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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:(美)斯泰尔斯著
  • 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7301098812
  • 页数:382 页


1.Germany—People and Territory:The Nation-State 2

Introduction 2

Key Figures 4

Overview of German History 4

The German"Nation" 10

The German State 12

German Nationalism as an International Problem 14

Conclusion 16

Debate Topic 17

Questions to Consider 18

2.Excerpts from the 9/11 Commission Report:Intelligence 19

Introduction:Intelligence 19

"The System was Blinking Red" 20

"We Have Some Planes" 30

Inside the Four Flights 30

Epilogue 37

Key Figures 37

Chronology 38

Debate Topic 39

Questions to Consider 40

3.Sino-Soviet-American Relations:The Balance of Power 41

Introduction 41

Key Figures 42

Chronology 42

The Superpower"Triangle"and Alignments 46

Maior Incidents 47

The Balance of Power Triangle 58

Conclusion 60

Debate Topic 60

Questions to Consider 61

4.The Cuban Missile Crisis:Rationality 63

Introduction 63

Key Figures 64

Chronology 65

Rationality and the Cuban Missile Crisis 65

The Cuban Missile Crisis 66

Analysis of the Decision to Blockade Cuba 70

Response to the Soviet Offers 73

Conclusion 75

DebateTopic 76

Questions to Consider 77

5.The Military-Industrial Complex:Defense Spending 79

Introduction 79

The Iron Triangle 79

Department of Defense-Industry Cooperation 80

Industry-Congress Cooperation 85

The Reform Movement and the Persian Gulf Renaissance 87

Consolidation,Conversion,and"Cashing Out" 88

Conclusion 91

Debate Topic 92

Questions to Consider 92

6.Vietnam Homefront:Public Opinion 95

Introduction 95

Key Figures 96

Chronology 97

Public Opinion and Vietnam 101

Tonkin Gulf and Rally'Round the Flag 101

Growing Skepticism 103

Tet Shock and Johnson's"Resignation" 105

The Peace Movement 107

The Nixon Era and Congressional Reassertion 109

Conclusion:Can the Public Shape Policy? 110

Debate Topic 111

Questions to Consider 111

7.U.S.Role After the Cold War:The National Interest 113

Introduction 113

Key Figures 114

The"Great"Debate 115

National Interest 115

Hegemonic Imperative 117

Multilateralism 122

Conclusion 124

Debate Topic 125

Questions to Consider 126

8.The Persian Gulf War:Capabilities and Influence 129

Introduction:Power 129

Key Figures 130

Chronology 131

The First Persian Gulf War 133

The Diplomatic Phase:August 2,1990-January 16,1991 135

The Air War Phase:January 17-February 23,1991 136

The Ground War Phase:February 24-February 28,1991 137

The Inter-war Period:March 1991-March 2003 139

Enter the Vulcans 140

The War in Iraq 142

Conclusion 145

Debate Topic 145

Questions to Consider 146

9.The Kyoto Protocol:Collective Goods 148

Introduction 148

Key Figures 149

Chronology 150

Global Warming 151

Creating Rules on Global Warming Gases 153

Impasse at The Hague 158

The Current Situation 159

Conclusion 161

Debate Topic 161

Questions to Consider 162

10.The NurembergTrials:International Law 164

Introduction 164

Key Figures 165

Chronology 166

Organizing the Trials 167

Courtroom Drama 172

The Judgment 175

Implications of the Nuremberg Trials 176

Conclusion 178

DebateTopic 180

Questions to Consider 180


11.Apartheid in South Africa:Human Rights 184

Introduction 184

Key Figures 185

Chronology 186

0rigins of South Africa:1652-1910 189

Establishment and Consolidation of Apartheid:1910-1965 191

Stalemate:1965-1988 199

Dismantling Apartheid:1989-1994 203

Postapartheid South Africa 204

Conclusion 206

Debate Topic 207

Questions to Consider 207

12.Yugoslavia's Dismemberment:Anarchy 210

Introduction 210

Key Figures 211

Chronology 212

History to 1918 214

1918 to 1980 219

After Tito 222

Warfare in Slovenia and Croatia 223

Warfare in Bosnia 225

Warfare in Kosovo 228

War Crimes Tribunal 230

Conclusion:Whither Yugoslavia? 231

Debate Topic 232

Questions to Consider 233

13.Nationalism and the Russia-Chechnya Conflict:Nationalism and the Clash of Civilizations 235

Introduction 235

"Civilization"as an International Relations Concept 236

A Thumbnail Sketch of the Chechen People 237

Key Figures 238

Chronology 239

History of Chechnya's Conflict with Russia to 1990 241

The First Chechen War:1990-1996 242

The Second Chechen War:1997-2000 244

The History Since 2000 245

Debate Topic 247

Questions to Consider 247

14.Global Terrorism and al Qaeda:Terrorism 249

Introduction 249

Key Figures 251

Chronology 252

Islamic Fundamentalism 255

Osama bin Laden and the Founding of al Qaeda 256

Describing al Qaeda 258

Al Qaeda After September 11 263

Conclusion 265

Debate Topic 266

Questions to Consider 267

15.The Camp David Accords:Diplomacy 269

Introduction 269

Key Figures 270

Chronology 271

Henry Kissinger and the 1973 War 273

Camp David 279

Middle East Peace Since Camp David 286

Conclusion 287

Debate Topic 289

Questions to Consider 290

16.U.S.Interventionism:Strategic and Humanitarian Intervention 291

Introduction 291

Key Figures 293

Chronology 294

Dominican Republic:1965 296

Chile:1973 299

Somalia:1992-1993 302

Conclusion 304

Debate ToPic 306

Questions to Consider 306


17.Sweatshops and the Global Factory:Globalization 310

Introduction 310

The Sweatshop Phenomenon 312

Sources and Solutions 314

Conclusion 321

Debate Topic 321

Questions to Consider 322

18.Europe Uniting:Regionalism 324

Introduction 324

Key Figures 325

Chronology 326

The Emergence of the Common Market:1945-1957 328

A Primer of European Institutions 331

The EEC at Work:1957-1973 334

The European Community Under Stress:1973-1985 335

Renewal:1986-2004 338

Conclusion 344

Debate Topic 345

Questions to Consider 346

19.The International Landmine Ban:Nongovernmental Organizations 348

Introduction 348

Key Figures 349

Chronology 349

Has a Global Society Emerged? 350

Landmines and International Law 351

NGOs Become Involved 352

Landmine Ban Treaty Process 355

Post-Treaty Activity 358

Conclusion 360

DebateTopic 360

Questions to Consider 361

Credits 365

Index 367
