deviating from internal norm(repetition) 46
2.4 Summary 48
Chapter 3 Definition of Deviation and its Theoretical Support 51
3.1 Introduction 51
3.2 Definition of deviation 51
3.3 Theoretical support from cognitive linguistics 53
3.3.1 'defeating the receiver's expectations' 54 Formation of expectations:schema theory 54 Process of integrating new information 58 Defeating expectations 61
3.3.2 'irregular linguistic feature and textual structure' 66 Entrenchment of cognitive units 66 Activation of entrenched cognitive units 70
3.3.3 'foregrounding and/or enriching meanings of discourse' 72 Profiling 72 Semantic mapping 74
3.4 Theoretical support from systemic-functional linguistics 77
3.4.1 'choice' 78 Choices in meaning potential 78 Choices in lexicogrammatical and phonological features 82
3.4.2 'motivated by certain communicative function(s)' 84
3.5 Summary 87
Chapter 4 Deviation and Advertising 91
4.1 Introduction 91
4.2 Purposes of advertising discourse and functions of deviation 92
4.2.1 Attention-catching 93
4.2.2 Interest-arousing 95
4.2.3 Memory-sustaining 98
4.2.4 Action-driving 99
4.3 Features of advertising discourse and conditions of deviation 101
4.3.1 Medium and virtual context of situation 102 Medium with pictures only 102 Medium with sounds only 106 Medium with both pictures and sounds 108
4.3.2 Market analysis and potential consumers 109
4.4 Summary 114
Chapter 5 Categorization of deviation in advertising 117
5.1 Introduction 117
5.2 Qualitative norms/deviations and quantitative norms/deviations 118
5.2.1 Distinction between qualitative norms and quantitative norms 118
5.2.2 Qualitative norms of language 120
5.2.3 Quantitative norms of genres and registers 122 Quantitative norms of genres 122 Quantitative norms of registers 126
5.2.4 Qualitative deviation and quantitative deviation 131
5.3 External deviation 133
5.3.1 Qualitative deviation:deviating from qualitative norms of language 133 Deviating from qualitative norms of language meanings 133 Deviating from qualitative norms of language structure 142
5.3.2 Quantitative deviation 150 Deviating from generic norms of advertising 150 Deviating from norms of different registers in advertising 156 Deviating from the quantitative norms of register features of advertising 158
5.4 Internal deviation:quantitative deviations within one advertisement 159
5.5 Summary 162
Chapter 6 Process of producing deviation:choices motivated by functions 165
6.1 Introduction 165
6.2 Process of generating a normal advertising discourse 166
6.2.1 Instantiation:Choices in meaning potential 167
6.2.2 Realization:Choices at the lexicogrammatical and phonological/graphological levels 172
6.3 Process of producing deviation 177
6.3.1 Establishment of virtual context of situation 177
6.3.2 Step 1:Producing quantitative deviation in the process of instantiation 184 Quantitative deviation from GSP of advertising 184 Changing of choice in meaning potential of registers involved in advertising 189
6.3.3 Step 2:Producing quantitative deviation in the process of realization 191
6.3.4 Step 3:Producing qualitative deviation in the process of realization 196 Qualitative deviation motivated by the changing of ideational function 196 Qualitative deviation motivated by the changing of interpersonal and textual functions 201
6.3.5 Step 4:Producing internal deviation 208
6.4 Analysis of deviation in advertising discourse:two examples 208
6.5 Summary 218
Chapter 7 Conclusion 219
7.1 General conclusion 219
7.2 Implications of the current research 222
7.2.1 Concentration on deviation in advertising English 222
7.2.2 Integration of cognitive,contextual,and functional dimensions 222
7.2.3 Definition of deviation based on both cognitive and systemic-functional theories 223
7.2.4 Combination of both semiotic(sound and pictures)and linguistic approaches 224
7.2.5 An analytical theory on the process of deviation production in advertising 224
7.3 Limitations of this research 225
Bibliograhpy 229
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